Linn Liu, Wendy Zhou,*, Mrte Gutierrez
a Department of Geology and Geological Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, 80401, USA
b Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, CO, 80401, USA
Keywords:Ground settlements Tunneling Machine learning Small dataset Model accuracy Model stability Feature importance
ABSTRACT Prediction of tunneling-induced ground settlements is an essential task,particularly for tunneling in urban settings. Ground settlements should be limited within a tolerable threshold to avoid damages to aboveground structures. Machine learning (ML) methods are becoming popular in many fields, including tunneling and underground excavations, as a powerful learning and predicting technique. However, the available datasets collected from a tunneling project are usually small from the perspective of applying ML methods.Can ML algorithms effectively predict tunneling-induced ground settlements when the available datasets are small? In this study, seven ML methods are utilized to predict tunneling-induced ground settlement using 14 contributing factors measured before or during tunnel excavation. These methods include multiple linear regression (MLR), decision tree (DT), random forest (RF), gradient boosting (GB),support vector regression (SVR), back-propagation neural network (BPNN), and permutation importancebased BPNN (PI-BPNN) models. All methods except BPNN and PI-BPNN are shallow-structure ML methods. The effectiveness of these seven ML approaches on small datasets is evaluated using model accuracy and stability. The model accuracy is measured by the coefficient of determination (R2) of training and testing datasets,and the stability of a learning algorithm indicates robust predictive performance.Also,the quantile error (QE) criterion is introduced to assess model predictive performance considering underpredictions and overpredictions. Our study reveals that the RF algorithm outperforms all the other models with the highest model prediction accuracy (0.9) and stability (3.02 × 10-27). Deep-structure ML models do not perform well for small datasets with relatively low model accuracy(0.59)and stability(5.76).The PI-BPNN architecture is proposed and designed for small datasets, showing better performance than typical BPNN. Six important contributing factors of ground settlements are identified, including tunnel depth, the distance between tunnel face and surface monitoring points (DTM), weighted average soil compressibility modulus (ACM), grouting pressure, penetrating rate and thrust force.
During tunnel excavation, changes of in situ stress state and ground loss occur in the mass around the excavation. These changes are often manifested in the ground settlement,particularly for shallow tunnels in urban settings. For urban shield tunnel constructions, the ground settlement must be limited within a tolerable threshold to prevent damage to aboveground structures.Therefore,predictions of tunneling-induced ground movement are of vital importance.
Machine learning (ML) techniques have recently experienced immense growth driven by advanced computational performance and developed for many tunneling applications, including tunnel boring machine (TBM) performance prediction, tunnel condition assessment,predictions of tunnel face stability and tunnel-induced settlement, etc. (Sheil et al., 2020; Zhu et al., 2021; Feng et al.,2021). Typically, ML techniques are implemented on the assumption of big data.However,one of the prevalent topics,prediction of tunneling-induced ground deformation, usually has access to limited monitoring datasets ranging from 10 s to 100 s, as summarized in Table 1. Thus, the effectiveness of applying ML algorithms in such a research area needs to be further discussed instead of using them directly and blindly.
Big data are characterized as being large in volume, produced continuously,and varied in nature,even though they are often a byproduct of a system rather than designed to investigate particular phenomena or processes. Big data provide rich inputs for ML algorithms to extract underlying patterns and build predictive models(Zhou et al.,2017).As Kitchin(2013)described,big data are enormous in volume consisting of terabytes or petabytes of data. In contrast,small data are generally characterized by limited volume, noncontinuous collection, and little variety, and are generated to answerspecificquestions(KitchinandLauriault,2015).Smalldatasets can also be identified when the ratio of the number of training samples to the Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) dimensions of a learning function is less than 20 (Chao et al., 2011; Vladimir, 2020). The VC dimension is defined as the cardinality of the largest set of points that the algorithm can shatter,largely determined by input space.Since a tunnel project is typically constructed within a limited period, the average dataset size and inputs in the publications are approximately 148 and 10, respectively (Table 1). Therefore, the prediction of tunneling-induced ground settlements is a small dataset question.
The prediction of ground surface settlements induced by shallow tunnel excavation with TBM is a complex problem associated with TBM operation parameters, encountered geological conditions, tunnel geometry, etc. By applying MLs, these possible contributing factors (input data) collected from monitoring instrumentations can directly serve as the“textbook”for learning and understanding the tunneling-induced ground settlement (output data) without pre-assumption of data distribution.
