
2023-01-20 19:49
电力系统及其自动化学报 2022年12期

(第34卷 第1~12期)



基于量子加权GRU神经网络的电力系统短期负荷预 测 …………………………… 王凇瑶,张智晟(1)

计及5G基站储能和技术节能措施的虚拟电厂调度优化策 略 ……………………… 刘雨佳,樊艳芳(8)

含规模化充电桩的微电网运行优化方 法 ………………………………… 于会群,蔡国顺,时珊珊,等(16)

基于主导变量阻尼控制的双馈风电场次同步振荡抑 制 ………………… 韩平平,王 欢,王 希,等(26)

新能源接入配电网的电压无功自律-协同控 制 …………………………… 宋明刚,陶 骏,张华赢,等(38)

基于电压时序数据的配电台区户变关系智能识 别 ……………………… 宋玮琼,郭 帅,李 冀,等(48)

融合微气象参数预测的输电线动态增容模型 …………………………… 刘志成,董向明,严 昊,等(56)

基于MRSVD-RF的同杆双回线路故障识 别 ……………………………… 杨 亮,吴 浩,胡潇涛,等(65)

基于HPLC与RF自适应通信的配用电异构场域 网 …………………… 黄 瑞,刘 超,刘谋海,等(76)

光储充电站交直流配电方式能效对 比 …………………………………… 张 华,周 波,江坷滕,等(84)

运用相似日和LSTM的短期负荷双向组合预 测 ………………………… 王 瑞,闫 方,逯 静,等(93)

基于量测数据贝叶斯概率矩阵分解的变压器运行状态监测方 法 …… 程 逍,李 平,郭凌旭,等(100)

应用门循环神经网络的变电站智能记录分析装置信息配置方 法 …… 李铁成,曾四鸣,刘清泉,等(108)

基于分立求解的电气耦合综合能源系统多能流联合计算方 法 ……… 徐 晶,徐 科,王世举,等(114)

适用于实时市场出清的分散式鞍点动态求解方 法 …………………… 唐 翀,周保荣,赵文猛,等(121)

低压电力线通信自适应脉冲噪声抑 制 ……………………………………… 谭周文,刘宏立,成 运(129)

一种基于频率的柔性直流分区互联系统协调控制策 略 ……………… 毛森茂,王若愚,谢 岩,等(137)

考虑光伏系统多输入背景下的高增益单相微逆变器的设 计 ………………………………… 温建华(142)



基于模糊控制的光储微网实时电价能量管理策 略 ………………………… 姚 钢,王 旭,周荔丹(1)

基于ICA和Box-Cox变换的锂离子电池SOH估计方 法…………………… 张吉昂,王 萍,程 泽(9)

考虑省间交易与源荷互动协调的新能源消纳机 制 ……………………… 刘 颖,唐夏菲,蔡 晔,等(16)

基于独立稀疏SAE的多风电场超短期功率预 测 ………………………… 李 丹,王 奇,杨保华,等(23)

基于相似日和多集成组合的短期负荷预 测 ……………………………… 金辰曦,卢先领,徐宇颂,等(31)

电力系统近振荡中心换相失败分析与仿 真 ……………………………… 刘增训,张 尚,汪惟源,等(39)

基于深度神经网络的电气元件符号识别算 法 …………………………… 江再玉,石文娟,马 晶,等(48)

面向分布式电源并网的多谐波源责任划 分 ……………………………… 张 逸,阮正鑫,邵振国,等(56)

550 kV GIS变电站中VFTO仿真计算及抑制措 施 ……………………… 贺天任,高 宇,刘晓航,等(65)

弱电网条件下提升LCL型逆变器稳定性的控制策 略 …………………… 郑 勇,唐莎莎,张 丽,等(71)

基于新型柔性限流器的直流配网故障特性分 析 ………………………… 张 凤,吴 江,唐莎莎,等(82)

基于LS-SVM的谐波阻抗估计方 法 …………………………………………… 夏焰坤,唐文张,林欣懿(94)

基于逆变器自适应功率控制的光伏并网点治理策略 ……………………… 马 宁,徐永海,何志轩(100)

基于氢能经济的电网大规模风电消纳模 式 …………………………… 崔丽瑶,刘怀东,刘 豪,等(108)

光伏电站汇集系统单极接地故障的皮尔逊相关系数识别方 法 ……… 张博文,闫 龙,陆凌辉,等(116)

计及动态响应特征的农村综合能源系统分层调 控 …………………… 黄扬琪,何 伟,赵伟哲,等(122)

考虑能源效率的综合能源系统多目标优化调 度 …………………………… 苏慧玲,杨世海,陈铭明(130)

三相并网逆变器事件触发有限集模型预测控 制 ……………………… 刘春喜,郑文帅,乔 宇,等(137)

基于机器学习的源荷互动微电网优化调 度 ………………………………………… 周步祥,徐艺宾(144)



船舶微电网源-荷级联系统母线电压振荡有源阻尼抑制策 略 …………… 张勤进,郑祥鲁,刘彦呈,等(1)

云边协同的调控云数据质量优 化 ………………………………………… 李大鹏,李立新,杨清波,等(11)

逆变器电源短路输出电流的等效机理模 型 ……………………………… 王晨晟,陈 谦,邓晓璐,等(20)

考虑时间一致性的电力系统风险规避多阶段随机规划建模与求 解 ………………… 张 颖,韩 风(28)

基于暖通负荷集群响应能力的电力系统频率控制策 略 ………………… 徐 科,徐 晶,李 娟,等(37)

应用新型能量函数的PWM整流器无源性控制方 法 ………………………… 袁 敞,戴笃猛,邱俊卿(45)

结合决策系数和ESMD-TEO的集电线路故障定位方 法 ………………… 王晓东,王永浩,刘颖明,等(51)

基于能观性分析的继电保护系统状态评估与智能运 维 ………………… 饶 贇,熊 楠,陈怀蔺,等(59)

原边绕组分组连接的IPOP型LLC谐振变换器均流方 式 …………………………… 李洪珠,潘 超(67)

复杂电网下基于CSDFT-MAF-PLL的电压同步方 法 ………………………………… 陈 伟,何 山(74)

不对称故障下的IIDG改进功率控制策 略 ……………………………… 李智轩,何 晋,李维希,等(83)

基于特征挖掘的ARIMA-GRU短期电力负荷预 测 ……………………… 于军琪,聂己开,赵安军,等(91)

风电场频率适应性分析及评估——综合指标体系 …………………… 赵 伟,谢 岩,潘 艳,等(100)

基于分布鲁棒优化的多源发电系统联合调 度 ……………………………… 郭成威,田 书,张腾飞(109)

Buck变换器的全扰动观测补偿策 略 ………………………………………… 袁林峰,徐勇明,史建勋(116)

基于模糊自适应的固态变压器逆变级改进LADRC控 制 ………………… 马幼捷,张 彤,周雪松(123)

能量与备用市场主体自调度的电热综合能源系统优 化 ……………… 吕小秀,李培强,刁涵彬,等(132)

缺少气象数据场景下的超短期风电预 测 …………………………………… 佟佳弘,武志刚,谢 钰(142)



采用电流余弦相似度的含DG配网故障识别策 略 ……………………… 李振兴,徐 浩,傅裕挺,等(1)

配电网状态估计可观性研究综 述 ………………………………………… 韩平平,张 楠,潘 薇,等(11)

局部阴影条件下太阳能电池-超级电容串联阵列电流补偿方 法 ………… 杨洪明,王颖杰,陈博文,等(22)

新型电力系统面向能源安全的备用配置及留取标准研 究 ……………… 陈艺华,徐 帆,张 炜,等(32)

基于改进复合序网络的混压部分同塔双回线跨电压故障分 析 ……………………… 汤旻安,逯 航(41)

融合型配电网大数据处理平台架构设 计 ………………………………… 郑志杰,梁 荣,綦陆杰,等(51)

面向配电物联网的中低压配电网拓扑建 模 ……………………………… 江 航,苏毅方,周金辉,等(58)

考虑热网动态特性与碳交易的电-热综合能源系统优化调 度 …………… 林卓然,朱晓东,王守相,等(64)

电磁流量计在疏浚管道流速测量中的误差及修 正 ……………………… 陈 定,罗 刚,赵春峰,等(71)

车用强冷式永磁电机的多物理场耦合研 究 ……………………………… 杜静娟,黄新雨,赵 坚,等(77)

配网架空线路舞动机理与防范措施综 述 ………………………………… 周亚楠,祖国强,姚 瑛,等(83)

级联H桥静止同步补偿器新型容错控 制 ……………………………………………… 刘继军,张晓娟(90)

基于麻雀搜索优化的Attention-GRU短期负荷预测方 法 ……………… 刘可真,阮俊枭,赵现平,等(99)

基于电流暂态量的多端柔直输电线路故障辨 识 ……………………… 付 华,刘振敏,陈浩轩,等(107)

一致性算法下光储直流微网改进下垂控 制 …………………………… 郑济林,王 军,孙 章,等(116)

