Could tripartite Leggett-type nonlocality be tested?*

2023-05-14 03:03KHANAbdulSattarYANGMachengQIAOCongfeng
中国科学院大学学报 2023年3期

KHAN Abdul Sattar, YANG Macheng, QIAO Congfeng,2†

(1 School of Physical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China;2 Key Laboratory of Vacuum Physics, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China)

Abstract The Leggett inequality is a constraint on the bipartite correlation that admits certain types of nonlocalities. Could such constraints be obtained for more parties? Here in search for the answer we found new inequalities for three parties which could be used to check the compatibility between quantum mechanics and nonlocal realism. For certain measurement settings violations are found for GHZ, W and an arbitrary three-qubit pure states. Our inequalities are stronger than the existing inequality in literature (arXiv:1111. 4119v1). These experimentally realizable inequalities, generalization to n-parties possible, could better our explanations for nonlocal correlations in multiparty case, along with some applications in cryptographic key distribution beyond the standard quantum key distribution schemes.

Keywords multipartite nonlocality; tripartite Leggett model; nonlocal realism

Correlations are the no-signaling probability distributions characterizing the outcomes of mea-surements performed on entangled quantum states. These no-signaling probability distributions could be characterized into local and quantum depending upon the violations of the Bell inequalities. The correlations which do not violate Bell inequalities, which are derived under the assumption of local realism, fall into the category of local correlations while quantum (nonlocal) otherwise.

Actually, nonlocality is the pronounced characteristic of quantum theory which supports many advantages afforded by a quantum processing of information and announces itself in the violations of various Bell inequalities[1-3], which have been verified in photons[4], atoms[5], and hybrid systems[6]. Very recently Bell-CH inequality has been generalized to test local realism in high energy physics[7]. The violation of which stamps the authority of the Bell’s theorem as one of the profound discoveries in the science world at the level where quanta obey only the quantum theory.

In 2003, Leggett introduced a class of nonlocal model, i.e., relax the requirement of locality while still keep the realism[8], and formulated an incompatible theorem between the nonlocal realism and QM in terms of the Leggett inequality.Soon after, experiments with photon were performed and shown in conflict with the Leggett model and agree with the quantum predictions[9-12]. Lately, the falsifications of Leggett model using neutron matter wave and with solid state spins were carried out[13-14]. Unlike the Bell inequality, there is no explicit requirement for active measurement in obtaining the Leggett inequality. Recently a scheme has been proposed to test the nonlocal hidden variable theory by the Leggett inequality in high energy physics[15]. Again, which supports the statement, in the interactions which obey only the quantum theory, any future extension of the theory that is in agreement with the experiments must abandon certain features of realistic descri-ption[9].

Whereas, going from two parties to three makes the situation much complicated as the discussions about whether the nonlocality is genuine or weak join the party. So, in the multipartite case, nonlocality displays much richer or more complicated structure compared to the case of bipartite. This makes the study and the characterization of multipartite nonlocal correlations an interesting, but challenging problem. Although much work has been done for multipartite Bell nonlocality (most importantly Svetlichny, first attempt towards genuine tripartite nonloclaity[16]) but multipartite Leggett-type nonlo-cality stays silent.

So, the main question we ask for in this paper is, does Leggett model for tripartite exist? We build inequalities for three parties standard Bell scenario, visualization of the experimental setup could be seen in Fig.1, and check for the violations for tripartite states. In this work we provide an inequality containing only tripartite correlations with one additional assumption that bipartite correlations are zero for the GHZ state when measurements are restricted in thexy-plane.Which raises an intriguing question. Could GHZ tripartite correlations be constrained from single party marginals? We think yes, hence the current work. While the other inequality, which contain both bipartite and tripartite correlations, provides constraints to check for the violations of the W state in thexz-plane. Conditions are presented to check for the violations of the arbitrary three-qubit pure state as well. Generali-zation of the both inequalities to more parties seem possible.

1 Constraints for only tripartite GHZ correlations

Conjecture1If bipartite correlation function is a fully mixed point in the probability space then it would be zero.

