
2023-05-30 04:59重庆日报
重庆与世界 2023年3期

What is Chongqing like in the eyes of the Ulaanbaatar people? In what ways can Chongqing and Ulaanbaatar deepen exchanges and learn from each other? What is the prospect of cooperation between the two places? The reporter had an exclusive interview with Sumiyabazar Dolgorsuren, Mayor of Ulaanbaatar.

Hoping to Bring Chongqings Rail Transit Technology to Ulaanbaatar

“I had the opportunity to see the Yangtze River myself in Chongqing. Mongolian textbooks tell our people that the Yangtze River means a lot to the Chinese people.” Sumiyabazar Dolgorsuren said that this is his first visit to Chongqing. Chongqings urban architectural features are very similar to those of Hong Kong. And Chongqing also has similarities with Ulaanbaatar, which is surrounded by four mountains with rivers passing through the city.” Chongqing has mountains and rivers. The buildings stand at different sea levels but are well-organized, making the city so charming. This is also a key point for Chongqing to attract foreign tourists.”

Sumiyabazar Dolgorsuren pays great attention to the construction of transportation infrastructure in Chongqing. He was surprised “there are 13,000 bridges of different sizes”. Sumiyabazar Dolgorsuren says that “one important purpose of our visit is to learn about Chongqings development in railway transportation, in which Chongqing has advanced technologies. We hope to bring Chongqings advanced technology and strengths in road construction to Ulaanbaatar through cooperation.”

Sumiyabazar Dolgorsuren mentions Chongqings development of electric vehicles in particular. “Chongqing has become an important base for electric vehicle manufacturing in China. We are also very eager to learn from Chongqings advanced experience in this area,” says Sumiyabazar Dolgorsuren.

Broad Prospects for Exchanges and Cooperation in Science, Technology, and Culture

Talking about the areas of future cooperation, Sumiyabazar Dolgorsuren points out the remarkable potential of developing a comprehensive partnership between Chongqing and Ulaanbaatar.

After visiting the monitoring center of the Chongqing Railway Transportation System, Sumiyabazar Dolgorsuren gains a deeper insight into Chongqings progress in digital and smart development. He hopes to introduce such advanced technologies from Chongqing to Ulaanbaatar and promote the localized application.

Sumiyabazar Dolgorsuren says that Ulaanbaatar values the digital development. 70% of Mongolias data is stored in Ulaanbaatar, and it needs a better way to use the data to boost Ulaanbaatars development. By now, the Ulaanbaatar government is planning to gradually establish a smart administration system for car parking areas, while some companies are trying to make their manufacturing smarter. He hopes to see smart upgrades in the payment system and e-government.

“There is also a lot of room for exchange and cooperation in areas like culture and education.” Sumiyabazar Dolgorsuren talks about Chongqing Universitys strength in training engineers, and he hopes to have more Mongolian students study at Chongqing University and learn information technology and participate in training.

Moreover, Sumiyabazar Dolgorsuren also believes that theres a lot the two cities can do in food. He mentions that Ulaanbaatar can export quality beef and mutton to Chongqing, and Chongqing can expand the fruit market in Ulaanbaatar. He expresses a strong wish to have direct flights between Chongqing and Ulaanbaatar, which will bring tangible gains to the two cities economic cooperation and trade.

Sister City Relationship Agreement for Better Development of Chongqing and Ulaanbaatar

Chongqing and Ulaanbaatar signed the MOU on establishing the sister city relations in May 2022. “Built on the MoU signed last year, we have agreed with the  Chongqing Municipal Government on signing an agreement to establish sister city relations between Chongqing and Ulaanbaatar. Our relationship will reach a new height as we identify concrete items for exchanges and cooperation between the two cities in the economy, culture, and so on.”

“The friendly relations between Chongqing and Ulaanbaatar are developing so fast because we trust each other. I believe that based on mutual trust, we can take the friendly exchange and cooperation between the two cities to a new level and become a model of sub-national exchange. I have very high expectations for the exchanges and cooperation between Ulaanbaatar and Chongqing, and I hope that Ulaanbaatar and Chongqing will prosper together and I wish Ulaanbaatar and Chongqing a brighter future,” says Sumiyabazar Dolgorsuren.

Source/Chongqing Daily















