Meetings and Courses

2022-11-21 09:14:42Shui-YingLei




June, 2022 2022 American transplant congress June 4-8, 2022; Boston, Massachusetts, USA

The American Transplant Congress is the Joint Annual Meeting of the American Society of Transplant Surgeons (ASTS) and the American Society of Transplantation (AST). American Transplant Congress provides a forum for exchange of new scientific and clinical information relevant to solid organ and tissue transplantation and brings together transplant physicians, scientists, nurses, organ procurement personnel, pharmacists, allied health professionals and other transplant professionals. The educational offerings provide attendees the opportunity to learn cutting-edge advances in research and exchange of ideas and practice in the field of solid organ and tissue transplantation. A variety of formats are planned that will encourage the exchange of new scientific and clinical information and support an interchange of opinions regarding care and management issues, as well as socioeconomic, ethical, and regulatory issues relevant to organ and tissue transplantation. Scientific material will be presented through symposia, oral abstracts, concurrent workshops, and poster presentations as well as small group sessions designed for in-depth exploration of both clinical and basic science topics. For information on the program proposal submission process, program topics, policies, review criteria, and more, please visit:

EDS postgraduate course 2022 June 9-11, 2022; Belgrade, Serbia

The 14th European Digestive Surgery (EDS) meeting will be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Belgrade, Serbia on June 9-11, 2022. A renowned local and international faculty will deliver a variety of lectures on the cutting edge of surgery. Additional live surgery, workshops and an evidence-based medicine (EBM) course will be offered as part of the EDS PGT Course. For more infor- mation, please visit: Postgraduate-Course-2022-in-Belgrade- Serbia-June-911-2022/.

EASL School: Clinical problems in management of cirrhosis and portal hypertension related complications June 17-18, 2022; Padua, Italy

The School will focus on complications related to portal hyper- tension, which constitute most of the complex clinical problems in the management of patients with advanced liver disease. These include diuretic-refractory ascites, frequently recurrent hepatic encephalopathy, antibiotic-resistant bacterial infections, and the management of patients eligible for transplantation, but who fall outside the MELD criteria. Learning objectives include: 1) to foster the clinical formation in portal hypertension; and 2) to obtain a comprehensive view of the complexities of advanced liver disease and its treatment. For more information, please visit:

International liver congress 2022 June 22-26, 2022, London, UK

As governments across the world restrict travel and large-scale gatherings, the EASL Governing Board expresses solidarity with all effort s to mitigate the pandemic and with all those work- ing on the frontline. In such circumstances, International Liver Congress is rescheduled from April until June 2022. International Liver Congress 2022 will offer best of class onsite learning and community experience in London. With a scalable digital extension to allow those, especially the newly won digital audiences, to participate online and on demand. For more information, please visit:

EASL School: Decompensated portal hypertension: TIPS from A to Z July 1-2, 2022; Freiburg, Germany

This clinical school will focus on the indications of the TIPS treatment including vascular diseases such as the Budd-Chiari syndrome and portal vein thrombosis. In addition, pathophysiological mechanisms of the treatment, its contraindications and complications will be discussed. As a highlight of the clinical school, a live demonstration of the TIPS implantation will be provided and each step will be commented and discussed. Learning objectives include: 1) to gain fundamental knowledge of the pathophysiological aspects of portal hypertension in liver cirrhosis; 2) to understand the indications and contraindications for TIPS implantation; 3) to be able to select pa- tients for TIPS implantation; 4) to start to appreciate the complexities of the technique of TIPS implantation; 5) to gain understanding of prognostic parameters in patients with TIPS implantation; and 6) to gain understanding and skills in the management of patients after TIPS implantation. For more information, please visit:

(doi: 10.1016/S1499-3872(21)00252-6