A common source distributes photons with well-defined polarizations u,v and w to the three parties A, B and C which perform measurements along a,b and c respectively. And the outputs are recorded at the coincidences detectorFig.1 Visualization of the experimental setup

Which is certianly possible using the approach used in Ref.[17], if inputs are restricted in thexy-plane bipartite correlations become zero. But according to this approach single side averages become zero as well. Such a case raises an interesting question that QM perdicts single side probabilities to be zero where as we are obtaining constraints from local averages. So, we are extending Leggett’s original idea to the tripartite case, i.e., sharp properties at the individual level of three parties.

Using measurement settings shown in Fig.2, the following inequality is obtained,


Here, tripartite correlation function is defined as,


andF(λ) is a distribution function of the source polarizations.

2 Constraints on bipartite and tripartite correlations

Using measurement settings shown in Fig.2, we get

They tossed pillows and sang songs. Afterward3 they cleaned up the mess. Mrs. Delane made Wendy, Lester and Tina cups of hot chocolate and tucked them into bed. Tina started to snore.


In our measurement settings Alice has three settings while Bob and Charlie have six settings each.

3 Comparison with the existing inequality

In Ref.[18], Deng et al. made the first attempt, according to our knowledge, for multipartite Leggett-type inequalities and a tripartite inequality has been provided,


the shortcoming of which is that the bound does not change with the change of the parties. It has been generalized to n-parties as well but the bound stays the same even for n-parties.

Alice has 3 measurement settings whereas Bob and Charlie have 6 settings each. Only one setting for Alice, which is in the middle of the two settings shown for Bob and in the middle of c1 and for Charlie, is shown; similar settings for other two directions are chosen. For GHZ and the arbitrary three-qubit pure states measurements are restricted in xy-plane and for W state in xz-planeFig.2 Specific triple-measurement settings for the tripartite Leggett-type inequalities

4 QM expectation values and their violations

4.1 For GHZ state





After using different values of the angle in (1), (6) and (7), compatibility between QM and nonlocal realism can be checked as shown in Fig.3(a).

(a) Shows the violations of the QM values for GHZ state when the measurements are restricted in the xy-plane and the angle is the azimuthal angle (φ). Whereas (b) presentsthe results for W state for respective measurement set while restricting the inputs in the xz-plane and the polar angle (ϑ) is used to check the compatibility between QM and nonlocal realismFig.3 Violations of the two inequalities in the full range of the angle

4.2 For W state


In thexy-plane, the predicted quantum expectation value vanishes for any choice of azimuthal angles[19].


using these values compatibility could be checked as shown in Fig.3(b).

4.3 For an arbitrary three-qubit pure state

Forμ1=μ2=μ3=0, it is equivalent to GHZ state, so the results are applicable to this state as well.

5 Conclusions

In this work, in pursuit of understanding nonlocality in multipartite case specifically Leggett-type nonlocality which is still unknown, we developed inequalities for three parties and check do quantum mechanical values violate these inequalities which are built on the assumption of nonlocal realism as advocated by Leggett. Violations are found which is in favor of the claim that nonlocality is a phenomenon, i.e., a fact of observation[22]. These inequalities are compared with the inequality in the literature, our inequalities are certainly stronger and confirm more violations of three tripartite states, i.e., GHZ, W, and an arbitrary three-qubit pure states.

Whether it is a weak or genuine tripartite Leggett-type nonlocality remains an open question? However, it could be one of the first attempt towards certain kind of nonlocalities in multiparty case and towards a better understanding of nonlocality in thiscase and overall. As nonlocality is gaining focus with increasing frequency with the maturity of quantum information science, we believe our results would get influential with time. We have tried to write the paper as easy as possible and simplified mathematics because our focus is more on the conceptual grab of the nonlocality. As in quantum steering one side is measurement dependent, so we believe Leggett model has yet to contribute a lot in quantum information science generally and in quantum steeringspecifically, considering its dependence upon the measurements. In that regard, we believe this work would get prominence on the canvas.


Detailed derivations of the inequalities appeared in this work will be presented elsewhere.

We miss our collaborator LI Junli very much for his various discussions on related topics.