
2023-03-27 01:41山东孙启禄
疯狂英语·新读写 2023年2期

山东 孙启禄

主题语境:饮食 篇幅:339词 关键词:fight,food,waste

1For the past six months, the menu has changed at a San Francisco restaurant called Shuggie's Trash Pie.That's because the ingredients depend in part on what farmers plan to throw away on any given day.The restaurant's mission is to fight food waste.

2David Murphy and Kayla Abe are the founders of the restaurant.They previously started the Ugly Pickle (泡菜) Company, which makes snacks out of less appealing vegetables that farmers struggle to sell.While making pickles, they saw the opportunity to do more.

3“We saw that there was so much waste that we weren't able to capture,mainly because food waste is unpredictable.People would come to us every week with requests like,‘Can you pickle this?Can you use this in some way?’We wanted to be able to capture a lot more of that.”So they opened a restaurant.

4Shuggie's Trash Pie opened in April, 2022, and after a couple of months of dealing with the usual challenges of starting a restaurant,the founders say they're now able to focus on adapting to their suppliers.“We go to the farmer market every Saturday, filling our car and roof rack with things,”Abe says.

5Inside the restaurant, what you notice first isn't the mission but the design, with bright green and yellow furniture including kitsch hand-shaped chairs.The restaurant turns food waste into a party.The menu notes some of the unusual ingredients,like“withered(枯萎的)greens”and“not fully ripe tomatoes”,though Abe says there's so much to say that it doesn't all get included.At the bottom, under a heading that says“food waste paradise”,they explain why it's so important to do this.Between 30% and 40% of all the food grown in the country is wasted.That's not just a landfill problem, but a climate problem, and removing that waste could play a meaningful role in fighting climate change.

6The founders want to help change what diners are willing to eat.They also want to inspire other restaurants to change.

Reading Check

1.Why has the restaurant changed its menu?

A.Its menu is out of date.

B.It wants to fit the customers'tastes.

C.It wants to save money on the ingredients.

D.Some dishes rely on things farmers plan to throw away.

2.What is the second paragraph mainly about?

A.How Shuggie's Trash Pie was founded.

B.How serious food waste is in America.

C.How eagerly people want to make pickles.

D.How hard farmers sell their products.

3.What can we learn from the fourth paragraph?

A.Some Americans are lacking in food.

B.Food waste is a serious problem in the US.

C.Food waste contributes most to climate change.

D.American farmers throw away about one third of the food.

4.What is the real aim of the restaurant founders?

A.To fight climate change.

B.To inspire people to save food.

C.To change people's eating habits.

D.To make their restaurant more popular.





语篇单词restaurantn.饭店 wasten.废物v.浪费 previouslyadv.以前 appealingadj.吸引人的strugglev.挣扎 opportunityn.机会 mainlyadv.主要地 requestn.要求 challengen.挑战 capturev.捕获;得到 designn.设计 includev.包括 removev.清除掉meaningfuladj.有意义的 inspirev.鼓舞重要短语throw away 扔掉 a couple of 几个;一对 food waste 食物浪费 deal with 应对;处理focus on 专注于 adapt to 适应 turn...into...把……变成……play a role in 在……中起作用 climate change 气候变化


1.That's because the ingredients depend in part on what farmers plan to throw away on any given day.这是因为这些原料在一定程度上取决于农民计划在这一天扔掉什么。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句。This is是主句,because引导的是表语从句,what farmers plan to throw away on any given day 作介词on的宾语。

2.We saw that there was so much waste that we weren't able to capture, mainly because food waste is unpredictable.我们发现有太多的过剩食物我们无法得到,主要是因为食物浪费是不可预测的。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句。We saw 是主句,第一个that 引导的是宾语从句,so...that...引导的是结果状语从句,because引导的是原因状语从句。




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