2023-01-08 01:29
浙江社会科学 2022年3期

World Significance of the Common Values of Humanity:Historical Confirmation、Theoretical Innovation and Value Leading (4)

Sang Jianquan1,Chen Xixi2

(1.School of Marxism,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058;2.School of Marxism,Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai 200240)

Abstract:Since globalization,the history of human “integration” has been accompanied by oscillatory and repeated explicit or implicit values crisis.Therefore,the crisis of world values is by no means a new problem.It is a complex interweaving of historical problem,theoretical problem and practical problem.Will an American style “democracy summit” that inherently advocates ideological confrontation return mankind to the confrontation of values during the cold war? At the crossroad of values,the common values of humanity highlights world significance in condensing value consensus of people all over the world.As the historical confirmation of completely surpassing the “universal value” of old era,the common values of humanity reserves theoretical legitimacy in dialectical unity.As a theoretical innovation conforming to theme of the times and conforming to trend of the times,the common values of humanity has realized narrative reconstruction in insight into ills of the times.As a value guide related to trend of the times,the common values of humanity shows an extraordinary practical effect in resolving multiple crises.

Key words:common values of humanity;historical confirmation;theoretical innovation;value leading

Feasible Society and Ideal Society——An Interpreting Perspective on “The New Adam Smith Problem” (12)

Wang Changgang,Luo Weidong

(School of Economics,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058)

Abstract:It has been proposed that the thought of Adam Smith underwent a substantial change in his late years,as indicated by the extensive additions and revision in the sixth edition of The Theory of Moral Sentiments.This change has been termed “The New Adam Smith Problem” to distinguishing it from traditional“Das Adam Smith Problem.” An analysis of Smith’s major texts shows that Smith implicitly draw a distinction between “feasible society” and “ideal society”.In the first edition of The Theory of Moral Sentiments and Wealth of Nations,Smith deciphered the mechanism of commercial society mainly through the principle of sympathy and propensity to exchange in human nature.This decipherment meanwhile was also an apology for commercial society.Afterwards Smith gradually had become conscious of that commercial society was just a feasible second-best choice,which promoted merely the prosperity and equity rather than happiness of society.Through the additions and revision in the sixth edition of The Theory of Moral Sentiments,Smith added a new vertical dimension to the horizontal mechanism of sympathy in the first edition,by which he explored approaches to building a happy and ideal society.According to Smith’s solution,the feasibility of this ideal society was uncertain,though it is much more desirable.“The New Adam Smith Problem” could be explained reasonably within the framework of Adam Smith’s theoretical system.It just demonstrates the development and refinement of Smith’s theory.

Key words:The New Adam Smith Problem;mechanism of sympathy;commercial society;feasible society;ideal society

Can “Village Merging” Reduce Carbon Emissions of County Level? (20)

Wang Xueyuan,Su Zifan

(School of Economics,Zhejiang Gongshang University,Hangzhou 310018)

Abstract:Under the national goals of “emission peak and carbon neutrality”and green development strategy,“Village Merging” as an important action to promote the new-type urbanization at the county-level,is urgently needed to explore its role in the low-carbon development.Based on the panel data from 2009 to 2017 at the county level in China,this paper empirically examines the effect of “Village Merging” on carbon emissions intensity by employing two-way fixed effect model and instrument variable method.Furthermore,this paper explores the effect mechanism from four aspects:population urbanization,intensive utilization rate of land resources,effective utilization rate of public financial expenditure and industrial agglomeration.The findings can be summarized in three perspectives:Firstly,“Village Merging” had a significant effect in reducing carbon emissions intensity,and this effect was mainly occurred in central and western region by not significantly in eastern and northeastern region.Secondly,mechanism investigation indicates this reduction effect was mainly realized by improving the intensive and effective use of land resources and public financial expenditure,which were both positively associated with “Village Merging”.While the mediation effect of“Village Merging” on population urbanization and industrial agglomeration was not significant.Thirdly,further analysis highlights the importance of heterogeneity under different village numbers and economic agglomeration level.Specifically,we find “Village Merging” can significantly reduce carbon emissions intensity in counties with more villages number or lower economic agglomeration level.Therefore,it is necessary for local government to improve efficiency of land use and optimize the model of public investment in the process of “Village Merging”.While focusing on regional difference,local government should give priority to reducing carbon emissions intensity in areas with a greater number of villages or a lower agglomeration degree.

