
2023-04-17 12:19:39MuneebKhanJahanzebButt张晏瑲
中华海洋法学评论 2023年2期

Muneeb Khan M. Jahanzeb Butt 张晏瑲

海洋资源的利用、海洋贸易和海洋渔业使海商法始终处于发展之中。人们认识到,由于全球商品的海上运输方式和海洋资源的开采方式历经变革,21 世纪已然改变了“海商法”的涵义。并且,用于管理海洋和规范航运的法律已融入现代实践,海商法有可能以一种全新的方式来被定义。由穆科技(Proshanto K.Mukherji)、马克西莫·梅希亚(Maximo Q. Mejia)和XU Jingjing 编著的《发展中的海商法》一书,1Maritime law in motion, Proshanto K. Mukherjee, Maximo Q. Mejia & XU Jingjing, eds.,Springer, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-31749-2.以海商法的各个不同视角审视了现代海运业,并对其当代发展提供了更为细致入微的理解。全书共37 个章节,由来自22 个国家的45 位作者撰写,梳理了海商法的代际发展,并对海事、航运和面临诸多挑战的海洋治理等方面做了深入阐释。


值得一提的是,部分作者认为《国际海上人命安全公约》《国际防止船舶造成污染公约》和《1978 年海员培训、发证和值班标准国际公约》在应对自主航运发展和气候变化挑战方面并未加以跟进更新。此外,还有一些作者认为《联合国海洋法公约》需要现代化的解释,以便为沿海国制订新的责任、义务和权利,并对自主船舶进行属地监管和海洋污染控制。有作者建议,国际海事组织可考虑进行架构和职能改革,并采取可能的市场措施,以满足气候变化和自主航运的需求。由于气候变化和技术进步(如人工智能),国际海事组织正面临着当代环境下的治理挑战,范围界定工作、2020 船舶“限硫令”和温室气体排放法规是探索新技术、控制船舶大气污染源的大胆举措。国际海事组织当前的任务和结构使其足以应对这些挑战,然而技术和经济的不确定性也对国际海事组织的领导力具有消极影响。






Maritime Law in Motion: Book Review

Muneeb Khan, M. Jahanzeb Butt, CHANG Yen-Chiang*

* Muneeb Khan, Dalian Maritime University, China; M. Jahanzeb Butt, Postdoctoral Research, School of Law, Shandong University, China; CHANG Yen-Chiang, Professor, Law School, Dalian Maritime University, China, Ph.D. in Law, E-mail: ycchang@dlmu.edu.cn.


The utilisation of ocean resources and trade through sea and marine fisheries have kept maritime law always in motion. It is already acknowledged that the 21st century has changed the lexical of maritime law because the means of global merchandise carried by sea and the latest methods of extracting marine resources have been transformed. As it has been recognised that the laws regulating oceans and shipping have been integrated into modern practices, there is a potential for new means of defining maritime law. The bookMaritimeLawinMotion,1Maritime law in motion, Proshanto K. Mukherjee, Maximo Q. Mejia & XU Jingjing, eds.,Springer, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-31749-2.edited by Proshanto K. Mukherji, Maximo Q. Mejia, and XU Jingjing, examines the modern maritime industry from every conceivable perspective of maritime law and delivers a much more nuanced understanding of its contemporary development.Collectively, the book has 37 Chapters (written by 45 authors from 22 States)connecting the inter-generational development of maritime law and has undertaken a prodigious effort to explain marine, shipping, and ocean governance faced with additional challenges.

Owing to new challenges in the maritime industry, this inaugural book adheres to a new structure while examining maritime law from various perspectives.It offers a massively imperative and instantly obligatory novel approach to maritime law, particularly in its emphasis on the significance of multidisciplinary approaches that combines public (international-maritime) and private (maritime)law. Furthermore, it is segmented principally from the perspective of civil and common law jurisdictions, which with a more comprehensive analysis about crossborder litigation and governance of maritime disputes in diverse regions. Several pure legal research methods have been adopted throughout all chapters, thoroughly examining the existing and upcoming challenges faced by the International Maritime Conventions of the International Maritime Organization (IMO).

