
2023-06-03 00:20张玉清付安民
密码学报 2023年5期

张玉清,刘 哲,付安民




密码学是网络空间安全的基础理论,能够为各种信息系统提供数据机密性、数据完整性、身份鉴别、不可否认性等安全服务.在新环境下密码学的应用潜力得到不断挖掘和释放,例如不暴露原始数据而完成模型训练的联邦学习技术、保护各自数据隐私安全并完成计算的多方计算技术、去中心化的分布式记账的区块链技术以及隐私保护技术等密码学应用新技术.然而,在实际的密码学应用中却面临密钥泄露、密码协议实现漏洞等诸多安全威胁.这使得新环境下的密码应用成为学术界、标准化组织及各国政府机构高度关注的重要领域.在国际,标准化组织(ISO)、国际电信联盟(ITU)、万维网联盟(W3C)、IEEE 标准委员会(SASB) 等标准化机构纷纷启动区块链、联邦学习等标准制定工作,意图推广新环境下的密码应用.在国内,科技企业积极参与上述国际标准制定工作.相关职能部门发布区块链、隐私保护等密码学新应用技术的国家标准制定工作计划,促进新环境下的密码应用发展.

在这一背景下,为促进新环境下的密码应用研究和探索,《密码学报》组织了“新环境下的密码应用”专栏,展示了我国学者在新环境下,在数据隐私保护、云存储安全、区块链安全防护等方面的部分研究成果.本专栏共收录8 篇论文,其中包括1 篇综述,分别简介如下:


论文《基于内积加密的双向隐私保护医疗诊断云服务方案》,提出了一种的医疗诊断隐私保护方案,该方案的设计目标是保护数据持有者(data owner,DO) 的医疗数据隐私和模型持有者(model owner,MO)的模型信息隐私,并通过部署在云服务器上的机器学习服务提供有效的医疗诊断服务.通信开销方面该方案无需多轮交互,只需一次计算即可得到安全计算的结果.在未加密的医疗图像数据集CRC-VAL-HE-7K上训练Efficient Net 模型得到95% 以上准确率,在加密的医疗图像数据上得到98% 的准确率精确诊断结直肠癌.

论文《抗泄漏CCA 安全的内积功能加密》,设计了第一个达到适应性抗泄漏CCA 安全性的基于非对称配对群构造的内积功能加密方案.在标准模型以及标准的MDDH (matrix decisional Diffie-Hellman)假设下证明了该方案满足上述较强的抗泄漏CCA 安全性.




论文《适用于云存储的可更新签密算法》,为解决云存储的密钥泄漏问题,实现保护的完整性和认证性,提出了可更新签密的概念,基于BLS 短签名和ElGamal 加密构造出一个双用户模型下的密文独立的可更新签密算法,并基于计算Diffie-Hellman 问题困难假设和判定Diffie-Hellman 问题困难假设,证明了该算法具有良好的密文不可区分性、更新不可链接性以及数据完整性.



Cryptography is the fundamental theory of cyberspace security,which can provide security services such as data confidentiality,data integrity,identity identification and non-repudiation for various information systems.The application potential of cryptography has been continuously explored and released in new environments,such as federated learning technology that does not expose the original data to complete the model training,multi-party computing technology that protects the privacy of their own data and complete the calculation,blockchain technology that is decentralized and distributed accounting and privacy protection technology and other new cryptography application technologies.However,in practice,cryptographic applications are faced with many security threats such as key leakage and cryptographic protocol implementation vulnerabilities.This makes the cryptographic application in the new environments become an important field of high concern to academia,standardization organizations and government agencies.Internationally,standardization bodies such as ISO (International Organization for Standardization),ITU (International Telecommunication Union),W3C (World Wide Web Consortium),and SASB (IEEE Standards Committee) have initiated the development of standards such as blockchain and federated learning,intending to promote the application of cryptography in new environments.Domestically,technology enterprises are actively participating in the development of the above international standards.Relevant functional departments have issued work plans for the formulation of national standards for new application technologies of cryptography such as blockchain and privacy protection to promote the development of cryptography applications in new environments.

