
2022-08-26 09:42:18/周
文化交流 2022年8期

文 /周 澍













作者与常青。The author and Chang Qing.

常青作品《开会》(局部)。Meeting (partial), an ink painting work by Chang Qing.


于是不安的常青拿着他的作品向国画系的老师请教,那曾是送给他宣纸的师友们。他们说,你不能教,你若是教了,要教坏的, 你就那样画下去好了。常青说,老师和朋友们不教他,他们就任由着他自顾自“野长”。他们虽不肯教,常青依然视他们为“同道中人”,他觉得自己与他们志趣相仿目标相同,于是他画下了他的《道友》系列作品,画下了他们开完会在门口等人又一起去聚会和参加活动的诸多情景。

也许不安的除了常青,恰恰还有他的“道友”们。因为常青, 这个来自油画系的后来人,就这样没有任何先见地,没心没肺地, 无所顾忌地画了他自以为是水墨的水墨,他的画和他们的如此不同, 带着他完全不自觉的颠覆性的挑战,大有要搅乱一潭清水的味道。




常青作品《父与子》。Father and Son, an ink painting work by Chang Qing.

常青作品《道友》系列之一。One of the pieces from Kindred Spirits ink painting series by Chang Qing.

常青作品《推拿》。Massage, an ink painting work by Chang Qing.













常青作品《鸟——祖先》(局部)。Birds — Ancestors (partial), an ink painting work by Chang Qing.





在常青真实的“使徒”形象里,还有一个叫凯茜 · 蒂丽的美国女性,但她同样不是神的使徒。2013年夏日的某个午后,自带香槟和雪茄的凯茜 · 蒂丽优雅而没有任何预兆地叩开了常青工作室的大门。在短暂的寒暄过后,这个罗克威尔博物馆及基金会创办人的女儿,罗克威尔曾经的模特和长时期担任博物馆董事会核心成员的女人,迅速赢得了常青的友谊与敬重。


吾生有涯,唯光阴最为宝贵。水墨克制讲述,有时仅三言两语, 它重形意,不恋“战”。水墨“多快好省”的属性和感觉符合常青对速度的预期和追求。水墨并不妨碍常青对油画的深深热爱和无限眷恋,那不断反复和深入带来的丰富与完满。水墨给常青另一种酣畅淋漓。



常青作品《使徒》系列。The Apostles, a series of ink painting works by Chang Qing.

An “Interloper” in the World of Ink and Wash

By Zhou Shu

Whenever and wherever he goes, Chang Qing is the one to be recognized at first glance. As a well-established oil painter, he entered the world of ink-and-wash painting in a way seemingly irrelevant to his past.

His works are as immediately recognizable as his own self is.Whether in a playful spirit or in a painstaking effort, he presents ink paintings featuring intense and adventurous frameworks.His unique, contemporary and alien universality makes him an“interloper” and “invader” in the traditional ink-and-wash world.

Chang Qing’s shift of focus from oil painting to ink painting goes back to 2003, a year underlined by sadness and bewilderment.When working in his canal-side studio, habitually, he put out a cigarette, put down his brush and placed his hands under a running tap. It was a time when SARS was drawing attention and public media repeated tips for proper handwashing. Staring at his hands as they rubbed and scrubbed in the running water, Chang zoned out. Daisy-yellow and olive-green oil paints stained his fingers when he heard about another departed doctor in the news.

He realized that it was going to be a cold year, which called for a change, so that when winter finally came, he would feel less helpless and leaden. This depended on his nimble hands.When the long winter faded away and another winter arrived,Chang got acquainted with several painting mediums, including pastels, acrylics and watercolors. In the following years, he wandered around different materials and finished works without preconception or purpose. It was a period when he untied himself and enjoyed complete freedom in painting.

Teachers and friends from the Department of Traditional Chinese Painting sent over some Xuan paper as an experimental material, the scent of which reminded him of his father painting with a brush. Out of admiration for his father, he automatically applied for the Department of Traditional Chinese Painting at China Academy of Art upon graduation from the high school affiliated to Sichuan Fine Arts Institute. However, his choice to follow his father’s example was altered by his father, who believed that Chang’s modeling ability and sense of color would have been wasted if he chose to just study traditional Chinese painting. Thus,his father made a more far-sighted decision for his son, as any opinionated parent would. Over the years, Chang forged ahead on the path chosen by his father, going all out in oil painting. His choice of ink painting is like returning to the original aspiration. It is fate, more like predestined!