The most popular ML algorithm is the ANN(Zhang et al.,2020c),a deep structure model.ANN has also been integrated with other theories suchaswavelet theoryand fuzzylogic(Pourtaghiand Lotfollahi-Yaghin, 2012; Ahangari et al., 2015) to improve the prediction performance. In most applications of the ANN to ground settlement prediction, the input layer has the number of nodes equal to the number of influencing variables,and the output layer has one noderepresenting predicted ground settlements (Suwansawat and Einstein, 2006). However, the neural network (NN) architecture design for applying small datasets is less considered,easily leading to overfitting performances. Apart from ANNs, shallow architecture models have also been utilized, such as support vector machine(SVM),decision tree(DT)and random forest(RF).SVM is designed to analyze large amounts of data and capable of handling high dimensionality (>1000) very well (Yang and Trewn, 2004). SVM used in regression problems is known as support vector regression (SVR).Tree-based methods(TMs)such as DTand RF are recently introduced to predict tunneling-induced ground settlements(Chen et al.,2019).These applied ML methods are typically evaluated by the difference between predicted and target outputs. Predictive results could be either underprediction or overprediction.Calculated errors for model assessment typically consider underprediction and overprediction equally. However, underprediction is more severe than overprediction since underprediction may cause project failure. Additionally, the model stability is less considered. Model stability indicatesifmodelperformance isaffectedby variabilitiesinthemodel architecture and if the obtained results can be considered robust.
Table 1 Published research for tunneling-induced ground settlements via ML algorithms.
Motivated by the above considerations,this paper aims to answer the question- “If ML algorithms can be applied effectively in small tunneling-related datasets.” Based on the literature review and summarization(Table 1),seven ML algorithms widely considered in publications will be applied, including multiple linear regression(MLR), DT, RF, gradient boosting (GB), SVR, an ANN trained by the back-propagation(BPNN)and permutation importance-based BPNN(PI-BPNN) algorithms. It should be noted that the PI-BPNN architecture is first-time proposed based on the consideration of applying NNs to small datasets. These seven algorithms are used and compared in an urban shield tunnel in China. Both model accuracy and stability are analyzed for seven learning algorithms.In addition,the quantile error(QE)is proposed to assess the model performance based on the consideration of underprediction and overprediction.Besides identifying the most suitable model,this paper also provides the feature importance using the permutation feature selection method. Several variables are identified as important factors affecting tunneling-induced ground settlements.
For ML models, parameters connecting inputs and outputs are initiated randomly and optimized based on a cost function.The cost function indicates the difference between the actual and the predicted outputs. An ML algorithm aims to minimize the cost function, “learn” the model parameters, and eventually achieve the prediction. The relationship between inputs and outputs could be linear or nonlinear. A linear ML model (MLR) and six nonlinear models (DT, RF, GB, SVR, BPNN and PI-BPNN) will be discussed.
The successful application of ML techniques largely depends on the architecture design and hyperparameter training, such as the kernel selection of SVM,tree depth and tree number of tree-based algorithms, hidden layer design of NN models, etc. Without these considerations and detailed model design, it easily leads to the failed application of ML techniques. Additionally, model selection or improvement should be based on the consideration of the problem to be solved. For example, since the NN is powerful at capturing complex relationships, it might not provide ideal performance. Consequently, an improved BPNN model named PIBPNN is proposed in this paper, which fully considers the relationship between a small dataset and network architecture.
All the algorithms and analyses are programmed in MATLAB and Python. The Python code is implemented using Scikit-learn(Pedregosa et al., 2011) Python library.
MLR is a method of finding a linear model for the relationship between the output parameter (dependent variable) and a set of input parameters (independent variables).The mathematical form of the model is expressed as
where biis the regression coefficient representing the change of output(y)when the inputs(xi)change by 1 unit,and c is a bias term.Parameters biand c are initiated randomly in the beginning, and then optimized using the gradient descent method so that this formula can predict the output closely.
DT model is a tree structure that consists of an arbitrary number of nodes and branches at each node.The depth of the tree determines how deep the tree can grow.The deeper the tree,the more it obtains information about the data. DT regression uses a fast divide-andconquer-greedy algorithm that recursively splits the data into smaller parts(Pekel,2020).The dataset is split at several split points for each input variable. At each split point, the errors of the cost function are calculated and compared. The split point is eventually determined by the variable yielding the lowest cost function values.
The general procedure for decision tree regression is:
(1) Start with a single node.
(2) Determine the split point that offers the minimum value of the cost function.
(3) For each new node,go back to step(2).The procedure exists when the stopping criterion is reached.
RF is an ensemble learning technique developed by Breiman(2001) to improve the regression tree method by combining multiple DT models. In RF regression, each tree is built using a deterministic algorithm by selecting a random set of variables and a random sample from the training dataset (Mutanga et al., 2012).The RF algorithm is not biased since there are multiple trees, and each tree is trained on a subset of data. Thus, even if a new data point is introduced in the dataset, the overall algorithm is not affected much since new data may impact one tree,but it is hard to impact all the trees.
Three parameters need to be optimized in RF:
(1) The number of regression trees, which is the most critical parameter.
(2) The number of different predictors tested at each node. The default value is 1/3 of the total number of the variables.
