Larry M. Kushner
The Consumer Electronics Show is the largest exhibition in Las Vegas. Most every exhibition venue in the city is involved withC.E.S. Usually hundreds of thousands of exhibitors and visitors from around the world are in attendance. Hotels are fully bookedand the casinos are busy.
While the name of the show indicates that it is about electronics, which it is, it is, also, so much more. There are companiespromoting all kinds of products, enough to meet everyones interests. These days electronics are involved in most products, however,the variety of the products are exceedingly broad. For instance, there are products that are promoted in the food industry, medicalservices, sporting goods and many other business sectors.
The Las Vegas Convention Center is the largest venue, having a central hall, west hall and north hall. Due to the gigantic sizeof the halls, it is very tiring walking from the west hall to the central hall. This problem has been resolved by making it possible to gofrom one hall to the other by driving in a Tesla automobile through underground tunnels below the convention center.
2023 年1 月舉办的消费电子展(CES)是拉斯维加斯最大的展览会。这个城市的每一个展览场地都与展会主题有关,通常都会有成千上万的参展商和来自世界各地的参观者来参加。每每这个时候,酒店都会被订购一空。
Curiosity is abundant. There are tens of thousands of visitors searching out the newest and most advancedproducts in every venue. While the primary purpose of attending the CES is to see the new products there is anextraordinary opportunity to meet interesting visitors from all over the world. When it is time to relax after a longday of walking in the various venues then you can go to the Venetian to enjoy the Spring Festival decorations. Thentake a gondola ride through the Venice canals stopping for a delicious meal at one of the many restaurants in theVenetian Plaza. The Venetian complex contains several of the large CES Exhibition Halls. So, it is very convenient towalk from the exhibition halls to the Venetian Plaza, Canals and shopping malls.
好奇心满满。每个会场都有成千上万的参观者在寻找最新、最先进的产品。虽然大家参加CES 的主要目的是看新产品,但这是一个与来自世界各地的游客见面的绝佳机会。当你在各个场馆走了一整天,到了该放松的时候,你可以去威尼斯人观赏中国春节风的装饰,然后乘坐贡多拉船穿过威尼斯运河,在威尼斯广场的众多餐厅中选一家,停下来享用美味的食物。威尼斯综合体包含了几个大型的CES 展厅。因此,从展厅步行到威尼斯广场、运河和购物中心非常方便。
Have you ever worried about your smart phone getting wet during a rain storm or spilling a cup of tea on yourlaptop! Now using the coating products from Nanoflow can put to rest those worries. Products manufactured usingthe Nanoflow coatings are water proof. Thats right, even electronics like computers can survive dosing with water.The coating can water proof any electronic equipment. I was amazed to see a circuit board completely submerged inwater without the board being damaged.
你有没有担心过你的智能手机会被突如其来的暴风雨打湿,或者茶水不小心洒在笔记本电脑上?现在使用Nanoflow 的涂层产品就可以消除这些担忧了。使用Nanoflow 涂层制造的产品是防水的,没错,即使是像电脑这样的电子产品掉进水中也没事。该涂层可使任何电子设备防水。在现场,我眼睁睁地看到一块电路板完全淹没在水中而没有损坏,科技真的十分神奇。
The Laser Pecker can etch images on many types of materials. Wood, plastic and metal are some of thematerials on which images can be very precisely engraved. The Laser Pecker is computer controlled so any image onthe computer may be engraved on to the substrate material. Here you can see my picture being etched on a plasticmaterial.
You want a violin, but it is just too expensive and violins are delicate instruments. Forget those worries. Nowviolins can be 3D printed. This young man was having a good time playing a piece of classical music. It all soundedgood to me being played on a 3D printed violin. While the violin plays just like a handmade wood violin, the makingof this 3D printed violin is based every bit on 21st century high tech electronics.