Key words:“Village Merging”;carbon emissions intensity;carbon reduction effect;county level

Why Do the Public Policies Fail?——An Interpretation Model based on the Policy Subjects (34)

Yu Haishan1,Zhou Yayue2

(1.Zhejiang International Studies University,Hangzhou 310023;2.Zhejiang University of Technology,Hangzhou 310023)

Abstract:The development of a country or a region can be directly attributed to its public policies.Failure of these policies can be attributed to the following three factors in the policy subjects:ultra vires,lack of ability,lack of conscience.Based on these three factors,an interpretation model is established to explain why public policies fail.Ultra vires means actions taken by policy subjects exceed the scope of authority given to them;Lack of ability means government unable to adopt and take collective actions;Lack of conscience can be seen when the government pursues self-interest as the goal,as opposed to the public interest.These three factors are interrelated,presenting a complex relationship and reciprocal causation.

Key words:public policies;failure of policies;policy subjects;government

Power Limitation and Empowerment:Re-recognition of Modern Bureaucracy’ Normative Function——A Case Study on the Standardization Construction of Conflict Resolution of Letters and Visits in Shaoxing of Zhejiang Province (41)

Liu Kaijun

(The Party School of the CPC Shaoxing Municipal Committee,Shaoxing 312000)

Abstract:Modern bureaucratic organization has a naturally normative function.As a political and legal system arrangement with Chinese characteristics,the petition system has gradually derived the function of conflict resolution in the practical changes.In recent years,the chaos of letters and visits such as “repeated visits”,“collective visits”,“leapfrog visits” and “tangled visits” has expanded periodically.The direct reason is that the governance of letters and visits is not standardized,and the fundamental reason is the inaction and incorrect action of administrative power.Since 2019,on the basis of strengthening the municipal toplevel design,Shaoxing,Zhejiang Province has carried out provincial and municipal pilot projects for the standardization of conflict resolution in Shangyu district and Zhuji City,making great efforts to give full play to the institutional foundation and innovative resource advantages of the birthplace of “Fengqiao Experience”,such as “Small things do not go out of the village,major events do not go out of the town,conflicts do not turn over”,“Early grasp small signs” and “Governance from the source”,and so on.At the same time,the normative function of the modern bureaucratic organization is used.A set of standardized processes and operation specifications for resolving letters and visits conflicts have been explored and constructed,from the aspects of the institutional system,letters and visits reception,disposal,reply,file management and system construction,so as to empower related departments and cadres and limit the “arbitrary behavior” of administrative power.The standardized construction of resolving conflicts in letters and visits is conducive to resolving the stock of contradictions in letters and visits,reducing the increment,and realizing governance from the source.At the same time,it has multiple implications for grass-roots system innovation.

Key words:modern bureaucracy;conflict resolution of letters and visits;standardization construction;Fengqiao-Experience

Highlighting Constitution and Respecting Legislation——Judicial Technology to Avoid Constitutional Judgment and Its Jurisprudence (50)

Liu Yi

(Law School,China Jiliang University,Hangzhou 310018)

Abstract:Our Country’s current constitutional review is mainly aimed at abstract constitutional control of the legislative process.With the development of judicial technology to avoid constitutional judgement,it can acquire a kind of practical vitality.Broadly speaking,avoidance of constitutional judgment includes avoiding constitutional judgment through legal judgment and avoiding unconstitutional judgment.The latter has two types,namely constitutional interpretation (or similar deformation judgment technology) and modern avoidance.The jurisprudence of these avoiding techniques can be explained from the strategic balance between the court’s two mission orientations of highlighting constitution and respecting legislation.

The existing judicial practice in our country mainly has two defects:first,the lack of awareness of the method of avoidance of constitutional judgment through legal judgment,which leads to the pan-constitutionalization of judicial reasoning;Second,when courts respect legislation,they are not sufficiently concerned about the value of the constitution.In order to resolve this kind of polarization deviation,we should establish a local balance standard that highlights the constitution and respects the legislation,and pay more attention to the system function of the Supreme Court to carry out multi-oriented constitutional dialogue.

