
2022-09-08 08:16
世界建筑导报 2022年4期

NAC 事务所简介

NAC 建筑事务所的历史可追溯至 1960 年,是一家屡获殊荣的建筑事务所。公司以使命为导向,通过工作追求更人性化的世界。我们事务所是一个协作环境,我们重视不同的观点、不懈的好奇心和应对重大挑战的兴趣。我们在重要且有目的的工作上茁壮成长。我们的工作着力于公共领域,支持日常生活的实践。我们享受我们所做的事情,我们认真对待我们的乐趣。

我们在学术成就、个人发展、公民意识方面的指导原则集中于对于学生及其成功的承诺,这种通过建筑提供的帮助指导不仅仅是学术上的,更能够支持学生转变成为对国际社会有贡献的人。我们位于华盛顿州西雅图市、斯波坎市和加利福尼亚州洛杉矶市、俄亥俄州的哥伦布市的办公室中有 220 名专业人员,并与遍布全美的 500 间学校开展合作并树立了良好的声誉,我们投身于教育建筑设计。我们致力于创建符合当代学生不断变化的需求的学校,同时保证交付使员工和学生都感到自豪的建筑作品。

在 NAC 建筑事务所,我们对设计有影响力的教育空间充满热情。我们专注建筑设计的研究,从理论到实践,不断深化我们对于当今的学校设施的认知,并更好地支持教育项目理论深化、技术发展以及加深学生对当前课程需求的理解。我们的研究人员和知识专家会和建筑师一同,积极与我们的教育客户就此类话题进行探讨,探索学校如何能够具有适当的灵活性,以服务未来的学生。

About NAC

NAC Architecture is an award-winning architecture firm with roots that date to 1960.The firm is mission-driven,pursuing a more humane world through the work. The studio is a collaborative environment that values diverse points of view,relentless curiosity,and an interest in tackling big challenges.We thrive on work that matters and has purpose.Our work exists in the public realm,supporting the practice of everyday life.We enjoy what we do,and we take our fun seriously.

Our guiding principles of academic achievement,personal development,and citizenship are centered on a commitment to students and their success—going beyond their academic years to support their transition into contributors to our global society.(With 220 professionals working from our offices in Seattle and Spokane,Washington and Los Angeles,California,Columbus,Ohio,and with five hundred schools throughout the U.S.to our credit,we have made an intentional investment in architecture for education.) We are dedicated to creating schools that meet the evolving needs of modern learners while delivering places that make both staff and students proud.

At NAC Architecture,we have a passion for designing impactful educational spaces.We perform research to continually advance our understanding of how a school facility built today can better support the educational programs,technology,and student needs of the modern curriculum.Our researchers and knowledge experts actively pursue this topic with our education clients to explore how schools can have the proper flexibility to serve future generations of students.

NAC 的景愿

— 设计以更有意义的方式支持教育学习环境;

— 结合当代最前沿的专业知识和未来教育理论研究,不断探索研究如何激发未来具有创造性设计的途径;

— 深入理解空间体验的神经科学,提供多感官刺激的学习环境;

— 结合建筑与自然的联系,促进学生和教师的身心健康。


— Design learning environments that support education in ever more meaningful manner;

— Incorporating research that brings the most current professional knowledge of contemporary and future education,while constantly searching for innovative ways how theoretical research can inspire creative synthesis of future designs;

— Diving deeper in understanding neuro science of spatial experience,to provide a multisensory stimulating learning environment;

— Incorporating connections of architecture and nature to enhance wellness of student and teachers alike.

理论创新 引领百年