Technological Elements of the Opening Ceremony of the Hangzhou Asian Games杭州亚运会开幕式的科技元素

2023-02-19 11:34沈昕瑶
疯狂英语·初中版 2023年12期


The 19th Asian Games,held in Hangzhou, East ChinasZhejiang Province, began withan amazing opening ceremonyon September 23, coincidingwith the Autumn Equinox ( 秋分). This date is important inChinas 24 solar terms, symbolizing harvest and unity. The ceremony was abreathtaking combination of digital technology and Eastern aesthetics ( 东方美学), celebrating Hangzhous heritage and its status as a tech hub.

At the heart of the ceremony was an environmentally friendly spectacle:a bright display of digital fireworks created by thousands of drones ( 无人机). This innovative ( 创新的) performance, avoiding air pollution andnoise from traditional fireworks, was a green initiative ( 倡议) reflectingHangzhous commitment to sustainability ( 可持续性). The digital fireworks,a visual feast, were not only spectacular but also environmentally conscious,offering a new example for large-scale events.

Another technological wonder was the use of three-dimensional dualaerial technology (3D 双威亚技术). This technique, using optical ( 视觉的) principles to project 3D images into the air, allowed spectators to viewrealistic 3D images without any aids. With projectors placed on either side ofthe venue, images up to 100 meters long, 50 meters wide, and 30 meters high were displayed, covering the entire stadium.

The opening ceremony also marked a historic innovation in the AsianGames history with its torch lighting ceremony( 點火仪式). Combiningdigital and real-world elements, this method, increasingly popular in conceptslike the metaverse( 元宇宙), involved drones, 3D technology, and lightingeffects to create a mystical visual experience( 神秘视觉体验).

These technological feats not only added color and vibrancy to the openingceremony but also infused the Games with dynamic energy. They reflected thethemes of the Hangzhou Asian Games: green, smart, and innovative. Theseelements showed the integration of culture, technology, and sports, linkingHangzhous past, present, and future in an unforgettable spectacle.

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