
2022-12-31 14:33:49陕西
疯狂英语·新悦读 2022年11期

陕西 刘 娜


The government of Tanzania has set up a high⁃speed Internet service on Mount Kilimanjaro. The government says the ser⁃vice will not only promote safety for climb⁃ers, but also allow people to post selfies as they work their way up Africa's tallest mountain.

Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa. It's also the world's tallest mountain that's not part of a moun⁃tain range. Created by volcanoes, it simply rises out of a large,open flat area in Tanza⁃nia and Kenya. The mountain is part of Kilimanjaro National Park in the northeast of Tanzania. Around 50,000 people visit the park each year. Most of these people—about 35,000 every year—are trying to climb Mount Kilimanjaro.

But climbing such a tall, glacier⁃covered mountain isn't easy. Roughly one third of the people who try to climb it are forced to give up.Nape Nnauye,Tanzania's information minister, said that in the past,it was a bit dangerous for visitors without Internet. The new Internet service should make it easier for climbers to reach the top of the mountain. They'll be able to use the Internet to check maps and find their way.They'll also be able to use the Internet to call for help if they need it.

Currently, the new service reaches more than halfway up the mountain. The government says that by the end of the year, climbers will be able to get the Inter⁃net even at the very top of Mount Kiliman⁃jaro. The government says safety is the main reason for setting up the Internet ser⁃vice on the mountain.

Reading Check

What's the main reason for the gov⁃ernment's setting up the Internet service on the mountain?


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