
2023-05-30 09:16杨艳
重庆与世界 2023年3期


Chongqing again ranks among the top 10 cities of China in tourist satisfaction in 2022, according to February 22 data from the China Tourism Academy (Data Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism). Chongqing tourism has enjoyed growing popularity both at home and abroad in recent years. Since the beginning of 2023, Chongqing has strengthened internal and external exchanges and cooperation in the cultural tourism industry and given full play to such platforms as the “Window for International Exchanges of Chongqing Culture & Tourism (WICT)” and Chongqing International Cultural and Tourism Exchange Center, as it seeks to promote the construction of the international exchange center in Chinese central and western regions, improve the internationalization of its cultural tourism, and further enhance the visibility of its cultural tourism brand.

China (Chongqing)-Australia Cooperation in Cultural Tourism for Exchanges of Youth in Civilizations

On February 3, the Final Round of Chongqing Meets Australia Youth Promotion Officer Competition & Chongqing-Austrailia MoU Signing Ceremony was held at the Chongqing Window of International Culture and Tourism. The Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development, the Australian Consulate-General in Chengdu, and Tourism Australia signed an MoU on the promotion of cultural tourism, to advance exchanges and mutual learning of civilizations of Chongqing and Australia.

Specially designed for youth, the competition took language as a bridge and featured cultural tourism. Unlike regular English speech contests, the competition included themed promotion meetings, on-site district and county promotions, “diplomats visits in districts and counties”, and other links that highlighted “cultural tourism” and “international” elements, to make the youth ambassadors of cultural exchanges between China and Australia and thus facilitate people-to-people ties and bilateral exchanges and cooperation in cultural tourism.

Kicking off in July last year, the competition attracted nearly 1,000 teenagers from 44 primary and secondary schools in Chengdu and Chongqing. On the Chinese official website of Tourism Australia, a special column for the competition has been launched, receiving more than one million visits.

China-Belgium Symphony Concert Love for China Brimming with Local Characteristics Staged in Chongqing

On February 22, a grand symphony concert named Love for China was staged at Guotai Arts Center, Chongqing. It was guided by the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development and co-hosted by Chongqing Symphony Orchestra and Chongqing Opera House. The attendees included Belgian Ambassador to China Jan Hoogmartens and heads of relevant Chongqing municipal authorities including the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development and the Foreign Affairs Office of the Chongqing Municipal Government, as well as nearly a thousand spectators.

Love for China was truly reflective of what Peter Ritzen wanted to express after he had played throughout China and lived in Chongqing for two years. Through symphony, a grand narrative means that can be understood by people across the globe, the concert depicted a beautiful image of China in the eyes of an outlander. Themed “love” and composed of five movements of “Starlight”, “Fenghua”, “Earth”, “Love”, and “Music Land”, the concert showcased the struggling spirit of the Chinese nation for continuous self-improvement, the compliment of international musicians for beautiful China and the Chinese culture, and firm support of Peter Ritzen for the initiative of building a community with a shared future for mankind. Being a musical feast with the characteristics of the times and the charm of Chongqing, the concert praised the spirits of the new era, carried forward the Chinese civilization, and demonstrated the common values of all mankind.

Jan Hoogmartens spoke highly of the concert, hoping to see continued efforts to deepen cultural and artistic cooperation between China and Belgium, promote people-to-people exchanges and mutual learning, and make bilateral friendship endure.

Applying for the “2023 Asia-Pacific Tourism and Festival City Award” to Forge a World-Class City Brand

To strengthen Chongqings exchanges and cooperation with international organizations and enhance the internationalization of cultural tourism in Chongqing, Tang Shen, Deputy Secretary-General of the Chongqing Municipal Peoples Government, met with Gang Hoan Jeong, President of the International Festivals & Events Association (IFEA) Asia and his delegation on February 24. The two sides exchanged views on the application for the “2023 Asia-Pacific Tourism and Festival City Award” and discussed further cooperation on cultural tourism. Liu Qi, Secretary of the CPC Committee and Director-General of the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development attended the meeting.

Tang said that Chongqing is applying for IFEA “2023 Asia-Pacific Tourism and Festival City Award”, hoping to leverage the entry to enter a cooperation relationship with IFEA Asia.

Jeong said Chongqing enjoys unique location advantages, abundant cultural tourism resources, and huge development potential for the nighttime economy. He very much expected to see soon cooperation between both sides as a way to help Chongqing improve the internationalization of its cultural tourism and build a world-class city brand.

Since the application work started last year, the commission has convened online working meetings with IFEA Asia and invited the organizations delegation to investigate in Chongqing.

“WTA · Xianghu Dialogue” Held for Future Tourism Economy

On February 24, the “WTA (World Tourism Alliance) · Xianghu Dialogue” kicked off in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. Themed by “Harmonious Symbiosis: A New Paradigm for a New Tourism”, the dialogue was focused on four topics: “Collaboration & Cooperation—Revitalizing the Global Tourism Industry for Prosperity”, “Innovation & Progress—Keeping Up with Trends in Global Tourism Industry”, “A Comprehensive Approach—Advancing Quality Tourism Development”, and “Harmony & Sharing—Optimizing Tourism Destination Planning and Management”. More than 300 people from 31 countries and regions—including government officials and diplomatic envoys in China, as well as representatives of international organizations, tourism and tourism-related enterprises, tourism cities, associations, and academia—attended the event.

Chongqing Municipal Peoples Government is a member of WTA. Qin Dingbo, Deputy Director-General of the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development, was invited to the dialogue on new business forms that was themed “tourism reform and innovation & business form cultivation”. He emphatically shared the development of Chongqings night tourism.

Photo/Chongqing Municipal Commission of Culture and Tourism Development


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