
2022-11-13 08:03:36宋卫堂王平智刘平建宗成骥
农业工程学报 2022年15期

宋卫堂,耿 若,王平智,刘平建,宗成骥


宋卫堂1,2,耿 若1,王平智1,2,刘平建3,宗成骥1

(1. 中国农业大学水利与土木工程学院,北京 100083;2. 农业农村部设施农业工程重点实验室,北京 100083;3. 曹县百草庄园农业开发有限公司,菏泽 274400)

为进一步提升表冷器-热泵联合集热系统的放热性能,并为系统进行节能优化提出方向和途径建议,首先计算了储热池优化水温42℃目标下的实际蓄水量,试验并分析了蓄水量的减少对系统集放热性能的影响;在此基础上,进行了两种集热方式、一种放热方式的可用能分析,进一步明确了系统在3种运行方式时可用能损失的主要位置和原因;最后,提出了表冷器-热泵联合集热系统主要工作部件节能优化的建议。试验结果表明:优化蓄水量为8.4 m3的条件下,系统的放热功率和放热性能系数分别为27.1 kW和6.2,提升了33.5%和37.8%,放热性能提升显著。可用能分析表明,水泵的可用能效率最高,最高可达98.8%;表冷器-风机的可用能效率在表冷器-风机集热方式、热泵与表冷器-风机联合集热方式、放热模式下分别为89.3%、87.8%、60.1%,传热温差造成的不可逆损失是放热模式下效率较低的原因;热泵机组可用能效率最低,仅为46.4%,是后续系统节能优化的重点。该研究为优化提升主动集放热系统的节能性,提供了方向指导和解决新思路。


0 引 言


水具有比热容大、流动性强、来源广等特点[7-8],适合用作传热或储热介质,因此,常被用来作为主动蓄放热系统的传热和储热介质进行太阳能的收集、存储[9-15]。此类系统的能量利用评价参数主要是性能系数[16](Coefficient of Performance,COP)。

宋卫堂团队[17-20]基于集热与储热分离的思想[21],将热泵加入集放热系统,实现热量的收集、转移和储存同时进行,形成表冷器-热泵联合集热系统。构建了可以在不同类型、不同规格的园艺设施中应用的该系统设计计算方法[22];并通过在一无蓄热后墙日光温室的现场试验,探究了该系统三种集热模式下的集热性能[21],证明其显著提升了原表冷器-风机主动集放热系统的集热能力。但现场试验中发现,依据设计方法[22]在选取储热池水温变化幅度为12 ℃的基础上得到的储热池蓄水量(17 m3),造成了白天储热池水温不高使得夜间放热时水气温差不大,放热COP偏小的问题。

宋卫堂等[23]已经证明了提高放热初始水温高可有效提升表冷器-风机主动集放热系统的放热性能,由此考虑采用减小储热池实际蓄水量的优化方案来提升放热初始水温。在表冷器-热泵联合集热模式[21]下,热量边收集边通过热泵由集热池向储热池转移,从而可以在储热池蓄水量减小的情况下提高储热池水温。热泵参与时,储热池水温也并非越高越好,孙维拓等[24]建议在一般温室加温中,热泵的热汇侧水温以42 ℃左右为宜。否则,过高的水温会影响到整个系统的稳定性。



1 试验系统设计

1.1 试验温室

试验地点在山东省菏泽市曹县(34.4°N,115.3°E)。试验温室东西走向,跨度10 m,长度50 m。温室骨架材质为镀锌钢管,北墙材质为130 mm聚苯乙烯发泡板,前屋面覆盖单层0.1 mm PO塑料薄膜,外侧覆盖针刺毡棉被。试验期间,室内土壤栽培黄瓜。

1.2 系统组成及运行方式


1.3 系统优化

在文献[22]中的设计实例中,储热池体积是在选取储热池水温变化幅度为12 ℃的基础上计算得到。现优化的目标水温为42 ℃,假设放热时水温由42 ℃下降至18 ℃,取变化幅度24 ℃,利用原设计方法计算储热池蓄水量。

式中∆2,sup为放热阶段储热池水温变化幅度,取24 ℃;sup为总放热量,取温室需热量842.3 MJ[22];2为储热池实际蓄水量,m³;c为水的平均定压比热容,取4.2 kJ/(kg·℃);ρ为水的平均密度,取1 000 kg/m³。

