An Arabidopsis seedlingwith weakened cell adhesion istreated with an inhibitor of thegrowth hormone brassinosteroid.Brassinosteroid inhibition slowse p i d e r m a l g r o w t h , w h i c hconstrains growth of internalt i s s u e , c a u s i n g m e c h a n i c a lstresses and opening cracks asepidermal cells are pulled apart.Similar stresses produce internalcontortions of carnivorous plant,Utricularia gibba , illustratinghow mechanical connectivitybetween cells coordinates growthbetween cell layers.
Vapor from liquid nitrogenwafts over a rat kidney awaitinga groundbreaking preservationm e t h o d a t t h e U n i v e r s i t y o fMinnesota. Scientists there havelearned how to cool the organ to-150 ° C and rewarm it whilem i n i m i z i n g f r e e z i n g d a m a g e ,enabling it to work after beingtransplanted. This laboratory andothers are harnessing extremecold to preserve everything fromorgans to endangered coral tofresh tomatoes.
H a f n i u m m o n o f l u o r i d emolecular ions are suspended ina vacuum chamber by oscillatinge l e c t r i c f i e l d s a n d p r o b e dwith multiple laser beams. Ameasurement of electrons embeddedin these trapped molecules hasset a new upper limit on howelectrons violate time-reversals y m m e t r y . T h e m e a s u r e m e n tprovides stringent new constraintson many proposed extensions tothe Standard Model of particlephysics.
T h e r e h a v e b e e n h u g estrides in the development andapplication of artificial intelligence(AI) to science and society. Butwill AI eclipse humans, or willwe find a way to safely andfairly collaborate, allowing us toreach further?
(陶 陶 编译)