译题 K-12人工智能课程:政府认可的人工智能课程图谱(三)
Product by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) 联合国教科文组织
Curriculum integration and management
Curricula are integrated into existing education systems through a number of different models:
Discrete AI curricula are developed in an independent subject category within the national or local curriculum framework. These curricula have their own time allocations, textbooks and resources, as in the case of Chinas Foundations of AI under Information Science and Technology for grades 10 to 12.
Embedded AI curricula are developed and contained within other subject categories in the national or local curriculum framework. AI most commonly becomes a topic within ICT or computer science but may alternatively be part of language, mathematics, science or engineering (see the right Figure). In the Republic of Korea, two elective AI subjects have been developed, one falling within the mathematics subject group and the other in technology and home economics. Curricula can also be designed to be embedded flexibly into any subject depending on teacher capacity and interest. This is the case for the MIT DAILy Curriculum.
Interdisciplinary AI curricula are implemented in systems with particular mandates for cross-subject work and associated time. These curricula target AI learning outcomes through project-based learning involving multiple subject areas. An example is seen in Portugals curriculum frameworks, which feature ‘autonomous curriculum domains, or projects that must engage two or three disciplines in an interdisciplinary approach. In the UAE, AI is integrated into a range of subjects including ICT, science, maths, language, social studies and moral education.
Multiple-modality AI curricula have core requirements which are implemented during school time and supported by traditional resources such as facilitator guides and textbooks, but also leverage informal learning opportunities such as out-of-school resource networks and national or international competitions. An example of such a curriculum is the IBM-CBSE AI Curriculum for Grade XI & XII, which provides a gradual transition from guided to independent learning and links to competitions and industry mentorship.
Flexible AI curricula can be implemented through one or more integration mechanisms at the discretion of regions, school networks or individual schools. Examples include the ATL AI modules curriculum in India, which can be embedded, interdisciplinary or delivered through out-of-school models such as extracurricular activities; and Digital Skills in Saudi Arabia, which can be implemented as either a discrete or embedded curriculum. For some curricula, the embedding mechanisms are at the discretion of regions, schools or networks. These include the French-speaking Belgiums IT Repository (2nd and 3rd degree technical transition), and Germanys Algorithmen erkennen und formulieren [Identifying and Formulating Algorithms] curriculum.
多课程方式相结合的人工智能课程。该类课程的核心要求在于:不仅需要在开学期间实施,且需要传统教学资源的支持(如教师指导和教材),同时也需利用校外资源网络和国家或国际竞赛等非正式的学习机会。此类课程的代表是“IBM-CBSE面向11和12年级的人工智能课程”,该课程结合竞 赛和行业指导,帮助学生实现从引导式学习到独立学习的逐步过渡。