
2023-01-12 03:19诸葛
走向世界 2022年51期








The 20th National Congress of the Communist P a r t y o f C h i n a h a s r e g a r d e d w h o l e -process?people’s?democracy?as?the?defining?feature?of? socialist democracy. Since the reelection, the 18th Standing Committee of Jinan Municipal People’s Congress has conscientiously studied and implemented the spirit of the Central People’s Congress Work Conference, insisted on developing and improving the whole process of people’s democracy as an important duty and glorious mission, faithfully performed its duties from the perspective of serving the central task and overall situation, and committed to practical actions for the whole process of people’s democracy with Jinan’s characteristics.

Upholding the Party’s overall leadership is key to develop the whole process of people’s democracy. Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Jinan Municipal People’s Congress has?deepened?its?understanding?of?the?decisive?significance? of the “Two Affirmations”, strengthened commitment to the “Four Consciousnesses,” the “Four-Sphere Confidence”, and the “Two Upholds”. It is maintaining a high degree of consistency with the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping as the core in thoughts, politics and actions, upholding the authority of the CPC Central Committee and its centralized and?unified?leadership,?as?well?as?faithfully?implementing?the? Party’s policies and the CPC Central Committee’s decisions.

The rule of law is a prerequisite for good governance. Through the legislative process, Jinan Municipal People’s Congress adheres to scientific legislation, democratic legislation and legislation in accordance with the law, actively responding to expectations of the people on the new journey. It strives to solve the problem of the ”last mile” of advancing the rule of law to the grassroots level and various walks of life, thus seeing constant progress in enriching and developing the legislative work.

Understanding the new development stage, applying the new development philosophy, and creating a new development dynamic, Jinan Municipal People’s Congress has insisted on the complete, accurate and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept, with highquality development as a priority of supervision. It carries out the “six-sphere modernized and strong provincial capital” supervision with focus on economic development, rule of law, people’s livelihood, green development and etc., adhering to proper, effective supervision in accordance with the law, and constantly improving the systematic effectiveness to guarantee the construction of strong provincial capital.

T h e P e o p l e’s C o n g r e s s d e p u t i e s a r e t h e component members of the organ of state power who exercise state power on behalf of the people. The system of people’s congresses is an important institutional vehicle for realizing whole-process people’s democracy in China. Jinan Municipal People’s Congress has continued to deepen and implement the “dual connection” that links the Standing Committee to the delegates and the delegates to the people, making the delegate liaison stations become an important platform for practicing the whole process of?people’s?democracy.?To?fulfill?the?mission?of?the?whole? process of people’s democracy, Jinan Municipal People’s Congress sticks to the positioning of the “four organs”, and devotes to political construction, institutional construction and capacity building, comprehensively improving its ability to perform duties in accordance with the law.

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