
2023-04-06 02:29:36詹姆斯巴雷特李苹
英语世界 2023年1期

文/詹姆斯·巴雷特 译/李苹

It’s been over 25 years since the first episode of Friends aired, but the show remains more popular than ever.Over the course of 236 episodes, we watched our favorite gang navigate their 20s through jobs, marriages, breakups,kids, and ultimately, for some, moving out of New York City.No two characters were the same, each bringing something different and quirky to the group.

自《老友记》第一集播出以来,已逾25 年,但如今该剧的人气更胜过往。236 集里,我们看着我们最喜欢的这群人度过他们20 多岁的岁月,经历工作、结婚、分手、生子,最终,有些人搬离纽约。没有哪两个角色是相同的,每个角色都给老友团带来了不同和离奇的东西。

2We still have so many thoughts.Were Ross and Rachel actually on a break?What if Joey and Rachel actually worked out? Was it hard to like Ross when he was dating his student? Remember when Phoebe single-handedly stopped an airplane from taking off? It all got us thinking about our order of adoration.So after much consideration, here is our definitive ranking of the Friends characters,from favorite to least favorite.


Rachel Green


3没有瑞秋这个角色,还有《老友记》吗?这部剧开头,瑞秋一袭婚纱闯入中央公园咖啡馆,逃离与巴瑞的婚礼。她出身富贵,没有爸爸的信用卡就不知如何生活,注定是个要被人低估的角色。但是,我们看着这1 0季里,她克服了种种困难。她改变了自己的故事,在朋友的一点帮助下维持生活。她向我们展示,你可以不结婚就生小孩,可以追随自己心中所爱,从服务员变身拉夫劳伦的买手。最重要的是,她下了飞机,我们对此欣喜万分。瑞秋·格林,你从来不是只鞋,但或许是个钱包。

3Is there even Friends without the Rachel? The show started with her barging into the Central Perk in her wedding dress escaping her nuptials to Barry.She was the character destined to be underestimated, the one who came from privilege and didn’t know how to live without daddy’s credit card.But as we watched over 10 seasons, she defied the odds.She changed her narrative and got by with a little help from her friends.She showed us that you can have a baby without being married and follow your passion going from waitress to buyer at Ralph Lauren.And, most importantly,she got off the plane.We’re so glad she got off the plane.Rachel Green,you were never a shoe … but maybe a purse1在《老友记》开头,逃婚的瑞秋与父亲通电话说“What if I don’t wanna be a shoe?What if I wanna be a purse, you know? Or a hat!”。shoe 需要成双,而purse 或hat 则是独立的。瑞秋这样讲是在表明自己想要独立的生活。.

Monica Geller

4Leave it to Monica to make her competitive side weirdly sexy.With a glowup2glow-up 指显著改变,适用于描述外貌的积极改变。of the century, she spent adolescence obese and ignored only to shed the weight to become a healthy and amazing chef.She even cut off Phoebe’s speech at Phoebe’s own wedding rehearsal because it was too long.Her apartment was home base for the group, always with her home-cooked meals.We cried through her struggle to get pregnant, and then cheered as she started her journey as a mother to twins.



Joey Tribbiani

5Could he be wearing any more clothes?!3钱德勒的重音和别人不一样,总把重音放在be 上。有次乔伊和钱德勒吵架,把钱德勒的衣服都穿在身上,还模仿他的口音说:“Could I be wearing any more clothes?”。There was a part of Joey that never grew up, and his genuine innocence and excitement for life (and food)was a laugh to watch.He always knew to ask, “How you doin’?” and made it abundantly clear that he doesn’t share food.Though this daytime soap star wasn’t the brightest of the bunch (he did lock himself in his media unit, leaving his and Chandler’s belongings ready for the thieving), we love him just as much.All these years later, we’re still swooning over his admiration for Chick and Duck.

Phoebe Buffay


5他还能穿得再多点吗? 乔伊身上有一部分总是长不大,他发自内心的纯真和对生活(以及食物)的热情让人捧腹大笑。他总是知道要问“你好吗?”,而且十分明确地表示自己从不分享食物。虽然这位日间肥皂剧明星并非这帮人中头脑最灵光的(他曾把自己锁进娱乐柜,致使他和钱德勒的财物被偷),我们还是非常爱他。多年过去,我们还是为他对“小鸡”和“小鸭”的喜爱而着迷。



6Phoebe didn’t need friends; she marched to the beat of her own drum4march to the beat of one’s own drum 我行我素。.But they needed her.In anything she did, she made it cool to be weird.“Smelly Cat” was a jam, no questions asked.She’s arguably the most selfless of the characters, always making sure those who she cared most about had everything they needed.She drove like a madwoman to get Ross to the airport.She brought humor to the group, and watching made us wish we had a friend like her.Her wedding in the middle of a New York City street during a snowstorm wasn’t what she expected, yet it was everything she ever wanted.We hope she found the phalange5菲比给自己起的假名叫Regina Phalange。phalange 是“指骨;趾骨”,因为生僻且发音怪异,多次被菲比拿来当姓氏。.

Janice Hosenstein

7Oh...my...God … We know what you’re thinking: Why is Janice so high on this list? The real question is, why not? Janice was an instrumental character who threw everything off balance.She managed to have Chandler wrapped around her finger with her...charm?Definitely her charm.But what’s so recognizable about her is that we all know a “Janice” in our lives.She’s a loose cannon6loose cannon 大炮(指举止无法预料的知名人士)。who means well, is lovable,and will always find one at the most inopportune times (like seeing Rachel in labor).While we’re glad that she and Chandler didn’t work out (and that she didn’t buy the house next to Chandler and Monica), their awkward love affair is something that’s hard to forget, even if we try.

Ross Geller

8He’s fine, everyone.He’s fine!Takes fajitas out of oven without oven mitts on.Ross was the big brother of the group.He had a side of cool, but three more sides of nerd.He never failed to remind people that he was a doctor (of paleontology).He never really mastered his love life.From his first wife leaving him for a woman, to cheating and messing things up many times with Rachel (or were they on a break?),to saying Rachel’s name at the altar in London next to his fiancée, Emily, this guy couldn’t catch a break.It must have been learning from all those mistakes that he knew to chase Rachel down at the airport, finally getting her back.





Chandler Bing

9You could always depend on Chandler for interesting humor, ongoing banter, and sarcastic comments.But understanding his career? That was another story.It wasn’t until his stint in Tulsa that his job became clear (statistical analysis and data reconfiguration).In that same vein, it wasn’t until Monica and Chandler actually got together in London that we could imagine such a dream relationship.They proved that opposites do attract and that old friends make the best lovers.His friendship with Joey was more than wholesome,and we may or may not have teared up when Chandler made sure Joey would have his own room in his new house.Bad jokes aside, Chandler has a soft spot that is so kind.■


9你总能见识到钱德勒的幽默风趣、接连不断的戏谑和冷嘲热讽的评论。但是你了解他的职业吗?那是另一回事了。直到他在塔尔萨就职,他的工作才变得明朗(统计分析和数据重构)。同样,直到莫妮卡和钱德勒在伦敦真的走到一起,我们才能想象这样一份理想的恋爱关系。他们证明,性格悬殊的两人确实相互吸引,老友是最好的情侣。他和乔伊的友谊非常健康向上,钱德勒确保自己的新家有乔伊的房间时,我们或许热泪盈眶了吧。撇开蹩脚笑话不谈,钱德勒内心柔软、善良。 □

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