The Development of China's New Party System and Its Internal Logic ……………………………DONG Shu-bin(1)
Theoretical Logic and Practical Prospect of Shaping Political Party Image by Political Ceremony ……SONG Bin(10)
The Formed Logic,Basic Content and Constructed Direction of the Discourse System of the Socialist Market Eco
nomic System with Chinese Characteristics……………………………………………………HU Rong-tao,etc(18)
"Poetry Has Its Own Style and Should Not Be Intermingled with Others"—The Typological Law of Landscape Poetry,
Pastoral Poetry and Farmer Poetry……………………………………………………………CHEN Wen-zhong(28)
The Yuan Literary Circle and Wu Quanjie's"Confucius Immortal"Imprint …………………WU Guang-zheng(40)
The Power of Language:The Impact of Dialect Skills on Employment Relationships…………FU Shuang-le,etc(48)
Domestic Construction,International Competition and Coordination of Data Rules ……………………QIU Jing(58)
Social Functions,Value Rules and Practical Logic of the Construction of All-Media Communication System………………………………………………………………………………………………CHEN Jie-feng,etc(75)
The Politicization of Economic Analysis Instruments in American Environmental Regulation:Centered on the Application of Cost-Benefit Analysis and Its Debate…………………………………………………LIU Xiang-yang(82)
Can Syndicated Agricultural Loan Reduce the Operating Cost?—Based on the Investigation of the China Agricultural Cooperative Loan Syndicate in the 1930s …………………………………………………………MIAO Shu-d(i96)
On the Right to Bodily Integrity in the View of Body Philosophy ……………………………SHEN Chang-hu(i108)
How Is the Referring to Similar Case Possible?—The Justification Based on the Generality of Judicial Rules.…………………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Wei-zh(i118)
Confucian Culture Affects the Stability of Commercial Banks ………………………………XIN Bing-hai,etc(129)
Dynamic Mechanism Analysis of the Evolution of Transportation Development Pattern—A Case Study of Northeast China……………………………………………………………………………………………LIU Li-jun,etc(144)