In this context,in order to promote the research and exploration of cryptography applications in new environments,Journal of Cryptologic Research organized the column“Cryptography Applications in New Environments”,which showed some research results of Chinese scholars in the aspects of data privacy protection,cloud storage security,and blockchain security protection.This column contains a total of 8 papers (including 1 review),which are introduced as follows:

The review titled “A Survey of Open Source Cryptographic Software Supply Chain Security”focuses on the security issues of open source cryptographic software supply chain.It is proposed that based on open source software supply chain,cryptographic software supply chain difference is the radius,and the research scope of open source cryptographic software supply chain is clarified.At the same time,the typical security events of the open source cryptographic software supply chain are taken as the breakthrough point to construct a security risk model.On the basis of this model,the relevant security precautions and countermeasures are summarized.It lays a foundation for the subsequent researches on the security of open source cryptographic software supply chain.

The paper titled“Bilaterally Privacy-Preserving Medical Diagnosis Scheme with Functional Inner-Product Encryption” proposes a medical diagnosis privacy protection scheme.The design goal of the scheme is to protect the medical data privacy of the data owner (DO) and the model information privacy of the model owner(MO),and provide effective medical diagnosis services through the machine learning service deployed on the cloud server.In terms of communication overhead,the scheme does not need multiple rounds of interaction,and only needs one computation to obtain the result of secure computation.In terms of accuracy,the efficient net model is trained on the unencrypted medical image dataset CRC-VAL-HE-7K,and the accuracy rate is more than 95%,and the accuracy rate is 98% on the encrypted medical image data to accurately diagnose colorectal cancer.

The paper titled “Leakage-Resilient CCA-Secure Inner-Product Functional Encryption” designs the first adaptively leakage-resilient CCA-secure inner product functional encryption scheme based on asymmetric pairing group construction.Under the standard model and the standard MDDH (matrix decisional Diffie-Hellman) assumption,it is proved that the proposed scheme satisfies the above strong leakage-resilient CCA security.

The paper titled “A Verifiable Federated Learning Scheme Based on Homomorphic Signatures”designs a double-mask secure aggregation protocol based on publicly verifiable secret sharing,which notonly protects the user model parameters,but also supports the dynamic withdrawal of users and the sharing verification function to ensure the correctness of server decryption.Experimental results show that the proposed scheme achieves safer data aggregation and efficient aggregation result verification under the premise of ensuring the high accuracy of the global model,which is suitable for the federated learning system with a large number of mobile devices and limited resources.

The paper titled “Authentication and Key Agreement Protocol for Space-Ground Integrated Network” analyzes the security requirements and performance requirements of the existing authentication and key agreement protocols for space-ground integrated network,and proposes an authentication and key agreement protocol for space-ground integrated network.At the same time,compared with the same type of protocol,the proposed protocol is superior to similar protocols in terms of security,and reduces the communication and computation overhead to meet the lightweight requirements of the space-ground integrated network.

The paper titled “A Design of Side-Channel Countermeasure Based on Indistinguishability Obfuscation” proposes a new type of side-channel protection scheme based on indistinguishable confusion by improving an indistinguishable obfuscation scheme for affine determinant programs and combining indistinguishable obfuscation with side-channel protection,and applies it to blockchain scenarios.Compared with traditional methods,the use of random numbers is reduced and efficiency and stability are improved.

The paper titled “Updatable Signcryption Algorithm for Cloud Storage”,in order to solve the key leakage problem of cloud storage and achieve the integrity and authentication of protection,proposes the concept of updatable signcryption,based on BLS short signature and ElGamal encryption structure,a ciphertext-independent updatable signcryption algorithm under the dual-user model is proposed,and based on the assumption of the CDH problem and the assumption of the DDH problem,it is proved that the algorithm has good ciphertext indistinguishability and Update unlinkability and data integrity.

The paper titled“A New Searchable Encryption Scheme on Blockchain for Multi-User”aims at the problems that the practical application of blockchain searchable encryption scheme is greatly limited and the label is forged.This paper proposes a new blockchain searchable encryption scheme supporting multi-user scenarios.In the scheme,the homomorphic XOR encryption function is used to realize the control and management of multi-user rights,so as to complete the support for multi-user scenarios and make it more practical application oriented.The unforgeability of the search trapdoor is guaranteed by introducing the signature method of the search trapdoor,and the overall security of the scheme is improved.

Hope that this column can attract more domestic scholars to pay attention to the cross research of cryptographic applications in new environments,and promote the cooperation and exchange of scholars in related fields.