或许你心仪于一把小提琴,但可能却止步于它昂贵的价格和精致的制作工艺。现在忘掉那些烦恼吧。这个年轻人正在用3D 打印的小提琴演奏一首古典音乐,玩得很开心。对我来说,用3D 打印的小提琴演奏,听起来就已经相当不错了。虽然小提琴演奏起来的音质像传统手工制作的木制小提琴,但它却完全是21 世纪的高科技电子产品。
There were many companies at CES involved with the food industry. Two of these companies most especiallypiqued my interest.
Atte is a company that makes very special 3D printers. I was especially interested in their printers because I am aChocaholic (a person that loves chocolate a lot).
The Atte 3D printer uses chocolate for printing 3D objects. The great thing about these printed objects is whenyou are tired of looking at them you get to eat them, yummm chocolate.
在消費电子展上,有许多与食品工业有关的公司。其中有两家公司尤其引起了我的兴趣。Atte 是一家制造特殊3D 打印机的公司。我对他们的打印机特别感兴趣,因为我是一个“巧克力狂”。Atte 3D 打印机使用巧克力来打印3D 物体。这些“印刷品”的好处是,当你看累了的时候,就把它们吃了,啊,美味的巧克力。
Tineco makes a line of electronic programable kitchen appliances. One of their products attracted myinterest right away. This product is the automatic programable stir fry machine. Just program the device put in theingredients. Then when you return it is time for a delicious meal. The machine automatically stirs the ingredients. Theappliance can be programed to start and finish cooking according to your instructions.
Tineco 生产系列可编程厨房电器。他们的一款产品立刻引起了我的兴趣:可编程自动炒菜机。只要给设备编程,把原料放进去。当你回来的时候,就可以享用美味大餐了。这台机器自动搅拌配料。该设备可以根据人的指令编程开始和完成烹饪。
A most common item the toilet seat has gone high tech. Now the toilet seat from a number of differentcompanies offer products that can read your blood pressure, analyze urine and determine other important medicalinformation.
几千年来,大脑是如何工作的一直是个谜。现在,Sync Wave 提供了nir 引导的仪器,可以读取人的脑波,以确定大脑的医疗问题:病人戴着一个与电脑相连的头盔,头盔扫描病人的脑电波,然后由软件进行分析。该软件可以分析确定大脑中存在的或潜在医疗问题。阿尔茨海默病是该产品旨在揭示的疾病之一。
Testing blood sugar levels for diabetics has always been a sticky painful procedure. This new product eliminatesthe need to prick the finger with a needle. This device draws blood by using a laser and then the device will analyzethe blood sample for the sugar level.
This experimental device is a camera that uses lasers for a light source. The camera is used during heart surgeryto determine certain heart problems that otherwise could not be found. The camera is still in the developmentalstage. When the more advanced model is ready for use it will be able to provide a clearer and more detailed image toassist the surgeons during heart operations.
How the brain works has been a mystery for thousands of years. Now Sync Wave provides the Nir-Ledinstrument that can read brain waives to determine medical problems with the brain. The patient wears a helmetwhich is connected to a computer. The helmet scans the patients brain waves, which are then analyzed by software.The software can determine the existence or likelihood of future medical problems in the brain. Alzheimers Diseaseis one of the conditions that this product is meant to reveal.
Yan Ren of Shenzhen Zhongtan Diving Equipment Company shows how to use theelectric fan powered propulsiondevice. Just strap this device around the waist and off you go, effortlessly scooting under water.
Most divers need to continuously look at various gauges hanging from their equipment to monitor their air, how deepthey are, how much time they have before resurfacing. The Shenzhen Zhongtan Diving Equipment Company nowhas a heads-up monitor on a diving mask that shows drivers all of the necessary information, without having to dragaround all the gauges dangling from their waists.
Aqualines manufactured by a French company is a combination of an airplane and a boat. It uses ground effecttechnology to reduce the amount of energy needed to lift the vehicle above the water while carrying passengers athigh speed. Currently the company has prototypes flying and plans to go into full production in the near future.