(3) The minimal size of the trees’ terminal nodes, the default value of which is 1.
GB regression is an ensemble method that employs a collection of simple additive regression model predictions and averages them to estimate the response (Lyashevska et al., 2020). GB regression trees consider additive models of the following form:
where ymis the learning rate,and hm(x)is the weak learner.DTs of fixed size typically serve as weak learners.GB regression trees build the additive model in a forward stepwise fashion(Eq.(3)).At each stage, the weak learner hm(x) is chosen to minimize the cost function. Specifically, GB splits each tree and uses the most contributing variable to minimize the cost function.
Five essential parameters in the GB regression model need to be specified:
(1) The number of boosting stages that will be performed.
(2) The maximum depth, which limits the number of nodes in the tree. The optimum value depends on the interaction of the input variables.
(3) The minimum number of samples required to split an internal node.
(4) The learning rate, which describes how much the contribution of each tree will shrink.
(5) The cost function to be optimized.The lease squares function is used in this study.
Asetof trainingpatterns(x1,y1),(x2,y2),…,(xl,yl)aregiven,where xi∊Rnand yi∊R(i = 1,2,…,l).Each yivalue is the desired output for the input vector xi.The SVR model is learnt from these patterns and used to predict the target values of unseen input vectors(Yeh et al.,2011).
SVR is a popular choice for linear and nonlinear regression types,depending on the kernel selection. Transforming data is achieved by kernel functions. Kernels can be linear, nonlinear, polynomial,radial basis function(RBF),sigmoid,etc.Kernel selection is datasetdependent. The SVR model with RBF kernel (RBF-SVR) is used in this study, chosen by trial-and-error experiments. Two associated hyperparameters, gamma and C, are needed to be specified. The parameter gamma defines how far the influence of a single training example reaches. It can also be considered as the inverse of the radius of influence of samples selected by the model as support vectors. The parameter C trades off the correct domain of training examples against the maximum decision function margin.
As a specific example of deep learning methods,NN models can predict the outcome from a developed network.A feedforward NN is a parametric function that takes a set of input values and maps them to a corresponding setting of output values (Darabi et al.,2012). The ANN employed in this study is a feedforward network trained by a back-propagation algorithm named BPNN.Ideally,the network becomes more knowledgeable about the relationships after each iteration or epoch of the learning process with the error back-propagation algorithm being used for this purpose. Furthermore,BPNN provides a meaningful nonlinear relationship between input and output neurons by iterative learning,with the predictive ability for dynamic nonlinear behaviors. Such inherent properties offer a clear edge over sophisticated nonlinear regression techniques(Mukherjee and Routroy,2012).The general architecture of a NN applied to tunnel engineering consists of an input layer, a hidden layer,and an output layer.It has been demonstrated that a NN model with one hidden layer can sufficiently model highly complex nonlinear functions with enough number of hidden neurons (Hegazy et al., 1994). Specifically, a three-layer BPNN architecture shown in Fig.1 includes the following components:
(1) A general network model consisting of simple processing elements named neurons. Neurons are arranged in layers and are combined through excessive connectivity.The number of neurons in the input,hidden,and output layers is denoted as m, n, and s, respectively. Similarly, i, j, and k represent an individual neuron of the input,hidden,and output layers.
(2) The input layer plays no computational role but merely serves to pass the input vector to the network. The input neurons transmit these values across the links to the hidden layers(Eq.
(4)). Each node computes the weighted sum of its input (xi).The result is then put through an activation function (f1) to generate a signal result for the neuron (yi). The activation functions of tan-sigmoid and log-sigmoid are commonly applied,which are differentiable and bounded.The parameter(bj)represents a bias associated with a neuron.
(3) The results of the hidden neurons (yi) are then transmitted across their activation function f2to the neurons in the output layer (Eq. (5)). The output signal of neuron k is denoted by yk, where the parameter wk,jrepresents the weight on the connection between hidden nodes (j) and output nodes (k), and bkis the bias.
(4) A back-propagation signal (an error signal) propagates backward through the network. The desired response or target output can be denoted by dk. Consequently, an error signal denoted by E is produced by Eq. (6). The error signal is then propagated back to adjust weights and biases of each layer using a gradient descent method, namely, the weights and biases can be updated and revised in the direction of the loss function’s negative gradient (E). Specifically, parameters related to each neuron are adjusted according to the delta rule shown in Eqs.(7)-(10),where η denotes the learning rate.
During the training process,weight matrices and bias vectors in the network model are adjusted until the desired input-output mapping occurs. Thus, the network model can learn and predict through training. The following are the equations involved in the BPNN algorithm:
Fig.1. ANN and signal propagation.
