完 美 搭 档

2023-01-09 01:33:20彭妮波特青闰
英语世界 2022年10期

文/彭妮·波特 译/青闰








8米勒以90 英里的时速穿过一个个十字路口追捕马登。最后,嫌疑人突然转向一条背街,弃车而逃。米勒纵身跃出巡逻车,箭步跑过一个个垃圾箱,进入一条小巷。

















25回到家里,米勒领着奥尔登走向他的窝。突然,他停住了。自从一年多以前见到奥尔登时起,他就一直想做一件事。现在是时候去做了。米勒蹲下来,双臂搂住奥尔登,抱住他。之后,米勒和奥尔登开始在柔软的草地上翻滚。奥尔登一声声欢叫着,尾巴啪啪地打着地面。 □

“Keep a sharp lookout,” Miller told him, glancing toward the back seat. In the dim light, Miller could just make out the shield glimmering smartly from his partner’s collar: Badge No. 85. The rookie was a husky German shepherd named Olden.

2Suddenly the cruiser’s headlights illuminated a figure breaking the lock on a building. Miller screeched to a halt and shouted the command “Go!” In a flash Olden bounded through the car’s open window, his deep bark reverberating through the night.

3The chase ended seconds later as Olden nipped the suspect on the buttocks.

4Over the next few months, Miller kept his relationship with Olden strictly professional. The dog was fed no table scraps. He was kept out of the bedroom.He spent his nights outside, regardless of the weather. Sometimes during storms, Olden would poke his nose out of his doghouse and bark at the back door. Miller pretended not to hear.

5Day after day, Miller raced the dog around the back yard to build his stamina—after all, Olden was a soldier in training. To test Olden’s discipline, he’d give him the order to “Stay”—and then he’d leave. Once Miller took a halfhour walk. When he returned, Olden was still glued to the spot where he had left him. At that moment Miller wanted to give Olden a hug, but instead quietly said, “Attaboy.”

6One afternoon, just after Miller and Olden began their shift, an urgent call came over the radio. “Shots fired, 720 North Park Avenue.” Miller flicked on the siren.

7As he pulled up to the house, a white car sped away. Behind the wheel was Steve Madden, a suspect.

8Miller chased Madden through intersection after intersection at 90 m.p.h.Finally the suspect swerved down a side street and abandoned his car. Miller jumped out of his cruiser and raced past garbage cans into an alley.

9Turning a corner, Miller expected to see a man running headlong. Instead,he found the barrel of a pistol pointing right at his chest.

10He braced for the jolt as Madden squeezed the trigger. But suddenly a thundering bark rang out and Olden burst around the corner, tearing straight for Madden. The gunman fired and fled.

11The bullet caught Olden in the face,spinning him backward and dropping him onto his side. The slug bore through Olden’s cheek, burst out his neck and buried itself in his shoulder. Blood spurted from the wounds.

12It took a split second for Miller to react. Olden has just made the ultimate sacrifice, he thought. As his partner lay panting, Miller whispered, “It’ll be all right.” Then he went after Madden.

13The suspect was now running across an open area behind a house. Two other officers had arrived, and the three cops exchanged shots with Madden. Finally,Miller felled Madden with a shot in the side.

14Miller scooped Olden up and placed him gently on the back seat of the patrol car. Then he sped toward the animal hospital.

15At the hospital, as Olden was prepared for surgery, Miller was ushered out of the room. He feared he’d never see his brave partner again.

16At the hospital the next morning,Miller found Olden lying on a table.Stitches jutted1jut(使)突出;(使)伸出。from the closed wounds.“The bullet missed his jugular vein by a fraction of an inch,” the vet said. “He’s lucky, but he’s not out of danger yet.”

17Miller stroked Olden’s face and watched his eyes open slightly. The vet then dropped a piece of lead into Miller’s palm. “You might want this,”he said. Miller looked down at the bullet. This was meant for me, he thought.

18As Miller began to walk out, Olden struggled to get up from the table and follow his master. But his torn body could barely move. “Danny, he wants to be with you,” the vet said. “Take him home.”

19In the days that followed, Miller dressed the dog’s wounds, made sure he ate and carried him outside. Soon it was clear to Miller that Olden was going to live.

20His joy was tempered, though, when trainer Hall told him, “Gunshot wounds can destroy a police dog’s effectiveness.”

21No! thought Miller. He’s my partner.He belongs here with me. There was only one hope for keeping Olden on the force: the dog would have to pass a test to see if he could still perform his job.

22Just weeks after the shooting, Miller drove Olden to an abandoned military base to re-create the scene of the shooting. Several officers stood by nervously.

23Then Hall signaled the beginning of the test. Olden followed all orders,running down a long corridor and jumping out a window. But then an officer layered in padding dashed out, leveling a revolver. As Olden advanced, the officer fired twice close to the dog’s face.Olden froze.

24“C’mon, buddy,” Miller said. He recommanded Olden to attack. A second later, the dog leaped at the gunman,now ignoring the gun in the officer’s hand. The officers broke into applause.“Miller,” Hall said, grinning, “you’ve got your partner back.”

25At home, Miller led Olden to his pen. Suddenly he stopped. There was something he’d been wanting to do ever since he saw Olden more than a year before. And now was the time to do it.Crouching down, Miller wrapped his arms around Olden and hugged him.Then the two started rolling around in the soft grass. Olden barked and barked,his tail thumping. ■

下期主题 和米勒一起画乡村
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