
2023-04-29 00:00:00林风光

摘要:研究了一类具有收获和庇护所效应的生态流行病模型,假设疾病仅在捕食种群之间传播,同时考虑了Holling II型功能性反应及饱和发生率.首先运用Routh–Hurwitz判据讨论了非负平衡点的局部稳定性,然后通过构造Lyapunov函数并结合LaSalle不变集原理得到了平衡点全局渐近稳定的充分条件,最后利用Pontryagin最大值原理研究了最优收获策略.

关键词:庇护所效应; 饱和发生率; Holling II型功能性反应; 收获

中图分类号:O175 文献标志码:A


Abstract:An eco-epidemiological model with harvesting and refuge effect is studied, assuming that the disease only spread among predator populations, and the Holling type II functional response and saturated incidence rate are considered. First of all, the local stability of non-negative equilibria is discussed by using Routh-Hurwitz criteria. Then, the sufficient conditions for the global asymptotical stability of the equilibria are obtained by constructing Lyapunov functions and combining with LaSalle’s invariance principle. Finally, the optimal harvesting strategy is investigated by using Pontryagin’s maximum principle.

Key words:refuge effect; saturation incidence; Holling type II functional response; harvesting


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基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目 (11561041)