Key words:avoidance of constitutional judgement;avoidance of unconstitutional judgement;variational types of decisions;highlighting constitutional;respecting legislation

Practicing Status and System Construction of Lawyers’ Evidence Collection by Investigation Order——Empirical Study with Zhejiang Province as An Example (58)

Hu Ming,Zhao Qinghang

(Guanghua Law School,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310008)

Abstract:The difficulty for lawyers to obtain evidence has always been a prominent problem that plagues judicial practice in civil litigation.The paper takes the judicial documents and interviews of lawyers in Zhejiang Province as samples,and conduct an empirical study on lawyers’ evidence collection methods,in order to reveal the practical status of evidence obtaining.Empirical analyses illustrate two traditional legal evidence collection methods,collecting evidence by lawyers themselves and by applying to court,are not effective,while the method of investigation order can otherwise meet actual demand and show practical results after having been promoted over 20 years in some regions.However,the investigation order system has problems such as lack of legal basis and geographical limitations,which often hinders lawyers from obtaining evidence with the order.The cooperation pattern of litigation can provide theoretical support for the investigation order system,and can satisfy the urgent need to establish a complete investigation order rule system.Accordingly,it can appropriately broaden the lawyers’ channels to find evidence,help the court to solve fact issues more accurately and comprehensively,and promote justice of judicial system.

Key words:lawyers’ self- collection of evidence;application to court for collecting evidence;evidence collection by investigation order;the cooperation pattern of litigation

The Formation,Evolution and Operation Mechanism of Rural Governance System——Research on the System of “Villagers’ Talking About Rural Affairs”in Xiangshan,Zhejiang Province (69)

Lang Youxing,Wan Chun

(School of Public Affairs,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310058)

Abstract:After more than ten years of exploration,Xiangshan has gradually formed and improved a“Villagers’ Talking About Rural Affairs “ system that organizes and mobilizes villagers to participate in the management,decision-making and supervision of village affairs.This system mainly includes economic development,village construction,social harmony and stability,and the construction of grass-roots organizations,which has been proved to be a more effective rural governance model and provides reference experience for the innovation of rural governance.This system has experienced three stages:decentralized construction,systematic system optimization and integrated promotion.This paper uses an integrated institutional theoretical framework to analyze the internal logic of the system’s formation and evolution,on this basis,it also discusses three mechanisms for the operation and maintenance of this system and their contribution to the transformation of rural governance system.

Key words:“Villagers’ Talking About Rural Affairs”;rural governance;institutional evolution;Xiangshan

The “One Shoulder Multi-Task” Governance Model and the Village-Level Collective Economy:Roll Booster or Stumbling Block (77)

Zhang Hongzhen,Ren Tianchi,Yang Ruihua

(College of Economics and Management,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100000)

Abstract:Can the “one-shoulder” governance model promote the development of the village collective economy? This paper uses the survey data of administrative villages in China’s third national agricultural census to empirically test the impact of the “one-shoulder” governance model of the two village committees on the development of the village collective economy.The study found that after overcoming the problems of endogenity and the original differences in the village collective economy,the “one-shoulder” governance model can significantly promote the development of the rural collective economy,especially when the village has a high resource endowment,a moderate population,a young village party secretary,and in an environment with a high level of education;in addition,the heterogeneity test found that the younger and better quality of the village party secretary is an effective way to overcome the influence of the “one-shoulder”constraints;finally,the test results of the impact mechanism show that the “one-shoulder” “Pick” governance model can promote rural economic development through channels such as improving administrative efficiency.

Key words:one shoulder multi-task;governance model;village-level collective economy;governance efficiency

The Gap and Generation Mechanism of Different Levels for Education after the Expansion of College Enrollment——Mathematical Analysis of the Model (89)

Zhang Yunwu,Sheng Hao

(School of Public Affairs,Zhejiang Gongshang University,Hangzhou 310018)

Abstract:This paper empirically analyzes the gap and generation mechanism of different levels of education after the expansion of college enrollment,and tests the applicability of the relative risk avoidance hypothesis.In the more than 20 years since the enrollment expansion of colleges and universities in 1999,although there are some differences in the access to education at different levels,on the whole,the gender differences have basically disappeared and are moving towards class equality.Among the three influencing factors of parents’ educational background,family economy and father’s occupation,the gap of education obtained by different classes is mainly due to the difference of parents’ educational background,that is,in order to avoid the decline of intergenerational status,regardless of their own educational background,they tend to let their children choose at least the same or even higher level of education as their parents.Therefore,in China,the influence mechanism of parental education is consistent with the relative risk avoidance hypothesis,while the influence mechanism of family economy and father’s occupation is contrary to the relative risk avoidance hypothesis.