常青作品《存手机》。Depositing Cellphones, an ink painting work by Chang Qing.

Chang’s ink paintings present a feeling of unease from the very beginning, and going forward, such intertwined unease gets intensified. Feeling anxious, he sought advice from teachers of traditional Chinese painting, the friends who gave him Xuan paper. But they refused to tutor him and said that it would go wrong if they intervened. Chang was encouraged to “grow wild”and keep painting as it is. Nevertheless, he regarded them as fellow artists with shared interest and aspirations, and produced a series of works entitled, depicting them joining events or waiting at the door to catch up after a meeting.

Perhaps his fellow artists felt uneasy as well. Without precondition, deliberation or scruples, this latecomer from the Department of Oil Painting produced what he considered as ink painting, which is distinctive and brings unconscious but subversive challenges. Unaware of such a situation, nor told by anyone, Chang Qing, like a child who had the first taste of joy,continues his journey of ink and wash with great verve.

As a father and a son, he pays attention to parent-child relationships. Among countless images, he highlighted the fatherson and mother-daughter eye contacts, depicted them both looking to the left or right in a kind of frozen way, described the responsibility and love with their hands holding together, or peace and contentment of sitting idly on the sofa. These figures do not shy away from flaws and weirdness, and sometimes are even grotesque and bizarre, but they are true to life and ethics, like acquaintances in the neighborhood or memories of some street.Now it is the critics’ turn to worry: does the ink painting circle of Hangzhou or the Zhe (Zhejiang) School of Painting recognize Chang Qing’s style? Would there be an identity issue?

Some say that there is a great contradiction between ink art and realism. Chang Qing has mitigated such contradiction and built on realism. More significantly, during his travelling exhibitions in England, France, and other countries, his ink paintings were interpreted by foreign experts and art institutions as “a social realism of today”., as an impressive set of his representative ink paintings, shows his utmost solicitude for social groups that are easily overlooked and neglected.

He has touched upon multifarious and polysemous images other than oil painters, designers, CEOs and officials in ink painting. A variety of common people entered his vision of creation in the way they lived and survived, e.g., waiters, cleaners,shoemakers, monkey jugglers, melon farmers and scavengers,stimulating his inspiration, compassion and love.

His paintings are true to life. With a sense of humor, he recorded the conditions of common people chitchatting, bragging,singing and dancing. The traveler pulling his suitcases on a border trip, the man talking about global events in a public bath and the lady walking in urban night scenes like a shadow — all that we seem to have observed and experienced is an interpretation of the bizarreness, customs and vitality in the changing society.

His most far-reaching ink painting should be,which is grand in size and ambition, with temporal and spatial remoteness. It depicts a group of teachers from China Academy of Art observing a medieval church in Europe. They are close friends and colleagues to Chang Qing. Except for the only graceful female figure with a divine look, Chang applied fatigue and hardship to other faces in various ways. Next to his friend Cui Xiaodong, who looked over-wrought, Chang left a vacancy for himself, indicating himself as a fit member of the apostles. It is interesting to note that there aren’t 12 apostles, but 10 even with taking into account the vacancy for himself. The partially rendered seats on the border of both sides indicate the potential of in finite extension.

For Chang Qing,is rather a mission. It is an accustomed practice to introduce the Western culture to the East.In addition to the conventional approach of learning oil painting from oil painting, he embarked on a new journey meandering from oil painting to ink painting. Catharine Deely, former trustee of Norman Rockwell Museum, showed up in Chang’s life as an apostle, but not an apostle of God. During her unexpected visit on a summer afternoon in 2013, she made friends with and won respect from Chang.

Chang Qing’s ink paintings of realistic themes more or less draw inspiration from Rockwell in expressing the characteristics of the times, depicting ordinary people’s lives and conveying a sense of humor. Ink painting is narratively restrained and emphasizes the form and its implication, sometimes with just a few lines.The sense of going quick and easy fits Chang Qing’s expectations.But his pursuit of ink painting does not hold back his passion for oil painting, the built-up depth of which brings richness and completeness. Ink painting conveys another type of ease and delight, which, for Chang Qing, “originates from his solid Western painting skills, fine quality as a professional painter, and gifted intelligence and agility”, remarked Wu Shanming, a distinguished representative of the older generation of the Zhe School of Painting.

With lingering scent of ink, we see a cheerful senior hugging a middle-aged man and his novel style of ink painting. Now, this once wild “interloper” in the ink world has finally got relieved and regained peace.

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