薇拉·凯瑟 曹明伦/译析
The boys laughed, and so did Mary. She watched the Doctor devour her biscuit and sausage, too much excited to eat anything herself. She drank her coffee and sat taking in everything about her visitor. She had known him when he was a poor country boy, and was boastfully proud of his success, always saying: “What do people go to Omaha for, to see a doctor, when we got the best one in the State right here?” If Mary liked people at all, she felt physical pleasure in the sight of them, personal exultation in any good fortune that came to them. Burleigh didnt know many women like that, but he knew she was like that.
When his hunger was satisfied, he did, of course, have to tell them about Mrs. Marshall, and he noticed what a friendly interest the boys took in the matter.
Rudolph, the oldest one (he was still living at home then), said: “The last time I was over there, she was lifting them big heavy milk-cans, and I knew she oughtnt to be doing it.”
“Yes, Rudolph told me about that when he come home, and I said it wasnt right,” Mary put in warmly. “It was all right for me to do them things up to the last, for I was terrible strong, but that womans weakly. And do you think shell be able to nurse it, Ed?” She sometimes forgot to give him the title she was so proud of. “And to think of your being up all night and then not able to get a decent breakfast! I dont know whats the matter with such people.”
“Why, Mother,” said one of the boys, “if Doctor Ed had got breakfast there, we wouldnt have him here. So you ought to be glad.”
“He knows Im glad to have him, John, any time. But Im sorry for that poor woman, how bad shell feel the Doctor had to go away in the cold without his breakfast.”
“I wish I had been in practice when these were getting born.” The Doctor looked down the row of close-clipped heads. “I missed some good breakfast by not being.”
The boys began to laugh at their mother because she flushed so red, but she stood her ground and threw up her head. “I dont care, you wouldnt have got away from this house without breakfast. No doctor ever did. Id have had something ready fixed that Anton could warm up for you.”
【第1段】 注意三点:(1)译文把原文第二句和第三句合并成了一个句子,合并的理据是英语重形(形式),汉语重意(会意),这样译文用一个主语(她)配搭前后四个谓语(看着医生……,高兴得忘了吃饭、喝咖啡、打量着客人),看起来清爽,读起来流畅,同时也保持了原文的意思;(2)原文第四句主语只有一个she,译文用了两个“她”,目的是为了叙述清楚;(3)译文省略了原文第五句中的人称代词she和第六句中的人称代词he,但读起来意思同样清楚,同时避免了让“她”“他”“他(们)”这些同音词挤作一堆。
【第4段】第一句中,come = came(玛丽的英语比罗西基强,但偶尔也有闪失)。第二句中,up to the last = up to the childbirth(在分娩之前,直到临盆)。另请注意第三句人称代词it还原成了所指代的婴儿,第四句中的人称代词she和him分别还原成了所指代的玛丽和埃德。
【第5—6段】译文之所以将said one of the boys翻译成“小儿子约翰说”,是因为玛丽在答话中明确了这个孩子名叫约翰,而且原著后文随之就交代了约翰是罗西基和玛丽的小儿子(John, the youngest boy)。这种结合语篇语境的处理方法也属于我提倡的“隐性深度翻译”。隐性深度翻译的目的是在不改变原文意义的前提下,使原文意义更显明透达,译文语言更明白晓畅。(参阅商务印书馆2019年版《英汉翻译二十讲(增订版)》第16讲“当令易晓,勿失厥义——谈隐性深度翻译的实用性”。)
【第7段】注意“wish+过去完成时态宾语从句”这种虚拟语气的译法。假若此处原文只是“I wish I had been in practice then.”,譯成“当时我要是已开业就好了。”即可;但此处原文宾语较长(从句中又有个时间状语从句),故用代词“那”字复指“要是这些孩子出生时我就已经开业”,从而使句子读起来更为清爽。