基于移相变压器的直驱风机次同步振荡抑 制 ………………………… 韩平平,王 希,王 欢,等(126)

含运行协调性并改进差分进化算法的机组组 合 …………………………………… 张文军,富立友(135)

基于Luong Attention机制和特征优选策略的超短期负荷预测方 法 ……… 刘立立,刘 洋,唐子卓(143)



BiLSTM与TCN在户变关系异常识别中的应 用 ……………………………… 杨 健,周亚同,刘 君(1)

考虑设备部分负荷性能函数拟合误差的区域综合能源系统鲁棒优化调度………………………………………………………………………… 刘科明,黄婧杰,杨洪明,等(11)

基于VMD-PSO-多核极限学习机的短期负荷预 测 ……………………… 吴松梅,蒋建东,燕跃豪,等(18)

光伏发电最大功率点跟踪Boost变换器动力学特 性 ………………………… 陶 慧,赵世彬,贾春华(26)

基于回归学习与特征挖掘的运行风险评 估 ……………………………… 王天昊,马世乾,宋海涛,等(35)

含恒功率负载的直流微网稳定性分 析 …………………………………… 刘海涛,熊 雄,徐旖旎,等(42)

数据驱动的配电网投资有效性评估模型 ………………………………… 刘汇川,王 峰,吴 霜,等(50)

地震灾害下的电气耦合系统韧性评 估 …………………………………… 吴 彬,高军彦,班 全,等(59)

基于OPC的电力信息物理系统仿真平台研 究 …………………………… 孙正龙,赵靖博,庄钧植,等(70)

基于改进天牛须算法的家庭能量管理系统多目标优化调 度 …………… 于军琪,侯雪妍,赵安军,等(79)

计及需求响应和阶梯型碳交易机制的区域综合能源系统优化运 行 …… 邱 彬,宋绍鑫,王 凯,等(87)

“双碳”目标下新型配电系统功能形态及规划体 系 ………………………… 张笑弟,高 强,潘 弘(96)

基于集成学习的HVDC输电线路雷击故障识别方 法 ………………… 陈 雷,吴 浩,李 栋,等(102)

ISSA优化Attention双向LSTM的短期电力负荷预 测 ………………… 王金玉,金宏哲,王海生,等(111)

等效电源电压变异系数约束的短路容量测试方 法 …………………… 苏 灿,周 文,高 敏,等(118)

基于时滞稳定裕度的柔性直流系统高频稳定性分 析 ……………………… 张 芳,杨丰瑜,姚文鹏(125)

考虑电晕损耗的220 kV变电站雷电入侵波过电压计算与影响因素分析……………………………………………………………………… 刘晓航,高 宇,贺天任,等(136)

高速电机的转子损耗分析与无位置传感器矢量控制方法的研 究 …… 陈学永,李朝江,杜静娟,等(144)



基于改进灰狼算法的配电网储能优化配 置 ……………………………… 毛志宇,蒋 叶,李培强,等(1)

面向电-气双向耦合与低碳的P2G厂站优化规 划 ……………………… 周步祥,华伟杰,张远洪,等(9)

参与电网频率调节的并网换流器直流侧电压控制方法 …………………… 袁 敞,左 羚,吴 鸣(18)

基于ADMM-RGS算法的综合能源系统多主体协同优化运行策略研究…………………………………………………………………………… 杨海柱,代庚辉,张 鹏(25)

基于扩张状态观测器补偿的Boost变换器无源控 制 …………………… 李史玉,李建国,张雅静,等(34)

电气化铁路多电平贯通式同相供电装置拓扑与控 制 …………………… 周京华,闫天乐,章小卫,等(42)

应对停电的储能备用系数及家庭能量管理系统优化控制模型 ………… 唐 捷,黄婧杰,徐志强,等(54)

含电-气-热耦合系统的微电网频率安全评 估 …………………………… 陈 哲,邓宝华,金建新,等(61)

考虑误分类约束的电力系统暂态稳定评 估 ……………………………… 周惠怡,刘颂凯,张 磊,等(71)

基于电压预测误差的“花瓣”型配电网保护原理 ………………………… 李铁成,郭少飞,王献志,等(79)

基于门控循环单元神经网络的配电网故障选线 ………………………… 徐海燕,吴 浩,李 栋,等(89)

边缘导向型云边协同的电网状态感知及电压调控辅助决 策 …………… 张 杰,狄方春,李大鹏,等(98)

基于多域特征提取的电力数据异常检测方 法 ………………………… 孙滢涛,张锋明,陈水标,等(105)

基于数值特征提取的新能源发电基础数据核查方 法 ………………… 杨立波,马 斌,王亚军,等(114)

基于LMI优化法的多VSC接入弱网下的锁相环同步暂态稳定性分析……………………………………………………………………… 何 平,张德政,李 慧,等(119)

混合子模块型模块化多电平变换器MPC设 计 ……………………………………… 王双岭,陈会鸽(126)

提升特高压直流送端电网新能源消纳水平措施 ……………………… 张 鑫,刘 飞,王世斌,等(135)

考虑有序充电的居民区电动汽车中长期充电负荷预测 ……………… 华远鹏,王圆圆,韩 丁,等(142)



考虑负荷偏离度的零碳排放综合能源系统优化调 度 …………………… 张鸿宇,凡海波,方 辉,等(1)

单相有源前端级联H桥逆变器故障容错控 制 ……………………………… 孙熙晨,林旭梅,张明鹏(11)

采用机器学习的变压器分层故障诊 断 ……………………………………… 王子鉴,秦瑜瑞,李景丽(20)

基于LSTM的重要用户电能质量趋势预测分析模 型 …………………… 赵长伟,骈睿珺,杜天硕,等(26)

基于智能电表量测的低压配电线路参数辨识 …………………………… 黄璐涵,熊尉辰,宋晓林,等(34)

基于扩张状态观测器的DFIG滑模直接功率控 制 …………………………… 刘昌建,董锋斌,赵永玮(41)

110 kV XLPE电缆中间接头磁场分布特征及劣化评 估 ………………… 王馥珏,姚天翼,杨卓然,等(50)

主从结构下储能变流器并联运行建模与附加控 制 ……………………… 朱利锋,吴彬锋,宋恩亮,等(54)

含可再生能源的多区域电力系统负荷频率控制 …………………………… 关燕鹏,李晓宁,贾新春(64)

电采暖调峰虚拟电厂的用户激励动态定价决策方 法 …………………… 焦东翔,俞海侠,孙凌辰,等(72)

高比例新能源电力系统频率稳定性的惯量需求分 析 …………………… 张桂红,刘 飞,王世斌,等(81)

考虑源荷不确定性和相关性的关键线路辨 识 ………………………………………… 王洪涛,邹 斌(88)

计及新能源不确定性的多区域互联系统分散协调调度 …………………… 朱广明,梁 栋,马 龙(98)

考虑供需需求的电动汽车充放电调度策 略 …………………………… 罗维祥,常喜强,伏 睿,等(106)

知识图谱在电力设备缺陷文本查错中的应用问题与对 策 …………… 李彦儒,陈耀军,王慧芳,等(113)

基于深度学习的多微电网市场主从博弈运行优化策略 …………………………… 严文君,刘俊勇(120)

光伏储能电站平价上网系统动力学分析模 型 ………………………… 宋 越,王玉玮,苑曙光,等(129)

高压直流输电线路故障初始阶段解析方法研 究 ……………………… 曹 虹,周泽昕,吕鹏飞,等(137)

张量分解理论下的10 kV配电网电压数据修复方 法 ………………………………………… 王晓虎(148)

基于边缘计算的新型智能电能 表 ……………………………………… 吕伟嘉,刘浩宇,翟术然,等(153)



基于轨迹灵敏度的DFIG直流过电压优 化 ……………………………… 李生虎,赵启锐,朱争高,等(1)

基于支路功率估计的配电网拓扑识别 …………………………………… 郭少飞,李铁成,陈天英,等(8)

自主水下航行器能源系统技术综 述 …………………………………………………… 方红伟,李紫嫣(18)

供电走廊受限的城市中心负荷交直流改造综合评 估 …………………… 彭宇轩,陈 春,曹一家,等(27)

基于关系探索和KTBoost的暂态稳定裕度评 估 ……………………………… 王 强,刘 炼,陈 浩(35)

随桥敷设高压电缆接头结构层温升与载流特性研 究 …………………… 王根成,闫循平,李捍平,等(44)

计及氢气天然气混合运输的氢耦合综合能源系统优化调 度 …………… 邱 彬,慕会宾,王 凯,等(51)

台风天气下提升配电网韧性的储能规划策 略 ……………………………… 于艾清,金 彪,王育飞(60)

适用于发电系统Well-being评估的改进交叉熵方 法 …………………… 陈 凡,王宇琦,刘海涛,等(68)

直流互联群微网系统的协调控制策 略 …………………………………… 林艳艳,肖宏飞,刘光宇,等(77)

强风覆冰环境下10 kV架空线路舞动特 性 ……………………………… 祖国强,郑 悦,姚 瑛,等(87)

