
2022-11-18 09:24:18庞素银
质量与标准化 2022年8期


"In dog days, the weather is as hot as sitting in the steam kettle." During Sanfu, the hottest and dampest period of the year, it is easy to sweat in the dog days.People are vulnerable to heat stroke by deficit ofqiandyin.

翠衣救人 Watermelon rind saving life

曾经,山东菏泽一带出现过一座名城望县——冤句古城,人口密集、街市繁华,建城史长达3 000多年。盛夏期间,一位瓜农在田地中暑,不省人事。其子瓜娃请来郎中求方,却被一味主药“翠衣”难到,跑遍满城药房而不得。

Once, there was a famous city Yuanju in the area of Heze in Shandong Province in ancient China.The city was densely populated, bustling market with a history of more than 3,000 years.Once during the summer, a melon farmer suffered heat stroke in his field and became unconscious.His son asked the doctor for a prescription, but he was stuck with the main medicine, "Cui Yi", and go around the city pharmacies but failed.


At a loss, the son met a mysterious grocer on his way home.The grocer smiled and said "watch your step", and disappeared.In a trance, passing through the melon field of the melon, the son was tripped by melon vine.A watermelon rolled down to the feet.The doctor told the son that watermelon rind was what was called "Cui Yi".The melon farmer quickly recovered after taking the medicine as prescribed.

清暑益气 Clearing summer heat and Tonifying qi


Later on, the ancient city disappeared due to the flooding of the ancient Yellow River, but the story of "Cui Yi" medicine saving people was passed down from mouth to mouth and the prescription of "Cui Yi" for clearing summer heat has been used up till now.Wang Mengying, a famous therapeutic scientist in the Qing Dynasty, created the heirloom prescription for heatstroke prevention and treatment, Qing Shu YiQi Tang, using watermelon rind as the main medicine.


The prescription of Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang was based on 10 herbs.Watermelon rind and American ginseng are used to clear the heat, tonifyqi,nourishyinand supplement body fluid.So they are regarded as the monarch medicine.The Lotus Petiole clears heat and relieves summer heat, while the Liriope graminifolia and Dendrobium nobile Lindl nourishyinand promote the production of body fluid.They are used as minister medicine.Rhizoma coptidis clears summer heat and rhizoma anemarrhenae and folia bambosae remove heat and irritation.They are used as the assistant medicine.Japonica rice and licorice benifit the stomach and harmonize the body.They are used as the guide medicine.The combination of these herbs is very effective in treating fever, spontaneous sweating, heartburn and thirst, and sunken pain in the limbs caused by summer heat andqi-yindeficit.

同名异方 Same Name with Different Prescription


In fact, in the history of Chinese medicine, there have been two kinds of Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang, respectively from Li Dongyuan's "Treatise on the Spleen and Stomach" and Wang Mengying's "Compedium on Epidemc Febrile Diseases ".They are of the same name with different Prescription.The combination and efficacy are different and each has its own strengths.The former is suitable for those who feel summer dampness due to body deficiency, while the latter is suitable for those who feel summer dampness due to depletion ofqiandyin.

李东垣身处金元乱世,百姓流离失所、饮食无常,中暑患者多长期脾胃虚损,故以健脾益气为本,辅之清燥滋阴,适用“长夏湿胜”病证。王孟英则居于康乾盛世,时人体质普遍提升,防治中暑更加回归清热解暑的本源,侧重益气生津,宜于“暑热耗气伤阴”之证。Li Dongyuan lived in the chaotic era of the Jin and Yuan dynasties, when people were displaced and their diet was unpredictable, and most of the heatstroke patients suffered from long-term deficiency of the spleen and stomach, so the treatment was based on nourishing the spleen andqi, supplemented by clearing dryness and nourishingyin.The therapy was suitable for "continuous dampness due to summer heat".Wang Mengying, on the other hand, lived in the prosperous era of emperor Kang Xi and Qian Long in Qing Dynasty, when people's physique was generally improved, so the prevention and treatment of heat stroke returned to the original source of clearing heat and relieving summer heat, focusing on nourishingqiand producing body fluid.The therapy was suitable for the symptom of "Deficit ofqiandyindue to summer heat ".

结语 Conclusion


"Nine out of ten people are of syndrome of excess in upper and deficiency in lower." Wang Mengying's Qing Shu Yi Qi Tang is the correct treatment for heat stroke, and has been the standard for future generations.Its standard code lies in "clearing the heat and nourishing theqi", which combines the physical changes of the people to improve the innovation and fully manifests the concept of "different therapies for the same disease" in Chinese traditional medicine.

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