
2023-03-31 06:56:20樊新建董春海王之君陆亚楠
农业工程学报 2023年1期

樊新建,董春海,王之君,陆亚楠,姚 薇


樊新建,董春海,王之君,陆亚楠,姚 薇

(兰州理工大学能源与动力工程学院,兰州 730050)



0 引 言


随着计算流体力学(computational fluid dynamics)理论与技术的发展,数值模拟和理论分析为研究泵站前池水流流态和泥沙淤积的主要方法,现阶段该领域的专家学者已开展了大量研究工作。CONSTANTINESCU等[9]分别采用模型和模型模拟了泵站前池的漩涡分布特征,得出了选取合适的湍流模型对前池内的旋涡分布有着重大影响的结论。资丹等[10]针对正向泵站进水前池,采用CFD技术开展大型泵站组合式导流墩整流研究,结果表明“八字型导流墩+川字型导流墩+十字型消涡板”的组合式导流墩,可有效改善前池流态,提高水泵运行稳定性。李颜雁等[11]采用数值模拟的方法,基于3种不同增设立柱方案对前池进行整流,结果表明:增设非等间距双排立柱可使前池流速分布较为均匀,改善前池水流流态。周济人等[12]针对侧向进水泵站,采用CFD软件,基于N-S方程和Standard湍流模型对前池流态进行了数值模拟,结果表明加设“Y”型导流墩流速分布有所改善;加设底坎后,位于翼墙前方的旋涡消失,流场发生变化;加设导流墙有效优化了前池的水流流态。雷镇等[13-14]均对泵站前池内的导流底坎进行了研究,分别提出了组合底坎整流的合适参数及底坎的相对高度、相对距离参数,从而改善前池内水流流态。蔻元之等[15]通过物理模型试验,分析了泵站的正向进水前池在不同的泥沙含量和不同工况下的流态分布特征和泥沙淤积特点。高传昌等[16]应用数值计算方法,提出了在进水池设置导流台、水下消涡板和W型后墙导流墩的组合整流措施,结果表明,组合整流措施有效的改善了进水池的水流流态和速度分布。徐存东等[17]对多沙水源提水泵站引入逆向工程技术,建立淤积状态下和非淤状态下的三维泵站前池模型进行了水沙两相流数值模拟,分析了开机组合对前池流场特性的影响,结果表明泵站机组对称开启时,主流扩散效果有所提高,泥沙淤积情况略有改善。上述研究表明,目前针对在前池内设置导流墩、导流墙、底坎、立柱、压水板等局部整流设施,改善开机组合来优化前池内含沙水流流态的方法居多,但对前池体型结构,尤其是前池边墙扩散角度对池内水流流场结构影响的研究还相对匮乏。


1 计算方法

1.1 研究对象

1.1.1 泵站参数

“景电工程”是一项高扬程、大流量、多梯级的大Ⅱ型电力提水灌溉工程,工程自黄河提水,共建有泵站40余座。典型泵站是该提水工程中前池泥沙淤积问题较为突出的泵站,如图1a所示,其前池结构形式为正向直线扩散型,包括引渠段、前池段、进水池、出水管等,其中进水前池长度=33.83 m,入口端宽度B=11.7 m,末端宽度B=31.25 m,池深=3.97 m,边墙扩散角=46°,泵站设计提水流量23 m3/s,设计前池水位1 591.83 m,共布置装备8台机组,其中2#~7#机组为常开机组,1#、8#机组为备用机组,吸水管管径为1.4 m,池底缓坡段坡度为1∶3,正向进水前池结构形式见图1b。


1.1.2 泥沙特征


对泵站引水泥沙含量及粒径取样分析,结果表明:泵站引水年均泥沙含量约为30 kg/m3,汛期最大泥沙含量达326 kg/m3,前池内悬浮泥沙颗粒粒径分布在0.02~1 mm之间,其中小于0.063 mm的泥沙粒径占比达到90%以上,属于极细颗粒沙土。可见,该泵站提水水流具有含沙量高、泥沙粒径小的特征,这也是导致进水前池内流场结构紊乱,泥沙淤积问题突出的根本原因。

1.2 控制方程

由于前池水流中既存在流体介质,还存有悬浮泥沙等固体物质,在探析前池内的流场结构时不应忽视多场耦合状态,故采用ANSYS 10.0-Fluent分析软件,基于Mixture多相耦合控制方程[18-19]展开固液两相流模拟。




1.3 湍流模型与网格划分

由于前池尺寸较大,池内水流流动较为复杂,常常会发生回流及水流脱壁现象,故选择Realizable[20-21]湍流模型进行水沙运动数值模拟与实际更为接近。借助ICEM-CFD软件对所建立的正向前池三维概化模型进行非结构化网格[22-23]划分,对比5种网格划分方案(全局最大单元尺寸分别为0.25、0.30、0.35、0.40、0.45 m),经网格无关性检验,发现当全局最大单元尺寸为0.35 m、计算域内网格数为250.5万时,网格质量均达到0.3以上,保证了求解过程中的计算效率和精度。正向进水前池网格划分结果如图2所示。