得到2=8.4 m3

1.4 系统放热运行策略

北方日光温室黄瓜优质栽培中对夜间温度的要求为15~20 ℃[29-30]。据此,在原系统[21]的运行策略基础上制定了优化后系统的集放热运行策略。

白天,当室内气温达到28 ℃时,开启表冷器-热泵联合集热方式进行集热;当气温低于27 ℃或水温高于42 ℃时,关闭系统停止集热。

夜间,当室内气温低于15 ℃且低于水温4 ℃时,开启表冷器-风机进行放热;当气温升高至20 ℃,或水气温差小于2 ℃时,关闭系统停止放热。

2 试验方法

2.1 测试仪器与测点布置

为对表冷器-热泵联合集热系统的主要设备进行可用能分析,需要采集各设备进出口处工质的状态参数(质量流量、温度、压力)等。室外布置气象站采集光照强度、温度、湿度、风速和大气压力等参数。室内,在图1中所标出的节点及水池A~G处,通过预埋在管道中的PT100及压力传感器测量节点处的水温及压力,其中C和H为水池内部水温,代表了水泵的进水口水温,通过PT100进行测量。水池液位通过液位传感器测量(测量范围为0~200 m H2O,测量精度为0.2%FS);循环水流量由装在循环管路中的LDG-SUP型电磁流量计(杭州联测自动化技术有限公司,测量范围为2.2~22 m3/h,测量精度为0.5级)测量;与设备连接的三相导轨智能电表(DB194S型,测量精度为1级)则可获得输入设备的功率及电能消耗。所有仪器设备的自动采集数据时间步长为5 min。


2.2 系统性能评价方法



2.3 系统可用能分析模型


对系统的热力学分析基于以下假设[26]: 1)所有能量过程均视为静态恒定流,同时忽略过程中动能及势能的变化;2)设备从外界吸热及对外作功,方向规定为正;3)忽略管道连接处的压力损失;4)环境状态参数为: 大气压力为0.1 MPa。




均吸热温度,K;0为环境温度,K;in为进入设备的工质的质量流量,kg /s;in为进入设备的工质的比可用能,kJ/kg;为设备运行时间,s。













可用能分析方法的基础是可用能平衡方程。根据上述可用能分析方法,对系统主要设备进行分析,输入设备的可用能in、输出设备的可用能out 及设备损失的可用能的计算平衡方程如表1所示。系统运行分为集热、保温和放热3个阶段。其中集热池未做保温处理,故而在保温阶段没有将集热池作为分析对象。本研究主要对这3个阶段各热力过程进行可用能分析,其中集热过程分为表冷器-风机集热方式和热泵与表冷器-风机联合集热方式。

3 结果与分析

3.1 系统集放热性能分析


由表2可以看出,优化前,白天水温升高幅度为11.2 ℃,夜间水温降幅10.0 ℃;优化后,白天水温升高幅度为23.8 ℃,基本达到了预期变化值(24 ℃);放热初始水温为38.4 ℃,较集热结束时的39.1 ℃,下降了0.7 ℃,这是由水池热传导散热引起的热量损失造成。放热时水温由38.4 ℃下降到13.8 ℃,降幅24.6 ℃,放热功率和放热性能系数(COP)分别为27.1 kW及6.2,较优化前的20.3 kW和4.5,分别提高了33.5%和37.8%。随着储热池水温的升高以及它与集热池水温的温差加大,热泵能效比会逐渐降低[24],造成集热性能系数(COP)由优化前的3.2降低为优化后的2.9,降幅为9.4%。但集热、放热两个过程的总体性能系数COPal,从3.7升高到4.0,提高了8.1%。因此,优化措施提升了系统的放热性能以及总体性能。

表1 系统主要设备可用能平衡方程


Note:exstands for the specific exergy of the working medium at thenode,stands for the mass flow rate of the working medium entering thenode of the equipment,Tstands for the average temperature of the working medium at thenode, andstands for the ambient temperature,hcstands for length of time to collect heat,rhstands for length of time to heat release,fc,hcstands for heat collection power of fan-coil units,fc,rhstands for heat release power of fan-coil units,hpstands for input power of heat pump units,wp,hcstands for input power of water pump of heat collection pool,wp,hsstands for input power of water pump of heat storage pool,hc,finstands for available exergy in the final state of heat collection of heat storage pool,kw,finstands for available exergy in the final state of heat preservation of heat storage pool,in,out,Eare input, output available energy and loss of equipment.

表2 优化前后系统的集放热性能

注:COP 为性能系数,、、al分别为集热、放热和总体。

Note: COP is Coefficient of Performance,,, al are heat collection, heat release and overall.



3.2 系统可用能分析

3.2.1 表冷器-风机集热方式


两天都采用表冷器-风机集热方式进行集热,室外平均气温0 ℃。蓄水量8.2 m3,平均集热时长1.8 h。根据前述计算公式、试验期间的测量数据等,计算得到系统各节点及工质的热力学参数均值,如表3所示。


表3 表冷器-风机集热方式下系统各节点热力学参数

表4 表冷器-风机集热方式下主要设备可用能分析结果

3.2.2 热泵与表冷器-风机联合集热方式


2 d都采用联合集热方式进行集热。室外平均气温1.8 ℃,蓄水量8.6 m3,平均集热时长4 h。根据前述计算公式、试验期间的测量数据等,计算得到系统各节点及工质的热力学参数均值,如表5所示。