基于电压变化特征的110 kV线路断线故障自适应判别方 法 …………… 陈永明,刘 昶,李 静,等(93)

基于NILM的家庭电器能效评估方 法 …………………………………… 翟术然,孙 虹,吕伟嘉,等(102)

城市电热综合能源系统分布式鲁棒经济调 度 ……………………………… 吴潇雨,孔维政,代红才(110)

基于一致性算法的微电网谐波功率均分控制方 法 ………………………………… 江世明,唐 杰(118)

基于均值聚类算法的电力现货市场报价行为分 析 …………………… 周华锋,刘映尚,彭超逸,等(130)

谐波源建模现状及新型电力系统下的发展趋势 …………………………… 张 逸,孟祥亮,刘必杰(139)

考虑指标特性的区域电网电能质量评估方 法 ………………………… 朱明星,张毅恒,张华赢,等(150)



基于双电压互感器的DPFC线路距离保护新方 法 ……………………… 曹建伟,黄志华,张新雨,等(1)

不接地系统同名相两点接地故障工频特征及选 线 ……………………… 张宗熙,薛永端,董立明,等(9)

基于STL与MMoE多任务学习的区域多光伏电站超短期功率联合预测方法………………………………………………………………………… 王本涛,白 杨,邢红涛,等(17)

基于工作点在线计算的双馈机组网侧变流器高电压穿越控 制 ………… 王耀函,张扬帆,宋 鹏,等(24)

考虑可控负荷的光热电站和风电系统调度策略 …………………………… 张腾飞,田 书,郭成威(32)

源荷不确定性下考虑策略投资者Stackelberg均衡驱动的输电投资与规划分 析 …… 叶洪波,王高琴(40)

基于换流驱动电路的直流断路器关键技术研究 ………………………… 赵北涛,王珍珍,范瑞卿,等(50)

不同工况下带电作业绝缘毯局部放电及击穿特 性 ……………………… 张玮亚,陈 中,宫衍平,等(57)

光伏并网逆变器谐波特性分析与谐波电流抑制 ………………………… 江 悦,曹 旌,梁 刚,等(64)

融合量测重构的RGAN-UKF智能电网状态估计模 型 ………………………………… 李海英,裴康鑫(73)

永磁起动/发电机在弱磁条件下磁场与涡流损耗分 析 …………………… 王晓远,梁慧静,李天元,等(81)

基于CLH-SOFC气转电技术的热电解耦IES优化调 度 ………………… 邱 彬,门佳丽,王 凯,等(88)

一种基于协议容量分配的工业园区用户谐波电流限值分摊方 法 ………… 严 静,林 锐,张 嫣(96)

考虑周期损耗的储能-火电联合调频策 略 ……………………………… 于会群,靳东辉,彭道刚,等(102)

考虑风速影响的双馈风机调频建模及稳定性分 析 …………………… 李永刚,贺梦娟,刘静利,等(110)

基于合作博弈的黑启动电源双层容量配 置 …………………………… 黄永红,孔维健,梅 婷,等(121)

基于自然梯度提升的静态电压稳定裕度预测及其影响因素分 析 ………… 王 强,陈 浩,刘 炼(130)

基于区块链的多互联微电网分布式协调优化调 度 …………………… 曹正斐,张忠辉,董治成,等(138)

自耦变压器投入导致距离保护误动分析及改进 ……………………… 林国松,张 硕,权 伟,等(146)

基于Tamura-HOG纹理特征与矩特征融合的配网电缆终端故障诊断方法…………………………………………………………………………… 魏亚军,李开灿,董 振(153)



非侵入式电动自行车充电负荷在线识 别 ………………………………… 栾文鹏,马纯伟,赵博超,等(1)

基于LSMC的不确定环境下海上风电项目价值评 估 …………………… 刘 倩,孙 燕,吴梦成,等(8)

基于限流电抗暂态电压的直流配电网单端量保 护 ……………………… 季 路,汤亚芳,袁旭峰,等(15)

无人机线路自主巡检的动态轨迹规划方 法 ……………………………… 徐其春,郭晨晨,刘志明,等(24)

基于主从博弈的配电网分布式电源电能定 价 …………………………… 肖 健,钏 星,彭依明,等(32)

考虑区域协调的SAPF分布式谐波动态优化治 理 ……………………… 张巍舟,陶 骏,汪 清,等(42)

基于FPGA考虑控制特性的光伏直流发电系统暂态实时仿 真 ………… 王守相,何汝训,张春雨,等(50)

弱电网下WAC控制LCL并网逆变器延时补偿策 略 …………………… 李玉东,李佩峰,黄 鑫,等(57)

基于VAE预处理和RP-2D CNN的不平衡负荷数据类型辨识方 法 …… 黄冬梅,吴志浩,孙 园,等(66)

新能源互联电力系统双积分反馈PID负荷频率控 制 ………………………………… 张 成,张 艳(73)

基于二阶线性自抗扰的虚拟同步发电机二次调频控 制 …………………… 葛胜升,王 鹏,施 凯(81)

单相并网光伏系统的混合控制策 略 ……………………………………… 张 爽,张 迪,薛 飞,等(89)

基于暂稳态电流幅值比较的谐振接地系统故障选线方 法 ……………… 李高明,黎皓彬,卢 颖,等(97)

基于时延神经网络的风电场集总调压动态建模 ……………………… 李 丹,刘 厦,郭希海,等(104)

考虑时序最优潮流的分布式电源优化配置方法 ……………………… 马世乾,张 杰,商敬安,等(112)

注意力机制下的VMD-IDBiGRU负荷预测模 型 …………………………… 邵必林,严义川,曾卉玢(120)

基于动态模式分解的三端多段式架空线-电缆混合输电线路故障定位新方法……………………………………………………………………… 张智伟,范新桥,张 利,等(129)

基于SMES-SFCL直驱永磁风电并网故障穿越能 力 …………………… 王 敏,周羽生,杨 航,等(138)

适应中国背景的跨省区容量市场联合出清机制 ……………………… 孙启星,邢 栋,张 超,等(145)

直流输电线路差动保护新原 理 ……………………………………………… 苏 煜,汤士明,石 勇(152)



基于改进象群算法的配电网混合线路故障定位方 法 …………………… 彭维馨,李泽文,夏翊翔,等(1)

多源数据驱动的配电网网损精确分析方 法 ……………………………… 刘 伟,马世乾,李云飞,等(12)

基于小波降噪和深度学习的电能质量扰动分类方 法 …………………… 刘 烨,程 杉,王 瑞,等(17)

含电解制氢装置及光热电站的海岛微网优化调 度 ……………………… 黄冬梅,陈柯翔,孙锦中,等(24)

含负序电流注入IIDG的多相配电网短路电流计算 …………………… 李智轩,何 晋,李维希,等(32)

非理想通信环境下主动配电网多源协同调控策 略 ……………………… 田美君,刘沈全,汪隆君,等(42)

基于ECA-TCN的电力系统短期负荷预测研 究 ………………………… 梁 露,刘远龙,刘韶华,等(52)

基于MRSVD-VMD的多分支配电网故障定 位 ……………………………… 吴佳享,孙云莲,陈楚昭(58)

基于微分平坦理论的直流微电网母线电压控制 ……………………………………… 杨 艺,皇金锋(66)

基于一致性算法的储能系统自适应充放电策略 ………………………… 皮志勇,陈 诚,张明敏,等(74)

Buck-Boost变换器PI+PBC控制器参数的多目标优 化 ………………… 王 路,王久和,赵 燕,等(84)

平行双边供电系统电压损失分析与对策研 究 …………………………… 李 鑫,刘 炯,陈 偲,等(92)

考虑功率限值管理的光储系统建模及控制策略 ……………………… 刘海涛,马丙泰,郝思鹏,等(100)

含有梯度惩罚的WGAN光伏功率场景生成方 法 …………………………… 胡石峰,朱瑞金,唐 波(109)

结合ILADRC和IMC的光伏LCL型逆变系统电流控制策 略 ………… 周雪松,郭帅朝,马幼捷,等(116)

配电站监控体系架构与健康评估 ……………………………………… 田 鹏,李 森,王振树,等(126)

考虑配电网负荷的电动汽车充电站规划 ……………………………… 王华莹,李 勇,朱 辉,等(134)

不平衡电网下统一电能质量调节器微分平坦控制策 略 ……………… 王 璞,王洪希,张 宇,等(142)

一种新型宽电压范围的DHC-LT双向谐振型DC-DC变换 器 ……………… 张书槐,吴学智,王忠潇(150)



基于多状态模型的风电参与提供备用容量机组组合优 化 ……………… 张葆青,王 晶,杜 鹏,等(1)

基于信号注入法的主从式消弧线圈柔性补偿控制策略 ………………… 林凡勤,杨晶晶,孙华忠,等(10)

多智能体深度强化学习的分布式园区综合能源系统经济调度策 略 …… 张 帆,武东昊,陈玉萍,等(18)

基于Attention机制优化CNN-seq2seq模型的非侵入式负荷监 测 ……… 王琪凯,熊永康,陈 瑛,等(27)