The complexity of a network is related to the network size, as measured by the number of weight matrices and bias vectors.Network architecture plays a vital role in model performance since it determines the number of parameters to be trained. Take the model structure shown in Fig.1 as an example. The dimension of the weight matrices wj,iand wk,jis m×n and n× s, respectively.The size of the bias vector is n+ s. Therefore, the total number of parameters needed to be trained is(m +s +1)×n+s.In applying ground surface settlement predictions, one neuron (s = 1) in the output layer represents settlement. Thus, the total number of parameters needed to be trained becomes (m + 2)× n+ 1. The number of hidden neurons(n)can be identified via a trial-and-error experiment,which also can be expressed in the form of the number of input nodes (m) suggested by Heaton (2015). The appropriate number of hidden neurons is estimated by (2m)/3+ s, which should not exceed 1.5m. Consequently, the model complexity largely depends on the number of input nodes.
Many researchers directly set the influencing variables as the input neurons and ground settlement as the output neuron in the review of related publications. It is widely believed that as many parameters related to the ground settlement as possible should be collected and fed into the input layer (Suwansawat and Einstein,2006). However, increasing the number of input neurons leads to a more complex model so that much more weights and biases are needed to be learnt. For many NN applications in settlement predictions,the size of both training and testing data is 10 s or around 100 s (Santos and Celestino, 2008; Darabi et al., 2012; Ahangari et al., 2015; Bouayad and Emeriault, 2017). When the number of parameters needed to be learnt is larger than the size of learnt samples, these parameters may not be well trained. In addition,since a network with a sufficient number of neurons in the hidden layer can accurately implement an arbitrary training set,it can learn both signals and noises (Tetko and Villa,1997). With limited data points,some of these trained relationships are possibly the results of sampling noise.The PI-BPNN model is proposed considering the network architecture design for small datasets.In the proposed PIBPNN model, input initialization is achieved by the permutation feature importance selection technique, which is a model inspection technique and especially useful for nonlinear or opaque estimators. The permutation feature importance is defined as the decrease in a model score when a single feature value is randomly shuffled(Breiman,2001),indicating how much the model depends on the feature. Thus, important features will be filtered, selected,and set as network inputs to decrease architecture complexity.
Data used in this study are collected from the Yuji tunnel project constructed in China, which is excavated by a slurry shield TBM.Many boreholes have been drilled to obtain information about the geological condition below the surface.The soil profile of the tunnel horizon is plotted in Fig. 2 based on the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). The tunnel section with a total length of 1.1 km is investigated.The ground condition encountered by the shield tunnel includes silty sands, silty clays, silts, sands, and artificial fills. The complexity of geological conditions varies. In general, the tunnel is constructed in a mixed silty clay-sand layer.Most areas were found with sands in the crown and silty clays in the invert.Some parts are entirely excavated in sand or silty clay layer.Ten surface settlement markers or settlement arrays are installed along the selected tunnel section (>1 km) to measure surface settlements during excavation.Vertical ground surface displacement is monitored by precise leveling of transverse profiles. Each profile consists of at least 13 monitoring points. A dataset of 187 observed maximum surface displacements is recorded,collected,and used in this study.
The ground surface displacements could result from multiple influencing variables fed into ML models as inputs.Based upon case history reviews of urban shield tunnels (Clough and Leca, 1993;Suwansawat and Einstein,2006;Zhang et al.,2020b)and extensive observations in this tunnel project,the influencing variables can be grouped into three major categories: tunnel geometry, geological conditions and TBM operational parameters. Such classification proposed by Suwansawat and Einstein(2006)is widely accepted by researchers(Ding et al., 2013; Ocak et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2013;Zhou et al., 2017; Chen et al., 2019). Parameters included in every category are mainly derived from measurements before tunneling or observations along with tunnel excavation. Mahmoodzadeh et al. (2020) also mentioned that urban tunneling projects do not always have access to a vast number of parameters,therefore, it is preferable to consider parameters that can be easily achieved.
3.2.1. Input variables
(1) Tunnel geometry
Tunnel depth and diameter are considered in the modeling.The tunnel depth of the selected section varies from around 31 m-36 m. The tunnel project has a constant diameter of 12.4 m. A baseline feature selection approach in ML techniques is to remove features with low variance.Zero-variance features,i.e.features that have the same value in all samples, will not affect the changes of output. Thus,the tunnel diameter is not used as an input.
Additionally, the horizontal distance between tunnel face and monitoring points(DTM)is also considered a parameter that might influence the monitored ground settlements, which indicates various excavation stages from before shield approaching till after shielding pass.
(2) Geological conditions
Geological conditions considered in ML models include soil types at tunnel invert and crown,groundwater level,and weighted average soil compressible modulus (ACM). All these parameters related to geological conditions are obtained from many drilled boreholes along the tunnel centerline.
Intuitively by the geological profile shown in Fig. 3, there are two geological conditions of tunnel crown and invert,i.e.silty clays or sands. Binary code symbolized by 0 and 1 typically represents two states,“off”and“on”,respectively.Thus,the binary code can be adopted to indicate if a certain soil type is encountered or not(Suwansawat and Einstein,2006).In this study area,four geological conditions are summarized, as listed in Table 2.