图2 前池网格划分结果

1.4 边界条件与计算方法

前池进口采用velocity-inlet(速度入口)[24]作为入口边界条件;出口断面设置在泵站压力管道处,边界条件设置为outflow(自由出流);前池自由液面浮动变化较少采用刚盖假定法来模拟计算自由液面;计算域其余壁面皆为固体边界,采用wall-function method(壁面函数)进行处理。将水沙两相流体设为本次计算介质,主相为水,密度水=998.2 kg/m3,次相为沙,密度水=2 500 kg/m3,泥沙粒径为0.025 mm,体积分数为1.2%,入口平均流速为1.71 m/s。在对前池内的水沙运动进行数值模拟计算过程中,采用二阶迎风格式的隐式求解以确保计算精度[25-26],选用基于分离求解器的SIMPLEC算法进行流场耦合[27],迭代残差精度不低于10-4,并对模拟结果做可视化处理。

1.5 模拟设计方案



1.6 模型验证


表1 观测断面参数


Note:1-7represents observation sections vertical the flow direction,represents the distance between the observation section to the inlet section of the forebay;1-7represents observation sections along the flow direction,represents the distance between the observation section and to the center line of the forebay;1-3represents observation sections along the water depth direction,represents the distance between the observation section and the bottom of the intake forebay.

2 结果与分析

2.1 扩散角对前池内流场结构的影响


图4 不同扩散角下Z2断面流速分布流线图



2.2 扩散角对前池内水流流速分布的影响

2.2.1 水流流速沿垂直水流方向分布规律


图5 水流流速沿垂直水流方向分布


2.2.2 水流流速沿水流方向分布规律



图6 水流流速沿水流方向分布

2.2.3 水流流速沿水深方向分布规律



图7 水流流速沿水深方向分布

3 结 论





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Influence of diffusion angle on flow field structure in forward intake forebay of pumping station

FAN Xinjian, DONG Chunhai, WANG Zhijun, LU Ya’nan, YAO Wei


A pumping station is widely used in a water distribution system for the efficient and reliable transportation. However, the sediment deposition can pose an outstanding decrease in the operating efficiency of pump station. Particularly, the water is taken from the river with the high content of sand, such as in the Yellow River Basin. More importantly, the low flow pattern and large-scale backflow area can often occur in the forward intake forebay of a large-scale pumping station. The current anti-siltation measures cannot effectively improve the intake field structure in large-scale pumping station, due to the multiple dimensions, and single rectification. In this study, a systematic investigation was made to clarify the influence of diffusion angle on the flow field structure in the forward intake forebay of a pumping station. The typical research object was taken as the forward intake forebay of large-scale pumping station in Jingtaichuan Electric Power Irrigation Project in Gansu Province of China. A field investigation was firstly performed on the sediment deposition in the forward intake forebay of pumping station. The sampling was then implemented to analyzed the variation characteristics of sediment concentration and sediment particle size in the water flow from pumping station. A three-dimensional model was also established for the forward intake forebay with the different diffusion angle. Numerical simulation was carried out using the Mixture multiphase, and Realizable-model. The actual flow measurement was utilized to verify the accuracy of the numerical calculation. The characteristics of flow field structure were clarified in the forward intake forebay, together with the variation under the diffusion angle of the forebay. The mechanism of sediment deposition was revealed to propose the diffusion angle range for the optimal flow field structure in the forward intake forebay. The results show that the flow field structure was symmetrically distributed in the forward intake forebay of pumping station under the design operation conditions of the unit. The mainstream area was formed in the center of the intake forebay, whereas, the backflow area was formed on both sides. The flow velocity and the ability of current to carry sediment in the central mainstream area were much higher and stronger than those in the backflow area on both sides. The sediment deposition decreased significantly from the both sides to the center, indicating the significant mainstream effect. Furthermore, the squeezing effect of vortices was weakened in the backflow areas on both sides of the intake forebay on the mainstream area, as the diffusion angle of forebay decreased, while the area of low flow velocity on both sides also decreased significantly. At the same time, there was an increasing trend in the width of the central mainstream area, whereas, a downward trend was found in the flow velocity in the mainstream area. The ability of current to carry sediment increased to promote the performance of the flow diffusion entering the forebay. Once the diffusion angle was between 25°and 30°, the flow entering the pool was well developed to diffuse sufficiently along the pipeline, indicating the better flow pattern with the much more stable structure of flow field . The sediment deposition was effectively reduced in the forebay of the diversion pumping station on the sandy river. As such, the operating efficiency of pumping units was improved to guarantee the realistic benefit of irrigation project. The research findings can also provide the strong reference to design and update the large-scale pumping stations.

pumping station; numerical simulation; forward intake forebay; diffusion angle; flow field structure; sediment deposition





樊新建,董春海,王之君,等. 泵站正向进水前池扩散角对池内流场结构的影响[J]. 农业工程学报,2023,39(1):92-99.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202208112 http://www.tcsae.org

FAN Xinjian, DONG Chunhai, WANG Zhijun, et al. Influence of diffusion angle on flow field structure in forward intake forebay of pumping station[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2023, 39(1): 92-99. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.202208112 http://www.tcsae.org





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