Key words:college enrollment expansion;family;education;relative risk avoidancehypothesis

Higher Vocational Education Expansion and Artificial Intelligence Iteration:Conflict or Coupling——on the Reform Logic and Innovation Path (99)

Wang Junjie

(Hangzhou Vocational & Technical College,Hangzhou 310018)

Abstract:The expansion of higher vocational education and artificial intelligence iteration are a pair of special coupling relations.The expansion of recruitment bears the role of convergence of the improvement of labor resource fundamentals and industrial innovation under the guidance of artificial intelligence,and jointly constructs the development vision and reform task of Higher Vocational Education in the new era.The introduction of type education,open education,integrated education and lifelong education has shaped the basic relationship structure of higher vocational education,and thus,it will drive a series of innovations in school running mode,personnel training specifications and paradigms,social cooperation mechanism and international school running,then it outlines the transformation logic and innovation track of higher vocational education.

Key words:enrollment expansion in Higher Vocational Education;technology iteration;innovation strategy;reform path

Texture of Parole:Contextualization by Narration as Argument in the Early Chinese Thoughts (107)

Cheng Lesong

(Centre of Aesthetics and Aesthetical Education,Peking University,Beijing 100871)

Abstract:As the precondition and foundation of early Chinese thoughts,the eternal Way(Dao) of Heaven and Earth stemmed from the instinctive knowledge of Sages and common memory of the ideal order held by the ancient sage kings.The collapse and restoration of the ideal order were distanciation from and returning back of the Eternal Dao.The ancient Classics,as the record of rulership of sage kings,were regarded as the bridging manifestation of Dao.The historical records and interpretations of the Classics became two-sides of the same coin.Different interpretation (of the Classics) brought forth the shift from parole to rhetoric and initiated the argument of conflicting ideas.However,the motifs of intellectual arguments did not refer directly to the Dao of Heaven and Earth,but the true connotation and the real significance of the tales within the Classics,which leads us to reconsider the possibility of narration of tales as an intellectual and reflective method.Contextualization by narration was a special method of reflection,but not simple characteristics of writings.The method ensured the openness and situationality of early Chinese thoughts.On basis of which,the intellectual practice towards the Eternal Dao was always vivid and open.

Key words:parole;rhetoric;contextualization;early Chinese thoughts

Disenchantment,Unity,Consciousness and Value Choice of Science and Technology Ethics——An Observation on the Introduction of Ethical Research on Artificial Intelligence based on “High Concept” (115)

Liu Bojing,Liu Chanjuan

(Center for Health and Bioethics,Wenzhou Medical University,Wenzhou 325000)

Abstract:The relationship between science and technology development and science and technology ethics has become more and more complex under the changing background of the times.How to effectively solve the “binary opposition” between the two,and retain people’s keen sense of the rich and diverse “meaning”and “value”,will play an important guiding role in analyzing the future development of science and technology ethics.By introducing the proposition of “high concept”,it aims to clarify that science and technology ethics realizes the parallel unity with science and technology development,the equal emphasis on process and result,and the harmony between lag and transcendence through disenchantment,integration and consciousness.Taking the concrete scene application of artificial intelligence ethics as an example,embedding the “high concept” proposition into artificial intelligence ethics not only helps to present the new relationship between science and technology development and ethics more objectively,but also helps to complete the reflection and reconstruction of science and technology ethics itself under the background of the times.That is to promote the balance between science and technology development and science and technology ethics on the basis of re-cognition of strategic community,and then help to build a new environment for the development of science and technology ethics.

Key words:high concept;science and technology ethics;scientific and technological development;artificial intelligence

On Wang Chong’s Life View of “Detesting Emptiness and Falsity”in Balanced Discussions (121)

Qian Zhixi

(Department of Chinese,Peking University,Beijing 100871)

Abstract:During the Han dynasty,the teleological argument,the discourse of the supernatural,and the belief in immortals and magic skills achieved great popularity.Under these circumstances,Wang Chong’s Balanced Discourses follows the natural philosophical life view of Daoism to explicate its ontology with the natural primordial energy as the fundamental philosophical concept.It believes that human life is one of the myriad things,and life and death embody the basic principle of the rise and fall of all materials.Based on this idea,the chapters of “Daoist Untruths,” “On Death,” “All about Ghosts,” and “On Poison” dispute the falsity of various legends about ghosts and immortals in history and repeatedly present arguments of death as inevitable consequence of life,no ghosts after death,and the impossibility to achieve immortality through cultivating the Way.Balanced Discourses combines elaborate and meticulous argumentation with straightforward and unequivocal writing to appeal to people’s common senses.It embodies the spirit of scientific investigation.In terms of its principal theory as well as its approach,Wang Chong’s life theory has achieved the highest level of the natural philosophical life view in ancient China.