Although geological complexity can be roughly determined intuitively by the geological profile, quantitative characteristics of soil consolidation are unknown, which may serve as a vital factor affecting the ground settlements. From the soil mechanics perspective, since the soil is a compressible material, the ground surface experiences downward settlements. Five hundred and seventy-six soil samples have been collected from 75 drilled boreholes along the tunnel alignment.These collected soil samples have been used to conduct laboratory soil consolidation tests to study compression properties.Plots of soil void ratio e vs.effective pressure p can be drawn according to results of laboratory compression test. Based on the e-p curve, the coefficient of compressibility (av) expressed as Eq. (11) can be calculated, representing the change of void ratio concerning the applied effective pressure during compression.
Fig. 2. The geological profile of the study area.
Fig. 3. Distribution of weighted average compressible modulus (ACM).
Given the initial void ratio of the consolidation layer (e0), the coefficient of volume compressibility(mv)is obtained according to Eq. (12). The parameter mvrepresents the compression of soil per unit due to a unit increase of pressure. The modulus of soil compressibility (Es) expressed in Eq. (13) is eventually selected as the parameter to represent the soil compressibility. Results of the calculated modulus of compressibility are plotted in Fig.3.The ACM along drilled borehole can be calculated to represent the overall soil compressibility for every monitoring point using Eq.(14),where Esiis the modulus of soil compressibility of the ith soil layer, and hirepresents the height of the ith soil layer.
(3) TBM operational parameters
In soft ground with high water content,the slurry shield TBM is suitable.This TBM is equipped with a slurry system that controls the pressure in the excavation face by injecting pressurized slurry into the cutter chamber. Given a TBM, its specifications depend on and reflect soil conditions. The criterion of selecting TBM-related parameters is that parameters directly affect face stability, ground volume loss, etc., and further affect ground settlement (Monney et al., 2016; Chen et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2020c). Additionally,real-time collection in the shield system is suggested to ensure the accuracy of these parameters.Based on the TBM parameters related to ground settlements suggested by Zhang et al. (2020b), eight features are selected, including rotational speed of cutterhead, penetrating rate, thrust force, torque, roller displacement, grouting pressure,grouting injection rate,and discharge flow rate.Controllingthese parameters well may effectively reduce the surface settlement caused by shield construction.
Table 2 Geological conditions of tunnel crown and invert represented by binary code.
TBM parameters, such as cutterhead rotational speed and penetrating rate,significantly influence TBM vibration.The thrust force of soft ground TBMs is controlled by earth pressure. Torque factor times the cube of tunnel diameter describes the torque of soft ground TBMs.TBM torque is governed by the friction between shield cutters and the ground or by the shear strength. This friction is caused by a few factors, such as earth pressure, chamber pressure acting on a bulkhead, driving force generated by direction changes in curved alignments,frictional force acting between the segments and tail seals, and hauling force of trailing units(Ates et al., 2014). In slurry shield TBM operations, the slurry circuit is a pipeline loop that connects the TBM to the slurry treatment plant (STP) at the surface. Pumps in the slurry discharge pipeline transport the loaded slurry to the STP. In the slurry feed line and discharge line,sensors are installed to determine the flow rate and density. Densities of slurry injection flow and discharge flow are almost constant. Thus, three parameters are selected to represent the slurry circuit condition:grouting pressure,grouting injection rate, and discharge flow rate.
3.2.2. Output variables
Ground settlement induced by tunneling excavations is set as the output variable in ML models,which is influenced by multiple input factors. Given that data are collected during the excavation process, ground settlements within eight times of the tunnel diameter at the excavation face are considered, with a measurement accuracy of 0.3 mm/km.
Table 3 Characteristic parameters and ranges of values for settlement predictions.
The dataset used to design ML models for predicting the ground surface settlements consists of 14 input variables and 187 observations. Twelve parameters and their corresponding ranges of values are summarized in Table 3. The other two parameters are geology at tunnel crown and invert,represented by values 0 and 1,respectively, in ML models (Table 3).
Fig. 4 presents the variable correlation matrix illustrating the relationship between pairwise parameters to provide a descriptive overview of the data distribution. Most parameters show a relatively low correlation with Pearson correlation coefficient(r<0.8),except for two pairs:grouting pressure vs.groundwater level(r =- 0.82) and geology at tunnel invert vs. ACM (r = - 0.81).The larger the r value, the stronger the linear relationship. However,there are no direct physical links between these two pairwise datasets, so that all the data will be kept for learners.
