
2023-05-30 08:30
重庆与世界 2023年3期

Chongqing Winning the Title of Pioneer City of Comprehensive Influence of International Communication with Excellent Performance in Foreign Affairs

On February 17, the 2nd Forum on Global Communication of Chinese Cities was held in Haikou. According to the Analysis Report on International Influence of Chinese Cities (2022) released at the Forum, ten cities, namely Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Wuhan, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Nanjing, Chongqing won the title of Pioneer Cities of Comprehensive Influence of International Communication.

In this report, the quantitative comparison was made for major indicators such as the cities connectivity and international exchanges, presence on overseas media, online attractiveness overseas, recognition among international travelers, and popularity of overseas think tanks.

In terms of connectivity and international exchanges, Chongqing is a city with multidimensional close connectivity, comprehensive strength, and favorable conditions to carry out all-around international interaction activities. It also leads in many indicators involving government, economy, and culture.

On specific indicators, Chongqing got the upper hand in the numbers of foreign guest receptions, sister cities, and consulates-general. Represented by Chongqing and Chengdu, the attractiveness of Chinas western region has been further enhanced.

Not only has Chongqing been among the Pioneer Cities of Comprehensive Influence of International Communication, but the city has also remained among the top ten in the comprehensive index of international Internet communication capability for four consecutive years.

Source/Official WeChat Account of Chongqing Foreign Affairs

重慶获中国“国际传播综合影响力先锋城市”称号 外事表现优异








Economic Cooperation and Trade Exchanges Between Chongqing and Belgium

On February 23, China (Chongqing)-Belgium Business and Industry Seminar was held in Chongqing. Nearly 100 representatives from government departments, industrial parks, business associations, and companies joined the discussion on topics such as biomedicine, clean technology, logistics, cross-border e-commerce, and trade, in a bid to tap development opportunities and promote exchange and cooperation.

“China has a huge market with enormous potential and is an essential partner for Belgium. In 2019, Belgium sent a delegation to China composed of more than 600 people,” said Belgian Ambassador to China Dr. Jan Hoogmartens. He added that Belgium is an important gateway to Europe, boasting a convenient and efficient transportation and logistics system. In 2021, bilateral trade between Belgium and China totaled over EUR32 billion. It is hoped that this seminar can be a platform to promote China-Belgium cooperation, more balanced bilateral trade, and greater interactions.

Zhang Yaxi, Deputy Director-General of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Chongqing Municipal Government expressed the hope that this seminar could serve as the catalyst for deeper mutual understanding in industries such as biomedicine, logistics, technology, environmental protection, and trade, laying a more solid foundation for future cooperation between the two places. She also added that Chongqing FAO stands ready to work with the Embassy of Belgium in Beijing, China as well as relevant parties for further communication, working together with Belgium for more tangible outcomes.

The two-way investments between Chongqing and Belgium have lasted for over 20 years with a sound foundation and a bright future for cooperation. In 2022, the import and export of Chongqing with Belgium registered RMB2.07 billion, an increase of 6.4% year-on-year. In the pharmaceuticals and biotechnology R&D, Chongqing companies undertook offshore outsourcing business from Belgium worth USD33.82 million, a year-on-year increase of 107.3%.

Source/Official WeChat Account of Chongqing Foreign Affairs





重庆与比利时双向投资已有20多年,基础良好、前景广阔。2022年,重庆对比利时进出口总额达20.7亿元,同比增长6.4 %。在医药和生物技术研发服务领域,重庆企业承接比利时离岸外包业务3382万美元,同比增长107.3%。


Chongqing and Hong Kong SAR Joining Hands to Speed up Exchanges and Cooperation

Carrying out the guiding principles of the Second Plenary Session of the Sixth CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee in full and focusing on the main task of building a new Chongqing in the new era and on the new journey, the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal Government staged four consecutive matchmaking and exchange activities to promote the collaboration between Chongqing and Hong Kong SAR.

From February 14 to 15, Zhang Yaxi, Deputy Director-General of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal Government, held discussion meetings with Li Wan In, Director of Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Chengdu; Wong Nok Kwan, Director of Hong Kong Liaison Unit in Chongqing; Zhou Hong, Representative of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) in Western China; Zhu Ye, Representative of HKTDC in Chongqing; Huang Zushi, President of Hong Kong Entrepreneur Association in Chongqing, etc. They had in-depth discussions about priorities and crucial stages in the cooperation between Chongqing and Hong Kong SAR in 2022. Zhang Yaxi also attended the 2023 Chinese New Year Gathering for Hong Kong People and Businesses in Chongqing.

As Zhang Yaxi said, 2023 is the first year to fully implement the guiding principles of the 20th CPC National Congress and build a new socialist modern new Chongqing in all respects. The Second Plenary Session of the Sixth CPC Chongqing Municipal Committee has set a clear direction for the citys high-quality development. The Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal Government will build on the momentum to fully resume in-person exchanges and speed up cooperation with Hong Kong SAR. It was her hope that Hong Kong and Macao agencies in Chongqing and the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal Government could set up cooperation mechanisms and make concerted efforts in such key areas as sci-tech innovation, finance, law, and talent exchange. She hoped that they could leverage respective resources to support key companies and international business organizations, and broaden channels to introduce talent, in an effort to contribute more to the economic and social development of Chongqing and Hong Kong SAR. She also expressed her hope for the Hong Kong Entrepreneur Association in Chongqing to pool the strength of Hong Kong people and companies and bring the cooperation between Chongqing and Hong Kong SAR to a new height.

