Guide to Authors

2023-04-22 16:43:01
Ecological Economy 2023年4期

Aims and scope

With the tenet of concerning ecology and serving economy,aimed at constructing a harmonious society of man and nature,Ecological Economy focuses on the sustainable development of economy and environment,and puts attention on theories,methods and technical innovations concerning ecological/green economy,circular economy and ecological/green industry.The sustainable development of economy and society,and the sustainable development of the population,resource and environment are also within the concern of the journal.Besides,the journal also has eye on the regional economy,Western Development in China,and issues concerning agriculture,countryside and farmers.Devoted to boost the development of ecological economy,the Journal publishes original excellent research papers dealing with topics mentioned above,and reports the up-to-date progress in those fields all over the world.

Requirements for contributions

Ecological Economy only accepts original papers that have never been published in English in any form.Manuscripts are to be written in English.Authors whose native language is not English are advised to seek the help of an English-speaking colleague,if possible,before submitting their manuscripts.Authors from Mainland,Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan of China are required to provide a Chinese copy for an easy understanding and convenient revision.The manuscript should also be sent by email in Microsoft Word.The tables and figures should be mentioned in the appropriate places in the text.The first page of the manuscript includes title,author’s name,author’s institution and mailing address (including email address).If there are 2 or more authors,the corresponding author should be identified.Otherwise,communication will be with the first author.All the figures should be arranged with serial numbers,such as Figure 1,Figure 2 and Figure 3.All the cutlines should be related to figures,and they should be placed outside the figures,not inside.Tables should be numbered according to the order in which they are referred to in the text,for example,Table 1,Table 2 and Table 3,and be appropriately placed in the text,with a concise explanation.Table titles should be concise and exactly explain what the table shows.

1.Manuscripts should fall into one of the three categories: Review & Commentary,Theoretical Study,Empirical Analysis.

2.Manuscripts in general should be organized in the following order:

a.title (should be accurate,breviate,clear,descriptive and not more than 15 words);

b.names of authors;

c.affiliations and address (complete correspondence address,including fax number and e-mail address);

d.abstract (should be clear,descriptive and about 200 words,no more than 300words);

e.keywords (three to five);

f.articles of about 5000 words,no more than 8000 words,with a clear introduction to the subject and outline of the overall theme,presentation of subject with supporting evidence(including detailed reference of sources) and clear arguments,conclusion;i.e.,Introduction– Material studied,area descriptions,methods,techniques– Results – Discussion;

g.acknowledgements if necessary (mainly the foundation item);


i.tables and diagrams if necessary.

3.SI units should be used.

4.Copyright: when quoting from someone else’s works or paper,or when reproducing an illustration or table from a book or Journal,the author should make sure not to infringe copyright.