混合级联九电平逆变器低压单元功率均衡控制 ………………………… 顾 军,张 明,宋 飞,等(35)

基于EPT的储能系统软启动控制策 略 ……………………………………… 王 强,郭 伟,杨 策(43)

基于最大熵强化学习的电网自主拓扑切换控制技 术 …………………… 马世乾,黄家凯,崇志强,等(51)

具有高电能质量的三电平LCL型并网逆变器低复杂度模型预测控 制 …… 吴 彬,李树鹏,李振斌(61)

考虑调频能力的含储能风电场自动发电控制策略研究 ………………… 马 斌,王亚军,栗维勋,等(66)

多电平Buck变换器的逆解耦内模控 制 ………………………………… 吴家荣,罗丽平,王擎宇,等(72)

基于分布鲁棒优化的微电网日前经济运行模型与求解方 法 …………… 魏梅芳,吴 燕,黎跃龙,等(81)

LCC-VSC型混合直流输电参数耦合性分 析 ……………………………… 李素璇,朱介北,俞露杰,等(91)

适应双馈风机的改进频率主动控制策略 ……………………………… 柯贤波,王 青,张 钢,等(100)

直流充电桩前级变换器快时标分岔抑制 ……………………………… 高志强,王宇隆,周雪松,等(106)

小电流接地故障熄弧后电气量对暂态选线方法的影响 ……………… 乔东伟,宫德锋,谢松伟,等(114)

改进故障穿越方法的VSG对同步机之间功角稳定性的影响研 究 …… 曹 炜,何必伦,陈思远,等(121)

基于优化高斯过程回归的谐波阻抗估计方 法 ……………………………… 夏焰坤,唐文张,林欣懿(129)

微气象分析与载流量预测结合的动态线路增容方 法 ……………………… 严伯伦,谢红刚,杨 明(137)

基于有源功率解耦的无谐波检测AP F……………………………………… 王云亮,张双杨,吴艳娟(145)

含逆变型分布式电源的配电网智能分布式保护 ……………………… 杜浩良,郑 燃,李跃辉,等(152)

《电力系统及其自动化学报》2022年总目 次 …………………………………………………………… (Ⅰ)


(VOL.34 No.1~No.12)


Theoretical Research

Short-term Load Forecasting of Power System Based on Quantum Weighted GRU Neural Network…………………………………………………………………………………… WANG Songyao,ZHANG Zhisheng(1)

Optimal Scheduling Strategy for Virtual Power Plant Considering 5G Base Station Technology,Energy-storage,and Energy-saving Measures ………………………………………………………………………………………LIU Yujia,FAN Yanfang(8)

Operation Optimization Method for Microgrid with Large-scale Charging Piles……………………………………………………………………… YU Huiqun,CAI Guoshun,SHI Shanshan,et al(16)

Sub-synchronous Oscillation Suppression for Doubly-fed Wind Farm Based on Dominant Variable Damping Control………………………………………………………………………… HAN Pingping,WANG Huan,WANG Xi,et al(26)

Autonomous-synergic Control of Reactive Voltage of Distribution Network Considering Renewable Energy Access…………………………………………………………………… SONG Minggang,TAO Jun,ZHANG Huaying,et al(38)

Intelligent Recognition of User-transformer Relationship in Distribution Station Area Based on Time Series Voltage Data……………………………………………………………………………… SONG Weiqiong,GUO Shuai,LI Ji,et al(48)

Dynamic Line RatingModel of Transmission Line Combined with Prediction of Micro-meteorological Parameters…………………………………………………………………… LIU Zhicheng,DONG Xiangming,YAN Hao,et al(56)

Fault Identification of Double-circuit Line on the Same Tower Based on MRSVD-RF……………………………………………………………………………… YANG Liang,WU Hao,HU Xiaotao,et al(65)

Heterogeneous Field Network for Power Distribution Grid Based on HPLC and RF Adaptive Communication…………………………………………………………………………… HUANG Rui,LIU Chao,LIU Mouhai,et al(76)

Comparison of Energy Efficiency of Photovoltaic Storage Charging Station Between AC and DC Power Distribution Modes………………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Hua,ZHOU Bo,JIANG Keteng,et al(84)

Bidirectional Combined Short-term Load Forecasting by Using Similar Days and LSTM………………………………………………………………………………… WANG Rui,YAN Fang,LU Jing,et al(93)

Transformer Operation Status Monitoring Method Based on Bayesian Probabilistic Matrix Factorization of Measured Data…………………………………………………………………………… CHENG Xiao,LI Ping,GUO Lingxu,et al(100)

Information Configuration Method for Intelligent Recording and Analyzing Device of Substation Using Gate Recurrent Unit Neural Network ……………………………………………………………LI Tiecheng,ZENG Siming,LIU Qingquan,et al(108)

Multi-energy Flow Calculation Method for Integrated Electricity-gas System Based on Discrete Solution………………………………………………………………………………… XU Jing,XU Ke,WANG Shiju,et al(114)

Decentralized Saddle-point Dynamics Method for Real-time Market Clearing……………………………………………………………… TANG Chong,ZHOU Baorong,ZHAO Wenmeng,et al(121)

Adaptive Mitigation of Impulsive Noise in Low-voltage Power Line Communication…………………………………………………………………………… TAN Zhouwen,LIU Hongli,CHENG Yun(129)

Frequency-based Coordinated Control Strategy for VSC-DC Segmented System………………………………………………………………………… MAO Senmao,WANG Ruoyu,XIE Yan,et al(137)

Design of High-gain Single-phase Micro-inverter with Multi-input in Photovoltaic System…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… WEN Jianhua(142)


Theoretical Research

Real-time Electricity Price Energy Management Strategy for Photovoltaic Storage Microgrid Based on Fuzzy Control………………………………………………………………………………… YAO Gang,WANG Xu,ZHOU Lidan(1)

SOH Estimation Method for Li-ion Battery Based on ICA and Box-Cox Transform……………………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Ji’ang,WANG Ping,CHENG Ze(9)

Renewable Energy Consumption Mechanism Considering the Coordination of Inter-provincial Transactions and Source-load Interaction ………………………………………………………………………LIU Ying,TANG Xiafei,CAI Ye,et al(16)

Ultra-short-term Power Prediction of Multiple Wind Farms Based on Independent Sparse SAE……………………………………………………………………………… LI Dan,WANG Qi,YANG Baohuag,et al(23)

Short-term Load Forecasting Based on Similar Days Selection and Multi-integration Combination…………………………………………………………………………… JIN Chenxi,LU Xianling,XU Yusong,et al(31)

Analysis and Simulation of Commutation Failure near Oscillation Center in Power System………………………………………………………………… LIU Zengxun,ZHANG Shang,WANG Weiyuan,et al(39)

Recognition Algorithm for Electrical Component Symbols Based on Deep Neural Network…………………………………………………………………………… JIANG Zaiyu,SHI Wenjuan,MA Jing,et al(48)

Contribution Determination of Multiple Harmonic Sources for Distributed Generations Connected to Grid…………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Yi,RUAN Zhengxin,SHAO Zhenguo,et al(56)

Numerical Simulation and Suppression Measure for VFTO in 550 kV GIS Substation…………………………………………………………………………… HE Tianren,GAO Yu,LIU Xiaohang,et al(65)

Control Strategy for Improving the Stability of LCL-type Inverter under Weak Grid Conditions……………………………………………………………………… ZHENG Yong,TANG Shasha,ZHANG Li,et al(71)

Fault Characteristic Analysis of DC Distribution Network Based on Novel Flexible Fault Current Limiter………………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Feng,WU Jiang,TANG Shasha,et al(82)

Harmonic Impedance Estimation Method Based on Least Squares Support Vector Machine…………………………………………………………………………… XIA Yankun,TANG Wenzhang,LIN Xinyi(94)

Mitigation Strategy at Photovoltaic Grid-connected Point Based on Adaptive Power Control of Inverter………………………………………………………………………………… MA Ning,XU Yonghai,HE Zhixuan(100)

Large-scale Wind Power Accommodation Mode of Power Grid Based on Hydrogen Energy Economy…………………………………………………………………………… CUI Liyao,LIU Huaidong,LIU Hao,et al(108)

Single-pole Grounding Fault Identification Method for Photovoltaic Power Station Collection System Based on Pearson Correlation Coefficien t……………………………………………………………ZHANG Bowen,YAN Long,LU Linghui,et al(116)

Hierarchical Management for Rural Integrated Energy System Considering Dynamic Response Characteristics……………………………………………………………………… HUANG Yangqi,HE Wei,ZHAO Weizhe,et al(122)

Multi-objective Optimal Scheduling of Integrated Energy System Considering Energy Efficiency………………………………………………………………………… SU Huiling,YANG Shihai,CHEN Mingming(130)

Event-triggered Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control for Three-phase Grid-connected Inverter…………………………………………………………………… LIU Chunxi,ZHENG Wenshuai,QIAO Yu,et al(137)

