2022-11-21 17:18
学习与探索 2022年9期


XIE Zheng-shan


Abstract:Personal information rights are only relative rights, which derive from the principle that “personal information is protected by law”. The legislative model of “consent and exception” indicates the relativity and leaves room for the processing of personal information. The regulation of “reasonable processing” of disclosed personal information has refleted the model. The reasons that disclosed personal information should be reasonably processed are as follows: on the one hand, personal information has economic or social values besides personality significance, so information subjects should tolerate others’ information handling behavior to some extent; on the other hand, information subjects still have certain privacy or controlling interests to disclosed personal information. It is more important than others’ economic benefits obtained from the use of such information. As a result, information processors should process personal information reasonably and carefully, complying with the principle of legitimacy, necessity, good faith and so on. Otherwise, information processors should assume tort liability if they disregard the opposition from information subjects or their processing leads to the damage of information subjects’ rights, loss of opportunities and other harmful consequences.

Keywords:Personal Information; Disclosed Information; Reasonable Processing; Civil Code; Personal Information Protection Act


YAO Shu-jie1, LIU Ling2

(1.LianminInstituteofEconomicResearch,LiaoningUniversity,Shenyang110036,China; 2.SchoolofEconomicsandBusinessAdministration,ChongqingUniversity,Chongqing400030,China)

Abstract:Northeast China is an important old industrial base, making great contributions to China’s economic development in the past. However, since the reform and opening-up, the economic transformation upgrade of Northeast China has faced significant challenges; its economic growth has laged behind the national average level; there has been a serious outflow of population and labor force. Those above-mentioned problems are the outstanding embodiment of unbalanced and inadequate development in regional economy. In the new stage of development, how to promote high-quality development of Northeast China and get out of the predicament of slow economic growth is of great significance for China to achieve its second Centenary Goal. This paper uses the endogenous growth theories such as “horse-mass crossing middle income trap” and “plate-chain pulling development” to propose policy suggestions for the high-quality development of Northeast China from the perspectives of ensuring national security, transformation of traditional industries, cultivation of emerging industries, urban agglomeration development and integration into the dual circulation development pattern, based on endowment advantage and industrial basis.

Keywords:Northeast China; High-quality Development; Horse-mass Crossing Middle Income Trap; Plate-chain Pulling Development