Key words:Wang Chong;Balanced Discussions;life view;non-existence of ghosts;non-existence of immortals

On the Poetic Connotation of Academy Landscape Paintings in Southern Song Dynasty (131)

Chen Ye

(Zhejiang Academy of Social Sciences,Hangzhou 310007)

Abstract:The fusion of poetry and painting is the main feature and important achievement of the ancient Chinese painting tradition.When discussing the fusion of poetry and painting in the history of painting,it generally focuses on the tradition of literati painting and regards the integration of poetry,calligraphy,painting,and printing as a typical feature of literati painting.The academy-style landscape painting in the Southern Song Dynasty occupies an important position in ancient painting.However,most of the existing studies have recognized it in terms of painting techniques,and have ignored the most respected artistic style and inner spiritual quality levels such as the fusion and the agreement of poetry and painting.Going deep into the development process of academy-style landscape painting in the Southern Song Dynasty,we can see a large number of works with strong poetic content,which reflect the fusion of poetry and painting manifest in the combination of composition,brush,ink,and other forms.Thus it embodies the national characteristics of Chinese classical painting art inside-out.

Key words:Southern Song Dynasty academy-style landscape painting;fusion of poetry and painting;poetry

The Landscape of Art of Crossover:On the Artistic Characteristics of From the Greater Hinggan Mountains to West Lake (139)

Liu Jiasi1,Liu Can2

(1.School of Chinese Language and Culture,Zhejiang Yuexiu University;2.Language and Literature Branch,Shaoxing University Yuanpei College,Shaoxing 312000)

Abstract:Xiao Feng’s novel From the Greater Hinggan Mountains to West Lake demonstrates strong spirit of realism and persistent artistic pursuit,which creates unique landscape of art.In the novel,the description of life conditions in colleges and universities was combined with the one of social life with poetic art design that creates shining poetic conception,reflects the development and change of China during almost a century,which shows rich aesthetic value.The narrative strategy of this novel consists of the simultaneous development of two plots and the divergency of stream of consciousness.Poetic narrative forms metaphor and omniscient narrative perspective expands narrative tension.It not only objectively depicts history but sternly criticizes reality.In addition,it adopts a distinct way of description that exposes human nature,displays human feelings and describes soul which profoundly reveal richness and complexity of human nature,highlight the depth and strength of portrait.Apart from that,it innovates the mode of narrative discourse.First,classical poetry is integrated into modern language.Next,both debate and academic discussion are involved.Third,the discourse of prose poem is another manifestation of unique form of discourse.Tradition is seamlessly integrated into modernity and academic rationality is mingled with literary sensibility in this novel.It is filled with ideal expectation for society and eagerly calling for healthy humanity,which shows a strong sense of responsibility.

Key words:novel research;From the Greater Hinggan Mountains to West Lake;artistic characteristics

“Ocean Jiangnan”:The “Sea-to-Sea” Characteristics of Jiangnan Economy in the Ming Dynasty under the View of Ocean History (146)

Qu Jinliang,Zhu Xiong

(School of Literature and Journalism Communication,Ocean University of China,Qingdao 266100)

Abstract:The change of the social and economic structure of the “Sea Silk Road” and Jiangnan region in the Ming Dynasty was a historical process of two-way interaction,which originated in the Song Dynasty,but the process of “transformation” was comprehensive and global,and the “transformation” was formed from the Ming Dynasty and was shaped in the middle and late Ming Dynasty.As the frontier of close contact with the sea,Jiangnan area of Ming Dynasty was the main character and promoter of the prosperity of the “Marine Silk Road” and the historical process of early trade globalization in the Ming Dynasty.The marine characteristics of Jiangnan area become more and more obvious,and gradually develop into the “ocean Jiangnan”,“sea and land integration”of the “mountain and sea economic system”,Jiangnan region deeply involved in the early historical process of global trade integration.It is of great significance to introduce the perspective of ocean history into the study of the social and economic transformation of Jiangnan in the Ming Dynasty,put forward the concept of “Ocean Jiangnan”,re-explore the correlation between the ocean and Jiangnan region and the role and influence of the ocean in the process of social and economic transformation in Jiangnan region for enriching the study of Jiangnan economic history in the Ming Dynasty,expanding the scope of Jiangnan regional research,understanding the prosperity of the “Sea Silk Road” in the Ming Dynasty,how to achieve “internal and external linkage” and “interaction between China and the West” in Jiangnan region and how to participate in the construction of early trade globalization.

Key words:ocean Jiangnan;mountain and sea economic system;transformation;marine trade