Optimal Scheduling of Source-load Interactive Micro-grid Based on Machine Learning……………………………………………………………………………………………… ZHOU Buxiang,XU Yibin(144)


Theoretical Research

Active Damping Suppression Strategy for Bus Voltage Oscillation in Ship Microgrid Source-load Cascade System……………………………………………………………… ZHANG Qinjin,ZHENG Xianglu,LIU Yancheng,et al(1)

Cloud-edge Collaborated Data Quality Optimization for Dispatching and Control Cloud……………………………………………………………………………… LI Dapeng,LI Lixin,YANG Qingbo,et al(11)

Equivalent Mechanism Model for Short-circuit Output Current of Inverter Power Supply………………………………………………………………… WANG Chensheng,CHEN Qian,DENG Xiaolu,et al(20)

Risk Aversion Multi-stage Stochastic Programming for the Modeling and Solving of Power System Considering Time Consistency……………………………………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Ying,HAN Feng(28)

Frequency Control Strategy for Power System Based on Response Capability of HVAC Load Cluster………………………………………………………………………………………… XU Ke,XU Jing,LI Juan,et al(37)

Passivity-based Control Method for PWM Rectifier with the Application of Novel Energy Function……………………………………………………………………………… YUAN Chang,DAI Dumeng,QIU Junqing(45)

Fault Location Method for Collector Lines by Combining Decision Coefficient and ESMD-TEO……………………………………………………………… WANG Xiaodong,WANG Yonghao,LIU Yingming,et al(51)

Condition Assessment and Intelligent Operation/Maintenance of Relay Protection System Based on Observability Analysis………………………………………………………………………… RAO Yun,XIONG Nan,CHEN Huailin,et al(59)

IPOP LLC Resonant Converter in Current Sharing Mode with Primary Winding Grouping Connection………………………………………………………………………………………………… LI Hongzhu,PAN Chao(67)

Voltage Synchronization Method Based on CSDFT-MAF-PLL under Complex Power Grid…………………………………………………………………………………………………… CHEN Wei,HE Shan(74)

Improved Power Control Strategy for IIDG under Asymmetric Faults ……………………LI Zhixuan,HE Jin,LI Weixi,et al(83)

ARIMA-GRU Short-term Power Load Forecasting Based on Feature Mining……………………………………………………………………………… YU Junqi,NIE Jikai,ZHAO Anjun,et al(91)

Analysis and Evaluation of Frequency Adaptability for Wind Farm:Comprehensive Indices System………………………………………………………………………………… ZHAO Wei,XIE Yan,PAN Yan,et al(100)

Joint Dispatching of Multi-source Power Generation System Based on Distributed Robust Optimization…………………………………………………………………………… GUO Chengwei,TIAN Shu,ZHANG Tengfei(109)

Voltage Oscillation Suppression Strategy for Buck Converter Based on Full Disturbance Observation Compensation………………………………………………………………………… YUAN Linfeng,XU Yongming,SHI Jianxun(116)

Improved LADRC Control for Inverter Stage of Solid-state Transformer Based on Fuzzy Adaptive Method…………………………………………………………………………… MA Youjie,ZHANG Tong,ZHOU Xuesong(123)

Optimization of Integrated Electric and Heating Energy System with Self-dispatching by Energy and Reserve Market Players………………………………………………………………………… LÜ Xiaoxiu,LI Peiqiang,DIAO Hanbin,et al(132)

Ultra-short-term Wind Power Forecasting in the Absence of Meteorological Data………………………………………………………………………………… TONG Jiahong,WU Zhigang,XIE Yu(142)


Theoretical Research

Fault Identification Strategy for Distribution Network with DGs Using Current Cosine Similarity………………………………………………………………………………… LI Zhenxing,XU Hao,FU Yuting,et al(1)

Review of Research on Observability of Distribution Network State Estimation………………………………………………………………………… HAN Pingping,ZHANG Nan,PAN Wei,et al(11)

Current Compensation Method for Solar Cell-supercapacitor Device Series Array under Local Shadow Conditions……………………………………………………………… YANG Hongming,WANG Yingjie,CHEN Bowen,et al(22)

Research on Reserve Allocation of Novel Power System Facing Energy Security and the Corresponding Preservation Criterion…………………………………………………………………………… CHEN Yihua,XU Fan,ZHANG Wei,et al(32)

Analysis of Cross-voltage Fault of Mixed-voltage Double-circuit Lines Partially on the Same Tower Based on Improved Compositesequence Network……………………………………………………………………………TANG Min’an,LU Hang(41)

Architecture Design of Big Data Processing Platform for Fusion-type Distribution Network…………………………………………………………………………… ZHENG Zhijie,LIANG Rong,QI Lujie,et al(51)

Topology Modeling of Medium-and Low-voltage Distribution Network for D-IoT………………………………………………………………………… JIANG Hang,SU Yifang,ZHOU Jinhui,et al(58)

Optimal Scheduling of Electric-thermal Integrated Energy System Considering Dynamic Characteristics of Heating Network and Carbon Tradin g…………………………………………………LIN Zhuoran,ZHU Xiaodong,WANG Shouxiang,et al(64)

Flow Rate Measurement Error Using Electromagnetic Flowmeter in Pipeline Dredging and the Corresponding Adjustment……………………………………………………………………… CHEN Ding,LUO Gang,ZHAO Chunfeng,et al(71)

Study on Multi-physics Coupling of Direct-water-cooled Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Used in Electric Vehicles……………………………………………………………………… DU Jingjuan,HUANG Xinyu,ZHAO Jian,et al(77)

Review of Galloping Mechanism and Preventive Measures of Overhead Lines in Distribution Network………………………………………………………………………… ZHOU Yanan,ZU Guoqiang,YAO Ying,et al(83)

Novel Fault-tolerant Control of Cascaded H-bridge Static Synchronous Compensator…………………………………………………………………………………………… LIU Jijun,ZHANG Xiaojuan(90)

Short-term Load Forecasting Method Based on Sparrow Search Optimized Attention-GRU…………………………………………………………………… LIU Kezhen,RUAN Junxiao,ZHAO Xianping,et al(99)

Fault Identification of Multi-terminal Flexible DC Transmission Lines Based on Current Transient……………………………………………………………………… FU Hua,LIU Zhenmin,CHEN Haoxuan,et al(107)

Improved Droop Control of PV Energy Storage DC Microgrid Based on Consensus Algorithm………………………………………………………………………… ZHENG Jilin,WANG Jun,SUN Zhang,et al(116)

Subsynchronous Oscillation Mitigation of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator Based on Phase Shifting Transformer……………………………………………………………………… HAN Pingping,WANG Xi,WANG Huan,et al(126)

Unit Commitment with Operation Coordination and Improved Differential Evolution Algorithm…………………………………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Wenjun,FU Liyou(135)

Ultra-short-term Load Forecasting Method Based on Luong Attention Mechanism and Feature Optimization Strategy…………………………………………………………………………………… LIU Lili,LIU Yang,TANG Zizhuo(143)


Theoretical Research

Application of BiLSTM and TCN in Anomaly Recognition of Users-transformer Relationship…………………………………………………………………………………… YANG Jian,ZHOU Yatong,LIU Jun(1)

Robust Optimal Dispatching for Regional Integrated Energy System Considering Fitting Errors of Part Load Performance Functions of Components………………………………………LIU Keming,HUANG Jingjie,YANG Hongming,et al(11)

Short-term Load Forecasting Based on VMD-PSO-MKELM Method…………………………………………………………………… WU Songmei,JIANG Jiandong,YAN Yuehao,et al(18)

Dynamics Characteristics of Boost Converter in Maximum Power Point Tracking for Photovoltaic Power Generation………………………………………………………………………………… TAO Hui,ZHAO Shibin,JIA Chunhua(26)

Operation Risk Assessment Based on Regression Learning and Feature Mining…………………………………………………………………… WANG Tianhao,MA Shiqian,SONG Haitao,et al(35)

Stability Analysis of DC Microgrid with Constant Power Load …………………… LIU Haitao,XIONG Xiong,XU Yini,et al(42)

Evaluation Model of Distribution Network Investment Effectiveness Based on Data-driven Method……………………………………………………………………… LIU Huichuan,WANG Feng,WU Shuang,et al(50)

Resilience Assessment on Integrated Electricity-gas System under Earthquake Disaster……………………………………………………………………………… WU Bin,GAO Junyan,BAN Quan,et al(59)

Research on Simulation Platform of Cyber-physical Power System Based on OPC……………………………………………………………… SUN Zhenglong,ZHAO Jingbo,ZHUANG Junzhi,et al(70)

Multi-objective Optimal Scheduling of Household Energy Management System Based on Improved Beetle Antennae Search Algorith m…………………………………………………………YU Junqi,HOU Xueyan,ZHAO Anjun,et al(79)

Optimal Operation of Regional Integrated Energy System Considering Demand Response and Ladder-type Carbon Trading Mechanism …………………………………………………………………QIU Bin,SONG Shaoxin,WANG Kai,et al(87)

