To Parts Unknown

2023-04-02 12:07:08张语迎
语数外学习·初中版 2023年12期


Travel is like a box of chocolates: you never know what youre going to get, especially when using a mystery box plane ticket.

Earlier this year, mystery box travel purchases surged and became trendy among Chinas young people. In normal trips, people often plan their vacations well in advance. After buying a mystery box at a low price usually 100 or 200 yuan however, the travelers using this method will select their departure airport and receive several destination options to choose from. After the destination is decided, their trip begins.

A citizen surnamed Cheng is eager to go on a mystery box trip, stating that going out alone usually costs too much and that too many people dont know where to go.“However, the mystery box directly assigns me a few destinations, which feels wonderful, and its cheap,” Cheng told Haibao News, a media outlet based in Shandong province.

Unlike Cheng, Liao Liangyu, 16, has turned his eagerness to go on a mystery box trip into reality. He took a mystery box trip with a couple of friends months ago. It started when one of them got a mystery box ticket to Changsha, the capital city of Hunan province. Surprisingly, Liao followed suit and got Chang- sha too.

Right before their departure, a friend told Liao that Changsha was a super hyped-up inter- net sensation. But he still decided to go and see it for himself.

“My biggest discovery is that Changsha is a city full of contrasts, ”Liao explained to China Daily.“You can see skyscrapers and old houses in rundown alleys in the same view.”

Since the destination options include many less popular cities, travel mystery boxes also bring vigor and economic benefits to these des- tinations. For example, Dehong city is a beauti- ful city in Yunnan province yet has few visitors due to a lack of promotion. Following its inclu- sion as a mystery box travel destination, howev- er, it has gained a lot of attention and is now thought of as a solid location for tourism.

But even so, a large number of people feel disappointed with travel mystery boxes because they can encounter many problems after pur- chasing one, such as inappropriate travel times, sudden flight cancellations, or even challenges with refunds. Sun Weili from Ctrip suggested in an interview with Haibao News that visitors should choose reliable platforms and sign con- tracts to guarantee their interests.


旅行就像一盒巧克力:你永远不知道下 一刻会碰到什么,尤其是在使用机票盲盒 时。

今年早些时候,“旅行盲盒”消费激增, 并且在中国年轻人中盛行。在“常规”旅行 中,人们常常会提前做好假期规划。不过, 使用“旅行盲盒”的旅行者们,通常会以低价 (100—200 元)购入盲盒,在选定出发机场 后,可以抽取一张随机目的地的机票。当旅 行者决定好去往哪个目的地时,他们的旅程 就 开始了。

“平时一个人出去花销太大,人多了又 不知道去哪里,盲盒直接给我一个地方,感 觉很奇妙。”小程对《海报新闻》(一家山东媒 体)说,自己很愿意尝试这样 的活动。

和小程不同的是,16岁的廖梁语也将他 对于“旅行盲盒”的兴趣付诸了实践。几个

月前,他和几个朋友 踏上了一趟“旅行盲盒” 的行程。这趟旅程的成行,来自其中一位朋 友得到了一个前往湖南省省会长沙的“盲 盒”。出人意料的是,廖梁语买到的“盲盒” 也是前往长沙的。

启程之前,廖梁语的一个朋友告诉他, 长沙是一个在网络上被炒作起来的网红 地。但是,廖梁语还是决定要亲自前往看 看。

“我最大的发现就是,长沙是一个有反 差感的城市,”廖梁语向《中国日报》解释。 “你可以同时看到摩天大楼和破旧小巷中的 老房子。”

因为可选目的地包括很多冷门城市, “旅行盲盒”也为这些地方带来了活力和经 济效益。比如,美丽的云南德宏,此前因为 缺乏宣传少有游客到来。自从这里也被纳 入“旅行盲盒”可选目的地后,便收获了大量 关注,现在客流量也很稳定。

但是,也有很多人会在“旅行盲盒”消费 时感到失望,因为他们会在购买“盲盒”后碰 到一些问题,比如 旅行时间不合适,航班临时 取消,甚至是退款难。攜程集团区域政务总 经理孙为立建议,消费者在购买机票盲盒时, 要选择正规平台,一定要签订相关的合同来 保障自身权益。

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