表5 热泵与表冷器-风机联合集热方式下系统各节点热力学参数


3.2.3 放热模式


采用表冷器-风机模式进行放热。室外平均气温2.2℃。蓄水量8.3 m3,放热时长8.75 h。根据前述计算公式、试验期间的测量数据等,计算得到系统各节点及工质的热力学参数均值,如表7所示。


表6 热泵与表冷器-风机联合集热方式下主要设备可用能分析结果

表7 放热阶段系统各节点热力学参数

表8 放热阶段主要设备可用能分析结果



集热池和储热池水泵的可用能效率都比较高,表明水泵选型与系统较为匹配。在热泵与表冷器-风机联合集热方式下,储热池水泵的可用能效率最高(98.8%),集热池水泵的可用能效率最低(89.9%),其实际流量的变化也与可用能效率的变化保持一致。在联合集热时,集热池水泵的实测流量为11.4 m3/h,只有额定流量的75.7%,原因是在集热池水泵通向表冷器-风机的管路中,管路路径较长,且弯头和变径等管道配件较多,造成了较大的沿程管路阻力,水泵的可用能效率未达到理想水平。

从集热结束到开始放热的保温时间段内,储热池的可用能效率较高,分别为97.7%和97.1%。但仍有8.6和18.0 MJ的热量损失,并且集热结束时水温越高,其散热损失也越多,可用能效率也越低。为此,需要对储热池采取措施加强保温。

4 结 论

1)将储热池蓄水量优化为8.4 m3的条件下,表冷器-热泵联合集热系统的总集放热性能得到提升。优化后系统的集热性能系数虽比优化前降低了9.4%。但储热池放热初始水温得到提升,使得放热性能提升性显著,放热功率和放热性能系数分别为27.1 kW及6.2,提升了33.5%和37.8%,系统总性能系数由3.7提升到4.0。



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Optimization and exergy analysis of fan-coil units-heat pump combined heat collection system

Song Weitang1,2, Geng Ruo1, Wang Pingzhi1,2, Liu Pingjian3, Zong Chengji1

(1.,,100083, C; 2.,,100083, C; 3.,274400,)

Many environmental factors have posed an important impact on crop growth in a greenhouse. Among them, the temperature is often the dominated factor in the greenhouse production. Water is also suitable for the medium of heat transfer or storage. Most research has been focused on the active heat collection and release system using water circulation and heat storage for nighttime warming in the greenhouse. A Fan-coil Units-Heat Pump Combined Heat Collection System (FUHPS) has been developed, where a heat pump has been added to the fan-coil units and heat storage pool for the heat collection (TSFU). A systematic investigation has been made to explore the performance under three modes of heat collection in different sizes of horticultural facilities. However, the water temperature of the storage tank cannot be raised by more than 12°C from the beginning to the end of the heat collection process in the field test. The reason was that the water temperature of the storage tank was not high enough to cause a small temperature difference between the water and gas during the heat release. As such, there was a relatively small Coefficient of Performance (COP) of heat release. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the heat release COP of the system. The initial water temperature of heat release can be expected to effectively improve the heat release performance of the TSFU. Furthermore, the heat release performance of the FUHPS with the same heat release mode can also be used to increase the initial water temperature of heat release. It is probable to reduce the actual water storage capacity of the heat storage pool. This study aims to improve the heat release performance of the FUHPS, and then further optimize the heat collection system. The actual water storage capacity was firstly calculated at the target water temperature. Secondly, an analysis was made to clarify the impact of water storage capacity on the heat release performance of the system. Thirdly, the exergy analysis was carried out under two kinds of heat collection modes and one kind of heat release mode, in order to determine the specific location and main reasons for the loss of exergy. Finally, optimization was proposed for each component of the FUHPS. The results show that the heat release power and COP of the optimized system were 27.1 kW and 6.2, respectively, which increased by 33.5% and 37.8% than before. The overall performance coefficient was also improved after optimization. The exergy analysis demonstrated that an excellent energy utilization quality was achieved in this case, indicating the highest exergy efficiency of the water pump. Specifically, the exergy efficiencies of the heat-collecting device and fan-coil units were 89.3%, 87.8%, and 60.1% under the fan-coil units’ heat collection mode, combined heat collection mode of fan-coil units+heat pump, and heat-releasing mode, respectively. In addition, some consideration was made for the irreversible loss caused by heat transfer temperature difference. Nevertheless, the lowest exergy efficiency was obtained in the heat pump unit, which was the key point of the energy-saving transformation of the system. This finding can provide a new idea to optimize and improve the performance of the active heat collection and release technology.

greenhouse; fan-coil units-heat pump; optimization; exergy analysis





宋卫堂,耿若,王平智,等. 表冷器-热泵联合集热系统的优化及可用能分析[J]. 农业工程学报,2022,38(15):241-248.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.15.026 http://www.tcsae.org

Song Weitang, Geng Ruo, Wang Pingzhi, et al. Optimization and exergy analysis of fan-coil units-heat pump combined heat collection system[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2022, 38(15): 241-248. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2022.15.026 http://www.tcsae.org





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