Source/Official WeChat Account of Chongqing Foreign Affairs






Chinese and Russian Youth Discussing “Open Development, Realizing the Dreams of Youth”

From February 21 to 22, the Foreign Affairs Office of the Chongqing Municipal Government and Chongqing Municipal Education Commission organized a Chongqing youth delegation to attend the 8th China-Russia “Yangtze-Volga” Youth Forum. The forum was held online and in person, where Chinese students from five provinces and Chongqing Municipality in the upper and middle reaches of the Yangtze River in China and their counterparts from 14 republics and states along the Volga River in Russia exchanged ideas on the theme of “Open Development, Realizing the Dreams of Youth.” The Chongqing youth delegation was composed of students from Chongqing University and Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences.

The 8th China-Russia “Yangtze-Volga” Youth Forum had three sub-forums on the digital economy, innovation and entrepreneurship, and culture and tourism where representatives from both countries gave speeches followed by expert comments. It aimed to promote mutual learning between young people from the Upper and Middle Reaches of the Yangtze River in China and those from the places along the Volga in Russia.

The Chongqing representative delivered a speech on “Promoting Cross-Border E-Commerce Through Trade Digitalization”. In “Sharing the Future—Russian and Chinese Youths Tour to the Yangtze River”, a parallel session during the forum, Chinese and Russian students from Chongqing University showed up together against the background of the Tuanjiecun Railway Station in Chongqing, where the Chongqing-Manchuria-Russia railway freight first started. They shared vivid stories about the China-Europe Railway Express (Chongqing-Xinjiang-Europe) and the Chongqing-Manchuria-Russia railway which provided greater convenience for the closer exchanges between Chongqing and Russia. The students showed the spirit of Chinese and Russian youth featuring progress, friendship, and mutual support.

Source/Official WeChat Account of Chongqing Foreign Affairs






Gratitude Given to Chinese Medical Team During Overseas Services

On February 24, 2023, Chongqing Municipal Health Commission held a sum-up meeting on the work of the 11th Chinese medical team to Papua New Guinea and the 5th medical team to Barbados. Medical workers from Chongqing received many letters of appreciation from Chinese companies, Chinese communities, chambers of commerce of Chinese companies, and chambers of commerce of Barbados companies.

The 11th medical team to Papua New Guinea provided services from March 2021 to July 2022. It consisted of 10 capable healthcare providers with rich clinical experience from Chongqing Grade-A tertiary hospitals. The 5th medical team to Barbados provided services from December 2020 to March 2022. It consisted of nine experienced members from hospitals of Chongqing Medical University and Chongqing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital.

During their stay abroad, the Chinese medical teams received more than 6,000 patient visits by conducting remote consultations and group consultations with multidisciplinary doctors and by accompanying overseas Chinese to see a doctor, becoming the reliable health protectors for overseas Chinese.

Zhou Yi, Deputy Director-General of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Chongqing Municipal Government noted that the two medical teams presented a good image of Chongqing in these two countries with their noble ethics and exquisite medical techniques and made important contributions to Chinas overall diplomacy and Chongqings friendly exchanges with other countries.

Deng Li, a Member of the CPC Committee and Deputy Director-General of the Chongqing Municipal Health Commission, said the two medical teams gave full play to Chinese experts in leveraging their expertise and accomplished the foreign health aid with high quality.

Source/Hualong Newsnet








Chongqing Blue Sky Rescue Team Aiding Türkiyes Earthquake-Stricken Areas

On February 16, 2023, the first Blue Sky Rescue Team to Türkiye with 161 members returned to China, including 16 members from the Chongqing Blue Sky Rescue Team.

On February 6 local time, a magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck south-central Türkiye near its border with Syria. Following Chinas assistance efforts, Chongqing Blue Sky Rescue Team took professional equipment and set out for the earthquake-hit area to search and rescue people and provide medical aid on February 7 and February 10 respectively. They have won recognition from the Turkish government and the local people.

Luo Mingwen, captain and Secretary of the CPC Committee of the Chongqing Blue Sky Rescue Team said that in the first few days of their arrival in Türkiye, aftershocks were incessant. Under such circumstances, the team members went into the ruins and even worked through the night, racing against time to save people with their professional skills.

The rescue process was arduous, but the thanks of the local people warmed the heart of every rescue team member from Chongqing. When Yang Zhijian, a member of the team, was buying food from a local store, the owner refused to take the money. He took the money only after Yang said he wouldnt accept the food if the money was not taken. The female team member, Peng Lanxuan brought red bracelets and Chinese knots with her when she set off and exchanged these gifts with local people. There were also some citizens and police officers exchanging their small handmade gifts and police badges for the name tags and team badges of the Blue Sky Rescue Team members.

Source/First View of News






