叶闻 宋卫东
摘要:建立了单连通完备近拟常曲率空间中具有平行平均曲率向量紧致子流形的广义J. Simons型积分不等式。将相应的结果推广到非空间形式中非极小子流形的情形。
中图分类号:O 186.16文献标志码:A文章编号:1001-2443(2023)06-0516-04
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On the Submanifolds with Parallel Mean Curvature Vector in Nearly Quasi Constant Curvature Space
YE Wen1, SONG Wei-dong1,2
(1. Faculty of General Education and Foreign Languages, Anhui Institute of Information Technology, Wuhu 241000 , China;
2. School of Mathematics and Statistics, Anhui Normal University , Wuhu 241000, China)
Abstract: In this paper, a generalized J. Simons type integral inequality is established for compact submanifold with parallel mean curvature vectors in a simply connected complete nearly-quasi-constant curvature space. The corresponding results are extended to the case of non-minimal submanifolds in non-spatial forms.
Key words: nearly quasi-constant curvature space; parallel mean curvaturevector; J. Simons type integral inequality