The data distribution also reveals that the ground settlements have inverse relationships with a few parameters.These parameters are the DTM, tunnel depth, ACM, thrust force, grouting pressure,grouting injection rate and discharge flow rate.Thus,the increase in these parameters can control the magnitude of ground settlements to some extent. Similarly, the decrease in positively related parameters might help to decrease the ground surface settlements.
ML methods ingest data to learn from it. Specifically, ML algorithms aim to find the optimal hyperparameters that yield the best model.Corresponding hyperparameters are initiated randomly and optimized using a cost function. The process to find the optimal hyperparameters is achieved by learning from the training set.Using trained hyperparameters, ML models have the ability to predict outputs.
The dataset in this study is split randomly into two sets: a training set and a testing set, as plotted in Fig. 5. The training set consists of 70%of the data,while the remainder(30%)is assigned to the testing set. A two-part split is a general practice in the applications of ML algorithms, aiming at testing the predictive performances of the models.
Typically, statistical performance evaluations can be conducted to assess model performance quantitatively. The coefficient of determination (R2) defined as Eq. (15) is adopted to assess and compare model performances. It measures how well predictions a model provides. The best possible score is 1. The higher the R2value,the better the model performance.Additionally,the R2value can be negative because a model can be arbitrarily worse.
Training and testing accuracies for seven models have been calculated and are presented in Fig. 6. According to the calculated testing accuracy, the predictive performance ranging from best to worst is RF(0.9)>GB(0.82)>DT(0.72)>PI-BPNN(0.79)>BPNN(0.59) > SVR (0.52) > MLR (- 3.89 × 1017).
Among these applied models, the MLR has neither learning ability nor predicting ability, which means that the relationship between induced ground settlements and influencing variables is nonlinear. The nonlinear relationship can also be indicated by the variable coefficient matrix shown in Fig.4.The surface settlements weakly correlate to the 14 influencing variables with correlation coefficients (R) smaller than 0.3.
In the applications of nonlinear models,the ensemble methods like RF and GB have been successfully used with both relatively high learning and testing accuracies. The RF model achieves the best performance. Also, the ensemble models (RF and GB) outperform the single DT method in terms of model accuracy.
In contrast to shallow-structure learning architectures, the NN model adopts deep architecture to learn hierarchical representations. Deep-structure ML methods can often capture more complicated, hierarchically launched statistical patterns of inputs to adapt to new areas than traditional learning methods. Furthermore,as the data continuously get bigger,deep learning is essential in providing predictive analytic solutions for large-scale datasets(Pasini, 2015; Qiu et al., 2016). However, for the application of tunneling-induced ground settlements where the available dataset is small, the predictive performance of BPNN is worse than treebased ML algorithms. Additionally, the proposed PI-BPNN model outperforms typical BPNN,indicating that the NN architecture and input selection are vital to the model performance when applying a small dataset.
Besides the R2used in this study, model performances can be assessed by other performance indicators such as mean absolute error (MAE), root mean square (RMSE), relative RMSE (RRMSE),standard deviation (σ), and multiple-objective error (MOE), which are defined as
In the above parameters,MAE reflects the average magnitude of error between predicted and measured data, and RMSE describes the standard deviation of differences.RRMSE is the ratio of RMSE to the mean of monitoring values(Bsaibes et al.,2009).RRMSE,RMSE,MAE, and σ merely illustrate the error without correlations. MOE function combines the above-mentioned metrics.
These equations are commonly used in ML applications to indicate the overall deviation between predictions and observations. The higher the errors, the less likely the model generalized correctly from the training data. Although these equations have slight differences,one common aspect is that underpredictions and overpredictions are equally considered. However, for ground settlements induced by tunnel excavations, underpredictions may cause project failure and even loss of lives compared with overpredictions. Consequently, a QE criterion is proposed to assess the model performance. Different penalties for overestimation and underestimation are given in the QE criterion.In the QE calculation,different penalties can be given to overestimation and underestimation. These penalties are based on the value of chosen quantile(γ), as shown in Eq. (21). Quantile error can be considered an extension of MAE when the quantile is 50% (γ = 0.5), and the equation for QE is reduced to the equation for MAE.A quantile loss function of γ>0.5 gives more penalty to underestimation than overestimation. In the model performance evaluation, the parameter γ in the QE calculation has been set as 0.7. Predictions (y) for each model are the mean of 1000 predictive results.
Using the QE criterion, the predicted model performances ranging from best to worst are RF (0.36) > GB (0.38) > DT(0.41) > SVR(1.02) > PI-BPNN (1.17) > BPNN(1.22) > MLR (1.81×109). The RF algorithm has the best model performance with the QE errors, even if more penalties are given to underpredictions.Compared with the model performance evaluated by R2(RF > GB > DT > PI-BPNN > BPNN > SVR > MLR), the SVR outperforms NNs using QE errors, indicating that NNs are prone to providing underpredictions.
Fig. 4. Variable correlation matrix of influencing variables.
Fig. 5. Data distribution of training and testing sets.