Function,Form and Planning System of Novel Power Distribution System with“Double-Carbon”Goal……………………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Xiaodi,GAO Qiang,PAN Hong(96)

Identification Method for HVDC Transmission Line Lightning Strike Fault Based on Adaboost.M2…………………………………………………………………………………… CHEN Lei,WU Hao,LI Dong,et al(102)

Short-term Power Load Prediction of Bidirectional LSTM with ISSA Optimization Attention Mechanism………………………………………………………………… WANG Jinyu,JIN Hongzhe,WANG Haisheng,et al(111)

Short-circuit Capacity Measurement Method with Constraint of Equivalent Supply Voltage Coefficient of Variation………………………………………………………………………………… SU Can,ZHOU Wen,GAO Min,et al(118)

High-frequency Stability Analysis of MMC-HVDC System Based on Delay Stability Margin……………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Fang,YANG Fengyu,YAO Wenpeng(125)

Calculation of Lightning Surge Overvoltage in 220 kV Substation and Analysis of Its Influencing Factors Considering Corona Loss…………………………………………………………………………… LIU Xiaohang,GAO Yu,HE Tianren,et al(136)

Rotor Loss Analysis of High-speed Motor and Research on Its Sensorless Vector Control Method………………………………………………………………… CHEN Xueyong,LI Chaojiang,DU Jingjuan,et al(144)


Theoretical Research

Optimal Configuration of Energy Storage in Distribution Network Based on Improved Gray Wolf Algorithm…………………………………………………………………………… MAO Zhiyu,JIANG Ye,LI Peiqiang,et al(1)

Optimal Planning for P2G Power Station Oriented to Electricity-gas Bidirectional Coupling and Low Carbon……………………………………………………………… ZHOU Buxiang,HUA Weijie,ZHANG Yuanhong,et al(9)

DC-side Voltage Control Method for Grid-connected Converter Involved in Grid Frequency Regulation…………………………………………………………………………………… YUAN Chang,ZUO Ling,WU Ming(18)

Research on Multi-agent Collaborative Optimization Operation Strategy for Integrated Energy System Based on ADMM-RGS Algorithm…………………………………………………………………………… YANG Haizhu,DAI Genghui,ZHANG Peng(25)

Passivity-based Control of Boost Converter Based on Extended State Observer Compensation…………………………………………………………………………… LI Shiyu,LI Jianguo,ZHANG Yajing,et al(34)

Topology and Control of Multi-level Trough-type Cophase Power Supply Device for Electrified Railway……………………………………………………………………… ZHOU Jinghua,YAN Tianle,ZHANG Xiaowei,et al(42)

Coefficient of Energy Storage Reserve for Power Failure and Optimal Control Model for Household Energy Management System………………………………………………………………………… TANG Jie,HUANG Jingjie,XU Zhiqiang,et al(54)

Frequency Safety Evaluation of Microgrid with Electricity-gas-heat Coupling System………………………………………………………………………… CHEN Zhe,DENG Baohua,JIN Jianxin,et al(61)

Transient Stability Assessment for Power System Considering Misclassification Constraints………………………………………………………………………… ZHOU Huiyi,LIU Songkai,ZHANG Lei,et al(71)

Principle of Relay Protection for Petal-shape Distribution Network Based on Voltage Prediction Error……………………………………………………………………… LI Tiecheng,GUO Shaofei,WANG Xianzhi,et al(79)

Fault Line Selection of Distribution Network Based on Gated Recurrent Unit Neural Network…………………………………………………………………………………… XU Haiyan,WU Hao,LI Dong,et al(89)

Power Grid Sate Awareness and Voltage Regulation Decision-making Support Based on Edge-oriented Cloud-edge Cooperation…………………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Jie,DI Fangchun,LI Dapeng,et al(98)

Power Data Anomaly Detection Algorithm Based on Multi-domain Feature Extraction…………………………………………………………… SUN Yingtao,ZHANG Fengming,CHEN Shuibiao,et al(105)

Verification Method for Basic Data of New Energy Power Generation Based on Data Feature Extraction…………………………………………………………………………… YANG Libo,MA Bin,WANG Yajun,et al(114)

Transient Stability Analysis of PLL Synchronization in Weak-grid Connected Multi-VSC Based on LMI Optimization Method…………………………………………………………………………… HE Ping,ZHANG Dezheng,LI Hui,et al(119)

Design of MPC for Modular Multilevel Converter with Hybrid Sub-modules ………………WANG Shuangling,CHEN Huige(126)

Measures to Improve the New Energy Consumption Level of UHVDC Sending-end Power Gird…………………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Xin,LIU Fei,WANG Shibin,et al(135)

Mid-and Long-term Charging Load Forecasting for Electric Vehicles in Residential Areas Considering Orderly Charging………………………………………………………………… HUA Yuanpeng,WANG Yuanyuan,HAN Ding,et al(142)


Theoretical Research

Optimal Scheduling of Integrated Energy System with Zero Carbon Emission Considering Load Deviation Degree……………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Hongyu,FAN Haibo,FANG Hui,et al(1)

Fault-tolerant Control of Single-phase Active Front-end Cascaded H-bridge Inverter………………………………………………………………………… SUN Xichen,LIN Xumei,ZHANG Mingpeng(11)

Multi-level Fault Diagnosis of Power Transformer Based on Machine Learning…………………………………………………………………………………… WANG Zijian,QIN Yurui,LI Jingli(20)

Trend Prediction and Analysis Model for Power Quality of Important Users Based on LSTM…………………………………………………………………… ZHAO Changwei,PIAN Ruijun,DU Tianshuo,et al(26)

Parameter Identification for Low-voltage Distribution Lines Based on Smart Meter Measurement……………………………………………………………… HUANG Luhan,XIONG Weichen,SONG Xiaolin,et al(34)

Sliding Mode Direct Power Control of DFIG Based on Extended State Observer…………………………………………………………………………… LIU Changjian,DONG Fengbin,ZHAO Yongwei(41)

Magnetic Field Distribution Characteristics of 110 kV XLPE Cable Joint and Its Degradation Evaluation…………………………………………………………………… WANG Fujue,YAO Tianyi,YANG Zhuoran,et al(50)

Modelling and Additional Control for Parallel Operation of Power Converters in ESS under Master-slave Scheme……………………………………………………………………… ZHU Lifeng,WU Binfeng,SONG Enliang,et al(54)

Load Frequency Control of Multi-area Power System with Renewable Energy Sources…………………………………………………………………………… GUAN Yanpeng,LI Xiaoning,JIA Xinchun(64)

User Incentive Dynamic Pricing Decision-making Method for Electric Heating Load in Peak-regulated Virtual Power Plant…………………………………………………………………… JIAO Dongxiang,YU Haixia,SUN Lingchen,et al(72)

Inertia Requirement Analysis of Frequency Stability of Renewable-dominant Power System……………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Guihong,LIU Fei,WANG Shibin,et al(81)

Critical Line Identification Considering Uncertainties in Source and Load and the Corresponding Correlation……………………………………………………………………………………………… WANG Hongtao,ZOU Bin(88)

Decentralized and Coordinated Dispatching of Multi-region Interconnected System Considering Uncertainties in New Energy……………………………………………………………………………… ZHU Guangming,LIANG Dong,MA Long(98)

Charging-discharging Scheduling Strategy for Electric Vehicles Considering Supply and Demand……………………………………………………………………… LUO Weixiang,CHANG Xiqiang,FU Rui,et al(106)

Application Problems of Knowledge Graph in Text Error Checking of Power Equipment Defects and Corresponding Countermeasures……………………………………………………………………… LI Yanru,CHEN Yaojun,WANG Huifang,et al(113)

Optimization Strategy for Master-slave Game Operation in Multi-microgrid Market Based on Deep…………………………………………………………………………………………… YAN Wenjun,LIU Junyong(120)

System Dynamics Analysis Model of Photovoltaic Energy Storage Power Station for Grid Parity…………………………………………………………………… SONG Yue,WANG Yuwei,YUAN Shuguang,et al(129)

Study on Analysis Method for HVDC Transmission Line Faults at Initial Stage………………………………………………………………………… CAO Hong,ZHOU Zexin,LÜ Pengfei,et al(137)

Voltage Data Repair Method for 10 kV Distribution Network under Tensor Decomposition Theory………………………………………………………………………………………………………… WANG Xiaohu(148)

New Type of Smart Watt-hour Meter Based on Edge Computing…………………………………………………………………………… LÜ Weijia,LIU Haoyu,ZHAI Shuran,et al(153)


Theoretical Research

DC Overvoltage Optimization of DFIG Based on Trajectory Sensitivity……………………………………………………………………… LI Shenghu,ZHAO Qirui,ZHU Zhenggao,et al(1)

Identification of Distribution Network Topology Based on Branch Power Estimation……………………………………………………………………… GUO Shaofei,LI Tiecheng,CHEN Tianying,et al(8)

Overview of Energy System Techniques for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles………………………………………………………………………………………………… FANG Hongwei,LI Ziyan(18)

