石门坊群峰环翠,壁立千仞,嶙峋夔石,青者如黛,白者如垩,峭者 如削,剥者如脱。红叶黄栌遍布山岗峡谷,每值深秋,霜打红叶,泼染山红;丛栌间柏,漫红嵌黛,丹青丽雅,瑰丽如画。重阳时节,中外游客 慕名观赏石门红叶,络绎不绝。
Shimenfang Mountain is locat- ed in the southwest of Linqu County, about nine kilometers away from the downtown area. At the entrance to the mountain stand two peaks facing each other just like a stone gate, from which comes the name of Shimenfang, meaning stone gate archway.
With the descent of frost, the leaves of smoke trees on the mountain become red in the late autumn, turning the whole mountain into a sea of red leaves dotted with some green pines and cypresses as well as the yellow leaves of other trees. From a distance, Shimenfang looks like a beautiful world of colors, attracting endless tourists home and abroad to appreciate its gorgeous autumn scenery of red leaves every year.