ML models are used to identify the relationship between ground settlements and various influencing variables. One way to explain why a given model behaves the way it does is to analyze feature importance. Feature importance provides a highly compressed,global insight into the model’s behavior.
The model inspection technique of permutation feature importance tests the model performance by removing every feature. In this way, the importance of individual variables can be directly compared. Methods like this can be used to dispel the notion of ML algorithms as irreproducible “black-box” and can be used to help to gain new insights.Specifically,permutation feature importance measures the increase in the prediction error of a model after we permute a feature’s value, i.e. the decrease in a model score when a single feature value is randomly shuffled. A feature is “important” if shuffling its values increases the model error because it relies on the prediction feature. Conversely, a feature is “unimportant” if shuffling its values leaves model error unchanged because the model ignores the feature for the prediction in this case.
However, not all learning methods can identify important features because they are too complex to analyze contributions of single covariates to the overall results,for instance,ANNs and SVR(Altmann et al., 2010). Additionally, the failed application of MLR(Fig. 6a) demonstrates that the nonlinear relationship between inputs and output was not captured,indicating that no features are considered “important” in the MLR model. Thus, the permutation feature importance will be evaluated based on the predictive results of the DT, RF and GB methods.
According to the results presented in Fig. 7, six important parameters contributing to ground settlements have been identified,including tunnel depth,DTM,ACM,grouting pressure,penetrating rate and thrust force. Typically, parameters of tunnel depth, DTM and ACM are given by tunnel design and geological conditions.Thus, the tunneling-induced ground settlements can be further controlled by TBM operations such as grouting pressure, penetrating rate and thrust force.
In applying ML algorithms, model accuracy is typically considered the primary criterion for evaluating and selecting a learning algorithm.Algorithms with high accuracy can predict the outcome with a high degree of confidence. However, the stability of the learning algorithm is also a vital issue, which is often less considered. Therefore, it should be paid more attention, particularly for the ML applications of a small dataset. The stability of a learning algorithm,also called learning variance,refers to the output change when the training dataset is changed. A learning algorithm can be considered stable if the output does not change much when the training set is modified. Also, the algorithm stability can be considered a representation of how well hyperparameters have been trained. Models with high variance pay a lot of attention to training data and do not generalize on the unseen data.
Fig. 6. Accuracy of applied ML algorithms: (a) MLR, (b) DT, (c) RF, (d) GB, (e) SVR, (f) BPNN, (g) PI-BPNN models.
Each ML model in this study will conduct multiple predictions to study the model stability on a small dataset. The variance s2(Eq.(22)) is applied to assess the model stability. It is calculated as the average squared deviation of each prediction from the averaged prediction. The more spread the data, the larger the variance concerning the mean.
Evaluation of model stability is conducted in two steps here.First, an extreme case where the training set does not change is tested.Each single test sample has been predicted 1000 times.The variances of 1000 predictive results(Fig.8)are calculated to assess model stabilities represented by dash lines. Variance trend represented by solid lines is obtained using the moving average technique. According to the results presented in Fig. 8, the prediction results vary significantly given the same training set and model architecture.The average variance of stability of BPNN and PI-BPNN are 5.76 and 3.58, respectively. BPNN and PI-BPNN show poor model stability, indicating that a small dataset fails to train hyperparameters in deep architecture fully.Compared with typical BPNN,the proposed PI-BPNN outperforms both in model accuracy and model stability. For shallow-structure ML algorithms (DT, RF, GB,SVR and MLR),the DT model shows high variance(1.06),while RF,GB,SVR,and MLR models show good stability with variance almost equal to zero. Since the MLR model entirely failed to learn and predict tunneling-induced ground settlements, it will not be further discussed to save computing efforts. The second step is to further investigate the stability of RF, GB, and SVR models using a changeable dataset.The training and testing sets are randomly split 1000 times to train models repeatedly.Three algorithms are trained 1000 times to provide 1000 predictions. Results of model performance presented in Fig. 9 indicate that RF, GB and SVR can be considered stable models since the output performances do not change much, with variance less than 0.2. The average variance of GB, SVR, and RF are 5.5 × 10-3, 5.39 × 10-27and 3.02 × 10-27,respectively. Thus, it can be concluded that the model stability ranging from best to worst is RF > SVR > GB > DT > PIBPNN> BPNN.
Among all these applied learning algorithms, the RF model shows the best accuracy and stability.
Applying ML techniques results in deriving patterns from existing datasets and approximating future behavior (i.e., predictions). It is important to evaluate ML performances, pros and cons to identify their ability of accurate prediction. Also, method selection should be appropriate based on the problem to be solved.Table 4 compares the seven ML algorithms applied for tunnelinginduced ground settlement prediction with a small dataset.
Fig. 7. Feature importance identified by ML algorithms: (a) DT, (b) RF, and (c) GB models.