Comprehensive Evaluation on DC Transformation of Urban Central Load with Limited Power Supply Corridor………………………………………………………………………… PENG Yuxuan,CHEN Chun,CAO Yijia,et al(27)

Transient Stability Margin Assessment Based on Relationship Exploration and KTBoost…………………………………………………………………………………… WANG Qiang,LIU Lian,CHEN Hao(35)

Research on Temperature Rise and Current Carrying Capacity Characteristics of Bridge-along HV Cable Joint……………………………………………………………………… WANG Gencheng,YAN Xunping,LI Hanping,et al(44)

Optimal Dispatching of Hydrogen Coupling IES Considering Mixed Transmission of Hydrogen and Natural Gas……………………………………………………………………………… QIU Bin,MU Huibin,WANG Kai,et al(51)

Energy Storage Planning Strategy for Improving Resilience of Distribution Network under Typhoon Weather…………………………………………………………………………………… YU Aiqing,JIN Biao,WANG Yufei(60)

Improved Cross Entropy Method for Well-being Evaluation on Power Generation System…………………………………………………………………………… CHEN Fan,WANG Yuqi,LIU Haitao,et al(68)

Coordinated Control Strategy for DC Interconnected Group-microgrid System……………………………………………………………………… LIN Yanyan,XIAO Hongfei,LIU Guangyu,et al(77)

Galloping Characteristics of 10 kV Overhead Distribution Lines in Strong Wind and Icing Environment………………………………………………………………………… ZU Guoqiang,ZHENG Yue,YAO Ying,et al(87)

Self-adaptive Identification Method for 110 kV Line Disconnection Fault Based on Characteristics of Voltage Changes…………………………………………………………………………… CHEN Yongming,LIU Chang,LI Jing,et al(93)

Evaluation Method for Energy Efficiency of Home Appliances Based on NILM…………………………………………………………………………… ZHAI Shuran,SUN Hong,LÜ Weijia,et al(102)

Distributionally Robust Economic Dispatch of Urban Integrated Heat and Power Systems………………………………………………………………………… WU Xiaoyu,KONG Weizheng,DAI Hongcai(110)

Harmonic Power Sharing Control Method for Microgrid Based on Consensus Algorithm…………………………………………………………………………………………… JIANG Shiming,TANG Jie(118)

Analysis of Quotation Behavior in Power Spot Market Based on Mean Clustering Algorithm………………………………………………………………… ZHOU Huafeng,LIU Yingshang,PNEG Chaoyi,et al(130)

Current Situation of Harmonic Source Modeling and Development Trend under Novel Power System…………………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Yi,MENG Xiangliang,LIU Bijie(139)

Regional Power Grid Quality Evaluation Method Considering Index Characteristics…………………………………………………………… ZHU Mingxing,ZHANG Yiheng,ZHANG Huaying,et al(150)


Theoretical Research

Novel Distance Protection Method for DPFC Lines Based on Dual Voltage Transformers………………………………………………………………… CAO Jianwei,HUANG Zhihua,ZHANG Xinyu,et al(1)

Power Frequency Characteristics and Line Selection under Two Point Grounding Faults Occurring in Same Phase in Isolated Neutral System …………………………………………………………ZHANG Zongxi,XUE Yongduan,DONG Liming,et al(9)

Combined Ultra-short-term Power Prediction Method for Regional Multi-photovoltaic Power Stations Based on STL and MMoE Multi-task Learnin g…………………………………………………WANG Bentao,BAI Yang,XING Hongtao,et al(17)

High Voltage Ride Through Control of Grid-side Converter in Doubly-fed Wind Turbine Based on Online Calculation of Operating Points……………………………………………………………WANG Yaohan,ZHANG Yangfan,SONG Peng,et al(24)

Scheduling Strategy for Concentrating Solar Power Plant and Wind Power System Considering Controllable Load…………………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Tengfei,TIAN Shu,GUO Chengwei(32)

Market-driven Transmission Investment and Planning Analysis Considering Strategic Investors’Stackelberg Equilibrium under Uncertainties in Sources and Loads ……………………………………………………… YE Hongbo,WANG Gaoqin(40)

Research on Key Technology for DC Circuit Breaker Based on Current Commutation Drive Circuit………………………………………………………………… ZHAO Beitao,WANG Zhenzhen,FAN Ruiqing,et al(50)

Partial Discharge and Breakdown Characteristics of Insulating Blankets in Live Working under Different Operation Conditions………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Weiya,CHEN Zhong,GONG Yanping,et al(57)

Analysis of Harmonic Characteristics and Suppression of Harmonic Current for Photovoltaic Grid-connected Inverter…………………………………………………………………………… JIANG Yue,CAO Jing,LIANG Gang,et al(64)

RGAN-UKF Smart Grid State Estimation Model Incorporating Reconstructed Measurements………………………………………………………………………………………………… LI Haiying,PEI Kangxin(73)

Analysis of Magnetic Field and Eddy Current Loss of Permanent Magnet Starter/generator under Field Weakening Condition…………………………………………………………………… WANG Xiaoyuan,LIANG Huijing,LI Tianyuan,et al(81)

Optimal Scheduling of Thermoelectric Decoupling IES Based on CLH-SOFC Gas-to-power Technology………………………………………………………………………………… QIU Bin,MEN Jiali,WANG Kai,et al(88)

Allocation Method of Harmonic Current Limit for Industrial Park Users Based on Protocol Capacity Allocation……………………………………………………………………………………… YAN Jing,LIN Rui,ZHANG Yan(96)

Energy Storage-thermal Power Joint Frequency Regulation Strategy Considering Cycle Loss……………………………………………………………………… YU Huiqun,JIN Donghui,PENG Daogang,et al(102)

Frequency Modulation Modeling and Stability Analysis of DFIG-based Wind Turbines Considering Influence of Wind Speed………………………………………………………………………… LI Yonggang,HE Mengjuan,LIU Jingli,et al(110)

Double-layer Capacity Configuration of Black-start Power Source Based on Cooperative Game………………………………………………………………… HUANG Yonghong,KONG Weijian,MEI Ting,et al(121)

Prediction of Static Voltage Stability Margin Based on Natural Gradient Boosting and Analysis of Its Influencing Factors………………………………………………………………………………… WANG Qiang,CHEN Hao,LIU Lian(130)

Distributed Coordination and Optimization Scheduling of Multi-interconnected Microgrids Based on Block Chain…………………………………………………………… CAO Zhengfei,ZHANG Zhonghui,DONG Zhicheng,et al(138)

Analysis and Improvement of Distance Protection Maloperation Caused by Autotransformer Input……………………………………………………………………… LIN Guosong,ZHANG Shuo,QUAN Wei,et al(146)

Fault Diagnosis Method for Distribution Network Cable Terminal Based on Fusion of Tamura-HOG Texture and Moment Features………………………………………………………………………………… WEI Yajun,LI Kaican,DONG Zhen(153)


Theoretical Research

Non-intrusive Online Identification of Electric Bicycle Charging Load………………………………………………………………… LUAN Wenpeng,MA Chunwei,ZHAO Bochao,et al(1)

Value Evaluation of Offshore Wind Power Projects under Uncertain Environment Based on LSMC Method…………………………………………………………………………… LIU Qian,SUN Yan,WU Mengcheng,et al(8)

Single-ended Protection of DC Distribution Network Based on Current-limiting Reactance Transient Voltage…………………………………………………………………………… JI Lu,TANG Yafang,YUAN Xufeng,et al(15)

Drone Autonomous Inspection Method for Transmission Line Based on Dynamic Trajectory Planning……………………………………………………………………… XU Qichun,GUO Chenchen,LIU Zhiming,et al(24)

Electricity Pricing of Distribution Network with Distributed Generations Based on Stackelberg Game……………………………………………………………………… XIAO Jian,CHUAN Xing,PENG Yiming,et al(32)

Distributed Dynamic Harmonic Optimized Control by SAPF Considering Regional Coordination……………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Weizhou,TAO Jun,WANG Qing,et al(42)

Transient Real-time Simulation of Photovoltaic DC Power Generation System Considering Control Characteristics Based on FPGA………………………………………………………………… WANG Shouxiang,HE Ruxun,ZHANG Chunyu,et al(50)

Delay Compensation Strategy for WAC Controlled LCL Grid-connected Inverter in Weak Grid…………………………………………………………………………… LI Yudong,LI Peifeng,HUANG Xin,et al(57)

Data Type Identification Method for Imbalanced Load Based on VAE Preprocessing and RP-2D CNN……………………………………………………………………… HUANG Dongmei,WU Zhihao,SUN Yuan,et al(66)

Double Integral Feedback PID Load Frequency Control of New Energy Interconnected Power Systems…………………………………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Cheng,ZHANG Yan(73)

Secondary Frequency Modulation Control of Virtual Synchronous Generator Based on Second-order Linear Active Disturbance Rejection Control ………………………………………………………………GE Shengsheng,WANG Peng,SHI Kai(81)

Hybrid Control Strategy for Single-phase Grid-connected Photovoltaic System………………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Shuang,ZHANG Di,XUE Fei,et al(89)

