陕西 吕 品
薛生金出生于1937 年,他父亲经营着平遥老字号“源泰昌”漆店,故他从小就与“漆”字结下了不解之缘。他凭着极高的天赋和对艺术的执着追求,成为推光漆器艺术界的泰斗。
主题语境:人与社会 篇幅:350词 建议用时:7分钟
1As the ancient town became a national financial center in the Qing Dynasty, Pingyao's hand⁃polished lacquer (漆器) art reached its peak.The craft was among the first to be listed as National Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2006.
2Xue Shengjin was introduced to lacquer art by his father. In 1953, at the age of 16, Xue started painting. Two years later, he had mastered the skill and was making a living out of it,and that was when he decided to seriously pursue(追求)the handicraft trade.
3Opportunities came knocking in 1958, when a polished lacquer factory was founded in Pingyao. Xue was among the first artists to be recommended to work at the factory,where he was under the teaching of lacquerware master Qiao Quanyu.
4“Qiao held nothing back when he taught me, but the learning process wasn't easy,”
Xue says. Before they realized, the factory was near bankruptcy (破产). It was not until 1964, when a Beijing company in foreign trade bought all the lacquerware and placed new orders, that things turned around. By then, Xue was in charge of design and research. Not only did Xue restore lost lacquer art techniques, but he also came up with a dozen new methods.
5With the rise of local businessmen under the Ming and Qing rulers, Pingyao lacquer products were sold in Russia and Southeast Asian countries. In the 1970s, polished lac⁃querware from Pingyao became a major contributor to Shanxi's foreign⁃exchange income and made its way to 20 countries and regions.“Sales in France were the largest. The French liked distinct Chinese designs, particularly historical figures and rural scenery,”Xue says.
6Making lacquerware can be very demanding. Artists need to train for at least three years to grasp basic polishing and painting techniques. According to Xue, more than eight years of practice is necessary to become proficient in the craft.
7In addition to furthering his own skills, Xue has started passing down his technical know⁃how to younger generations.“Young people need to be passionate and persistent (坚持不懈的)to understand the essence of lacquer art,”he says.
1.When did Xue take lacquer trade seriously?
A.In 1953. B.In 1955. C.In 1958. D.In 1964.
2.What does paragraph 5 mainly focus on?
A.Qiao's contribution to teaching lacquer art.
B.Xue's learning process of lacquer art.
C.Sale of Pingyao lacquer products.
D.History of lacquer products.
3.What can be inferred about making lacquerware?
A.It is an easy job.
B.It requires a long time of practice.
C.It needs few painting skills.
D.It is more suitable for young people to learn.
4.Which of the following may Xue agree with according to the text?
A.The job of being an artist is wonderful.
B.Family backgrounds matter a lot.
C.Choosing a good teacher is important.
D.Young people should learn lacquer art.
Useful expressions
a national financial center 国家金融中心
hand⁃polished lacquer 推光漆器
reach one's peak 达到巅峰
National Intangible Cultural Heritage 国家非物质文化遗产
be introduced to 初次了解……
make a living out of 靠……谋生
hold nothing back 毫无保留
demanding 苛求的;要求高的
become proficient in 在……方面变得熟练
the essence of lacquer art 漆器艺术的精髓
Things turn around.事情有了转机。