晨曦初露 兰质蕙心

2023-02-06 02:20季超杰,张佳艺
国际人才交流 2023年1期

俄罗斯林荫 / Russian Boulevard

唐曦兰(Anastasia Podareva),俄罗斯青年诗人、翻译家、画家、自媒体UP主。


2022年12月20日,“晨曦初露 兰质蕙心”——俄罗斯青年画家唐曦兰个人作品展在上海昌硕文化中心开展,活动展出了她在中国创作的60余幅绘画作品,有的色彩绚丽,有的清冷凝重。画家通过作品展现了积极、乐观、不断学习、力争上游的生活态度,就像她自己的人生目标一样:做一个有思想、会创新的人,不断寻找创作灵感,保持好奇生活态度,把艺术与文学融入自己的生活里。

Anastasia Podareva ( Tang Xilan) is a young Russian poet,translator, painter, and We Media uploader.

Anastasia Podareva was born in Ryazan, the hometown of the Russian poet Sergei Yesenin (Сергей Александрович Есенин).Since being exposed to Chinese language and culture in high school, she has been yearning to live in China.Tang Xilan came to China to study at 18 and got her bachelor’s degree and master’s degree at Zhejiang Sci-Tech University.She has a passion for Chinese philosophy and literature, especially poetry.The characters “曦” (pronounced “xi,” which means dawn) and “兰”(pronounced “lan,” which means orchid) are taken from the earliest poetry collection,The Book of Songs.She has written more than 200 poems in Russian, English, and Chinese and has written and published 4 poetry books, includingPoems of Tang Xilan, Night Dreams, Orchid Breathing out Fragrance, A fter the Gold Rain.In addition, during her study and work in China, she also participated in many Chinese and foreign exchange activities, contributing to the mutual understanding and friendship between Chinese and Russian people.

On December 20, 2022, “The First DAWN of the Morning,the Heart of the ORCHID”—Young Russian painter Anastasia Podareva’s works exhibition was launched at Shanghai Changshuo Culture Center.The exhibition showcased more than 60 paintings which she created in China, some with brilliant colors and some with calm and grave.Through the works, Anastasia Podareva showed her attitude towards life of being positive and optimistic,continuously learning, and striving for the top, just like her own life goal: to be thoughtful and innovative, to constantly seek creative inspiration, to maintain a curious attitude towards life, and to integrate art and literature into her own life.

灵魂风云 / Souls

南国印·象 / Impression of The South

寒月 / Cold moon

西域风情 / Western Regions

人间天堂 / Paradise on Earth

光明前路 / Bright Future

轻轻松松聊汉语 后海