Fault Line Selection Method for Resonance Grounding System Based on Comparison Between Transient and Steady-state Current Amplitudes ……………………………………………………………………LI Gaoming,LI Haobin,LU Ying,et al(97)

Dynamic Modelling of Lumped Voltage Regulation Characteristics for Wind Farm Based on Time-delay Neural Network…………………………………………………………………………………… LI Dan,LIU Sha,GUO Xihai,et al(104)

Optimal Allocation Method for Distributed Generations Considering Time Series Optimal Power Flow…………………………………………………………………… MA Shiqian,ZHANG Jie,SHANG Jing’an,et al(112)

VMD-IDBiGRU Load Prediction Model under Attention Mechanism ……………SHAO Bilin,YAN Yichuan,ZENG Huibin(120)

Novel Fault Location Method for Three-terminal Multi-segment Overhead-cable Hybrid Transmission Line Based on Dynamic Mode Decomposition ………………………………………………………ZHANG Zhiwei,FAN Xinqiao,ZHANG Li,et al(129)

Fault Ride Through Capability of Direct Drive Permanent Magnet Wind Power Generation Connected to Grid Based on SMES-SFCL…………………………………………………………………… WANG Min,ZHOU Yusheng,YANG Hang,et al(138)

Trans-provincial Joint Clearing Mechanism for Capacity Market in China……………………………………………………………………… SUN Qixing,XING Dong,ZHANG Chao,et al(145)

Novel Differential Protection Principle for DC Transmission Lines ………………………SU Yu,TANG Shiming,SHI Yong(152)


Theoretical Research

Fault Location Method for Hybrid Lines in Distribution Network Based on Improved Elephant Herding Optimization Algorithm…………………………………………………………………………… PENG Weixin,LI Zewen,XIA Yixiang,et al(1)

Accurate Analysis Method for Grid Loss of Distribution Network Driven by Multi-source Data………………………………………………………………………………… LIU Wei,MA Shiqian,LI Yunfei,et al(12)

Power Quality Disturbance Classification Method Based on Wavelet Denoising and Deep Learning……………………………………………………………………………… LIU Ye,CHENG Shan,WANG Rui,et al(17)

Dispatch Optimization of Island Microgrid with Electrolytic Hydrogen Unit and CSP Station……………………………………………………………… HUANG Dongmei,CHEN Kexiang,SUN Jinzhong,et al(24)

Short-circuit Current Calculation for IIDG with Negative-sequence Current Injection in Multi-phase Distribution Network…………………………………………………………………………………… LI Zhixuan,HE Jin,LI Weixi,et al(32)

Multi-source Coordinated Control Strategy for Active Distribution Network in Non-ideal Communication Environment………………………………………………………………… TIAN Meijun,LIU Shenquan,WANG Longjun,et al(42)

Research on Short-term Load Forecasting of Power System Based on ECA-TCN………………………………………………………………………… LIANG Lu,LIU Yuanlong,LIU Shaohua,et al(52)

Fault Location of Multi-branch Distribution Network Based on MRSVD-VMD…………………………………………………………………………… WU Jiaxiang,SUN Yunlian,CHEN Chuzhao(58)

Bus Voltage Control of DC Microgrid Based on Differential Flatness Theory ………………………YANG Yi,HUANG Jinfeng(66)

Adaptive Charging and Discharging Strategy for Energy Storage System Based on Consensus Algorithm…………………………………………………………………… PI Zhiyong,CHEN Cheng,ZHANG Mingmin,et al(74)

Multi-objective Optimization of PI+PBC Controller Parameters for Buck-Boost Converter…………………………………………………………………………… WANG Lu,WANG Jiuhe,ZHAO Yan,et al(84)

Research on Analysis of Voltage Loss of Parallel Bilateral Power Supply System and Countermeasures…………………………………………………………………………………… LI Xin,LIU Jiong,CHEN Cai,et al(92)

Modeling and Control Strategy for Photovoltaic Energy Storage System Considering Power Limit Management………………………………………………………………………… LIU Haitao,MA Bingtai,HAO Sipeng,et al(100)

PV Power Scenario Generation Method Based on Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Networks with Gradient Penalty…………………………………………………………………………………… HU Shifeng,ZHU Ruijin,TANG Bo(109)

Current Control Strategy for PV LCL-type Inverter System by Combining ILADRC and IMC………………………………………………………………… ZHOU Xuesong,GUO Shuaichao,MA Youjie,et al(116)

Monitoring System Architecture of Distribution Station and Its Health Assessment……………………………………………………………………… TIAN Peng,LI Sen,WANG Zhenshu,GAO Hui(126)

Planning of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Considering Distribution Network Load…………………………………………………………………………… WANG Huaying,LI Yong,ZHU Hui,et al(134)

Differential Flatness Control Strategy for Unified Power Quality Conditioner in Unbalanced Grid System……………………………………………………………………… WANG Pu,WANG Hongxi,ZHANG Yu,et al(142)

Novel Wide-voltage-range DHC-LT Resonant Bidirectional DC-DC Converter…………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Shuhuai,WU Xuezhi,WANG Zhongxiao(150)


Theoretical Research

Multi-state Model Based Unit Commitment Optimization with Wind Power Providing Reserve Capacity………………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Baoqing,WANG Jing,DU Peng,et al(1)

Flexible Compensation Control Strategy for Master-slave Arc Suppression Coil Based on Signal Injection Method…………………………………………………………………… LIN Fanqin,YANG Jingjing,SUN Huazhong,et al(10)

Economic Scheduling Strategy for Integrated Energy System in Distributed Parks Based on Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning……………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Fan,WU Donghao,CHEN Yuping,et al(18)

Non-intrusive Load Monitoring Based on CNN-seq2seq Model Optimized by Attention Mechanism…………………………………………………………………… WANG Qikai,XIONG Yongkang,CHEN Ying,et al(27)

Power Balance Control of Low Voltage Unit for Hybrid Cascaded Nine-level Inverter……………………………………………………………………………… GU Jun,ZHANG Ming,SONG Fei,et al(35)

Soft-starting Control Strategy of Energy Storage System Based on Electronic Power Transformer…………………………………………………………………………………… WANG Qiang,GUO Wei,YANG Ce(43)

Autonomous Topology Switching Control Technology for Power Grid Based on SAC………………………………………………………………… MA Shiqian,HUANG Jiakai,CHONG Zhiqiang,et al(51)

Low-complexity Model Predictive Control for Three-level LCL-filtered Grid-connected Inverter with High Current Quality……………………………………………………………………………………… WU Bin,LI Shupeng,LI Zhenbin(61)

Research on Automatic Generation Control Strategy for Wind Farm with Energy Storage Considering Frequency Modulation Capability……………………………………………………………………………… MA Bin,WANG Yajun,LI Weixun,et al(66)

Inverse Decoupling Internal Model Control for Multilevel Buck Converter………………………………………………………………………… WU Jiarong,LUO Liping,WANG Qingyu,et al(72)

Day-ahead Economic Operation Model of Microgrid and Its Solving Method Based on Distributed Robust Optimization……………………………………………………………………………… WEI Meifang,WU Yan,LI Yuelong,et al(81)

Analysis of Parameter Coupling of LCC-VSC Hybrid HVDC Transmission System………………………………………………………………………………… LI Suxuan,ZHU Jiebei,YU Lujie,et al(91)

Improved Active Frequency Control Strategy for Doubly-fed Induction Generator……………………………………………………………………… KE Xianbo,WANG Qing,ZHANG Gang,et al(100)

Fast Time Scale Bifurcation Suppression for DC Charging Pile Front-stage Converter……………………………………………………………… GAO Zhiqiang,WANG Yulong,ZHOU Xuesong,et al(106)

Influences of Electrical Quantities on Transient Line Selection Methods after Arc Extinction under Small Current Grounding Fault…………………………………………………………………… QIAO Dongwei,GONG Defeng,XIE Songwei,et al(114)

Research on Influence of VSG with Improved Fault Ride Through Method on Power Angle Stability Between Synchronous Generators…………………………………………………………………………… CAO Wei,HE Bilun,CHEN Siyuan,et al(121)

Harmonic Impedance Estimation Method Based on Optimized Gaussian Process Regression…………………………………………………………………………… XIA Yankun,TANG Wenzhang,LIN Xinyi(129)

Dynamic Line Rating Method Combining Micrometeorological Analysis and Ampacity Forecasting…………………………………………………………………………… YAN Bolun,XIE Honggang,YANG Ming(137)

Non-harmonic Detection APF Based on Active Power Decoupling…………………………………………………………………WANG Yunliang,ZHANG Shuangyang,WU Yanjuan(145)

Intelligent Distributed Protection for Distribution Network with Inverter-based Distributed Generation………………………………………………………………………… DU Haoliang,ZHENG Ran,LI Yuehui,et al(152)

2022 Contents List of Proceedings of the CSU-EPS A……………………………………………………………………………(Ⅹ)

Opening flexible resources by integrating energy systems: A review of flexibility for the modern power system