In particular, it has been opinionated by several authors that theInternational ConventionfortheSafetyofLifeatSea(SOLAS), theInternationalConvention forthePreventionofPollutionfromShips(MARPOL), and theInternational ConventionontheStandardofTraining,Certification,andWatch-Keeping(STCW)are not updated following autonomous shipping development and climate change challenges. Furthermore, it has been argued that theUnitedNationsConventionon LawoftheSea(UNCLOS) requires modern interpretation in order to create new responsibilities, liabilities, and rights of the coastal States for territorial regulation of autonomous ships and control of marine pollution. It has also been advised that the IMO may consider a structural and functional change to meet the demands of climate change and autonomous shipping with respect to a possible marketbased measure. As IMO is facing governance challenges in a contemporary setting as a result of climate change and technological advancements (such as artificial intelligence), scoping exercises, Sulphur 2020 and GHG Emissions Regulations are bold steps towards navigating new technologies and controlling ship sources of air pollution. IMO’s current mandate and structure enable it to address these challenges; however, technological and economic uncertainties impact IMO leadership.

Under the IMO regulations and public/private law, the international legal framework for maritime security has also been analysed. In the conduct of antipiracy operations, regulation of nonstate actors (such as legitimate private security companies) requires new means under the international legal framework. The traditional principles of State sovereignty have been reiterated for such a regulation,that legitimate nonstate actors shall cooperate and collaborate with state actors(Coast Guards, Maritime Security Agencies, and Naval forces) under the existing international legal framework. As the level of activities of legitimate nonstate actors depends on the State’s discretion, it will describe the rules and regulations for maritime security. From such a point of view, there has been significant discussion on zonal and functional approaches expressed through UNCLOS. It has been stated that the hitherto concept of the free sea was very much unconstrained in the realm of the maritime commons that has yielded largely and indeed positively to a restricted regime reflective of the latest global developments.

In the upcoming years, the freedom of the seas under the UNCLOS could be more confined because the powers of the coastal States have been increased.While the coastal State’s powers to regulate certain usages of the sea and to assume jurisdiction to exercise responsibility for marine pollution is immense, there shall be a balance between rights and responsibilities to keep the seas open for global goods (such as marine scientific research). In this respect, the flag States embracing such vital matters of global commons shall be indispensable facets of maritime law following the international legal framework. To this end, it is concluded that understanding and appreciation of the flag, coastal, and port State regimes under UNCLOS and IMO Conventions through an analytical examination are material pertinent to the upcoming and existing challenges.

Diversity of opinions and viewpoints is the primary feature of this book. The authors from various maritime backgrounds (including seafarers, maritime lawyers and academia, coast guard officers, and IMO experts) with a combination of legal expertise enabled them to provide fresh perspectives on maritime law. As the book focus on the combination of (public/private) international and maritime law, the discussion on practical aspects provides a comprehensive overview of the ocean and shipping legal and regulatory system. Moreover, exploring the new challenges for maritime law allows lawyers, academia, and maritime professionals to practice the suggestions in actual circumstances. This book is a significant piece for Ph.D.students interested in writing on maritime law or law of the sea, or a combination of both because it explains substantial gaps in the legal and regulatory landscape in shipping, marine, and ocean governance.

Although this book is an excellent reference for students and professionals interested in maritime law development and the current situation, the structure is quite complex. It also confuses the readers about climate change and autonomous shipping issues, as it argues that new developments in maritime law are to be provided under the IMO framework. This argument opens a new debate in the maritime arena that if IMO has a regulatory mandate for shipping, then how far other UN Agencies governing oceans are essential. This issue concerning the role of other UN agencies and their cooperation with IMO could be a new venture of research and writing in the field of maritime law.

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