A new automobile brand is emerging. The all electric high technology Afeela. This automobile will be manufacturedby a company, which is a combination of Sony and Honda.This car it is expected to have solid Honda constructionwith the most advanced Sony electronics. As self-driving cars become more common on-boardelectroniccommunication and entertainment systems will have greater importance.
一家法国公司生产的Aqualines 是飞机和船的结合体。它使用地面效应技术来减少在高速载客时将车辆抬离水面所需的能量。目前,该公司的原型机正在飞行,并计划在不久的将来投入全面生产。
The super motorcycle of the future. This European manufactured electric motorcycle has a unique design. Theback wheel is actually the motor. The bike is very powerful. You should see this model in full production soon.
The Caterpillar Company builds large equipment. This huge earth mover was on display at C.E.S. forexploration by all visitors. The size and weight of this massive machine is just mind boggling. Luiz Pustiglione, salesmanager explained, that actually this model of Caterpillar earth movers is the smallest model they manufacture.
Moving the big and heavy stuff! Plans are well under way to build giant blimps to haul large heavy items. Thistype of blimp can move objects to big and heavy to haul on trucks or railroads. The terrain does not matter to thisheavy hauler. It can operate over land or water.
This what the chassis looks like of an electric pick-up truck. Two direct drive electric motors and batteries. Amuch less complicated mechanical system than a gasoline powered truck.
卡特彼勒公司制造大型设备。这台巨大的推土机在CES 上展出,供所有参观者探索。这台巨大的机器的尺寸和重量令人难以置信。销售经理路易斯·普斯蒂利奥内解释说,实际上这种型号的卡特彼勒推土机是他们生产的最小型号。
Heads up display for your glasses. The most interesting concept involved with this product is how it is beingdeveloped. This product is being researched by a group of young scientists from around the world. Can you imaginehow many great products can be developed by harnessing the brain power of scientists around the world. This is onlypossible now by using modern computerized communications.
眼镜上的平视显示器。这个产品最有趣的地方是它是如何被开发的。一群来自世界各地的年轻科学家们正在研究这种产品。你能想象,利用世界各地科学家的脑力可以开发出多少伟大的产品吗? 现在只有使用现代计算机通信才能做到这一点。
Giant holograms. The electronic technology is nowavailable to apparently form free floating images. Thisgiant image (see picture to the left) is formed by a set ofspinning arms that are able by using a visual illusion trickthe eye into seeing an image that is really not there. Thearms spin at such a fast rate that the eye cannot see theblank space between the arms. The eye is tricked intoseeing a complete image. The picture to the right was madewith the camera shutter speed fast enough to show thespinning arms as the image was being formed. While thehigh shutter speed of the camera made it possible to see thespinning arms the human eye could not.
The Canon Camera Company was demonstrating the Canon RF 5.2mm Dual Fisheye 3D Lens. This lens cansimultaneously cast two images on the image sensor creating images that can be used to create 3d pictures or videos.The lenses each cover 190 degrees. It is very wide angle.
The object next to our correspondent, Larry Kushner, is not a space alien. It is the Kandao Obsidian Pro VRcamera system. The camera has eight lenses and eight APS-C sensors. The camera can be used for 3D 8K video. VRcameras such as this one are gaining high resolution.
佳能相机公司展示了佳能RF 5.2mm 双鱼眼3D 镜头。该镜头可以同时在图像传感器上投射两个图像,创建可用于创建3d 图片或视频的图像。每个镜头覆盖190 度。它是一个超广角。
我们记者拉里·库什纳旁边的那个人不是外星人。这就是Kandao Obsidian Pro VR 摄像系统。该相机有8 个镜头和8 个APS-C 传感器。该相机可用于3D 8K 视频。像这样的虚拟现实相机可获得的分辨率越来越高。(翻译:刘建波)