A general advantage of ML models is the ability to handle multivariate data and extract implicit relationships in a complex, dynamic and even chaotic environment. Moreover, they make no distributional assumptions about the predictor variables.
DT,RF and GB are three tree-based algorithms.The DT is a basic tree-structure algorithm, serving the base learner for both RF and GB. The RF and GB are state-of-the-art ensemble learning techniques, a method that combines the predictions from multiple ML algorithms(base learners)to provide more accurate predictions.A single DT might be relatively weaker compared with a set of trees.Theoretically, ensemble methods with more trees usually yield better results and serve as a more robust model(Elish et al.,2013).This study reveals that RF and GB outperform the DT model in terms of prediction accuracy and model stability.However,there is a trade-off between prediction accuracy and processing cost. The more the trees, the slower the process, since every tree has to be generated, processed, and analyzed. Also, the processing will be slower given more features. The difference between RF and GB is how trees are built. The RF builds each tree independently (in parallel), while the GB builds one tree at a time (sequentially)(Callens et al., 2020).
MLR models the linear relationship between independent and dependent variables, while the other six MLs work on processing nonlinear relationships. As its mathematic formula indicated (Eq.(1)),its main advantage is to provide the relative influence of one or multiple predictor variables intuitively. However, the MLR fails to approximate the nonlinear relationship between the influencing variables and ground settlements.
Data transforming is required to construct an SVR model, achieved by kernel functions.Kernel selection is dataset-dependent.It can be selected through the tried-and-error method. The kernel with the highest testing accuracy is chosen. Once the kernel is selected,SVR has a few hyperparameters needed to be determined,easy for implementation. The SVR shows good model stability but poor prediction accuracy.Given more penalties to underprediction and using the QE criterion,SVR has higher prediction accuracy than NN models.
Fig. 8. Model stability with the same training set.
Fig. 9. Model stability with changeable training sets.
In a multi-layer NN,each neuron is connected to other neurons with certain hyperparameters. Given many hyperparameters such as weight matrixes and bias vectors, NNs have a remarkable capability to learn and model nonlinear and complex relationships.However,many hyperparameters involved in the network may not be well trained with the limited dataset to provide ideal predicting performance. The PI-BPNN proposed in this paper is designed for small datasets considering the relationship between model architecture and dataset size, showing better performance than typical BPNN. Although the NNs are powerful in solving complex problems, they are not effective enough to apply small datasets with both poor prediction accuracy and model stability.
Due to the limited construction period of any given tunnel project, the available monitoring datasets of ground deformation are small. Can ML methods effectively predict tunneling-induced ground settlement when the datasets are small? With both shallow- and deep-structure, seven ML algorithms have been applied for predicting tunneling-induced ground settlements.These ML methods include MLR, DT, RF, GB, SVR, BPNN, and PIBPNN.
The seven ML algorithms are assessed from the perspective of model accuracy and stability. Our results showed that the MLR model failed to learn and predict. Furthermore, the nonlinear relationship between tunneling-induced ground settlements and possible influencing variables, including TBM operation parameters, encountered geological conditions,and tunnel geometry,was demonstrated.In the applications of nonlinear learning algorithms,the RF model showed the best performance with high prediction accuracy reaching 0.9 and low stability variance of 3.02 × 10-27.While the BPNN, which is believed powerful in approximating complicated functions, shows worse performance than conventional shallow-structure learning algorithms. The proposed PIBPNN method applied a permutation feature selection technique to decrease model complexity,achieving a better performance than typical BPNN for small datasets. Thus, no matter how attractive a model is, model selection should base on the full consideration of the problem to be solved. In conclusion, ML algorithms can be successfully used to predict tunneling-induced ground settlements even if the available dataset size is small. Furthermore, ensemble methods,such as RF and GB regression,outperform other learning algorithms.
Additionally, six variables that contributed most to the ground settlements occurring during the excavation process have been identified, including tunnel depth, DTM, ACM, grouting pressure,penetrating rate and thrust force. Variables such as tunnel depth and ACM are determined by tunnel design and geological conditions. Thus, the ground settlements can be further controlled by TBM operations. Three TBM operations, i.e., grouting pressure,penetrating rate,and thrust force,should be paid much attention to during the tunnel excavation.
Table 4 Comparisons of models for predicting ML-based tunneling-induced ground settlement with small datasets.
It should be noticed that our conclusions are only suitable and applicable for small dataset cases, such as those tunneling cases listed in Table 1. They are not valid for tunneling cases with big datasets which are out of the scope of this research.
Declaration of competing interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
This research was funded by the University Transportation Center for Underground Transportation Infrastructure(UTC-UTI)at the Colorado School of Mines under Grant No.69A3551747118 from the US Department of Transportation (DOT). The opinions expressed in this paper are those of the authors and not of the DOT.
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering2022年4期