
2022-08-15 00:48欧内斯特海明威译介卢伟
英语世界 2022年12期

文/欧内斯特·海明威 译介/卢伟

There were many ways of walking down to the river from the top of the rue Cardinal Lemoine.The shortest one was straight down the street but it was steep and it brought you out, after you hit the flat part and crossed the busy traffic of the beginning of the Boulevard St.-Germain, onto a dull part where there was a bleak, windy stretch of river bank with the Halle aux Vins on your right.This was not like any other Paris market but was a sort of bonded warehouse where wine was stored against the payment of taxes and was as cheerless from the outside as a military depot or a prison camp.


2Across the branch of the Seine was the Île St.-Louis with the narrow streets and the old, tall, beautiful houses, and you could go over there or you could turn left and walk along the quais with the length of the Île St.-Louis and then Notre-Dame and Île de la Cité opposite as you walked.


3In the bookstalls along the quais you could sometimes find American books that had just been published for sale very cheap.The Tour D’Argent restaurant had a few rooms above the restaurant that they rented in those days, giving the people who lived there a discount in the restaurant, and if the people who lived there left any books behind there was a bookstall not far along the quai where the valet de chambre sold them and you could buy them from the proprietress for a very few francs.She had no confidence in books written in English, paid almost nothing for them, and sold them for a small and quick profit.


4“Are they any good?” she asked me after we had become friends.

“Sometimes one is.”

“How can anyone tell?”

“I can tell when I read them.”

“But still it is a form of gambling.And how many people can read English?”







“Save them for me and let me look them over.”

“No.I can’t save them.You don’t pass regularly.You stay away too long at a time.I have to sell them as soon as I can.No one can tell if they are worthless.If they turn out to be worthless, I would never sell them.”

“How do you tell a valuable French book?”

“First there are the pictures.Then it is a question of the quality of the pictures.Then it is the binding.If a book is good,the owner will have it bound properly.All books in English are bound, but bound badly.There is no way of judging them.”



5After that bookstall near the Tour D’Argent there were no others that sold American and English books until the quai des Grands Augustins.There were several from there on to beyond the quai Voltaire that sold books they bought from employees of the left bank hotels and especially the Hotel Voltaire which had a wealthier clientele than most.One day I asked another woman stall-keeper who was a friend of mine if the owners ever sold the books.


6“No,” she said.“They are all thrown away.That is why one knows they have no value.”

“Friends give them to them to read on the boats.”

“Doubtless,” she said.“They must leave many on the boats.”





“They do,” I said.“The line keeps them and binds them and they become the ships’ libraries.”

“That’s intelligent,” she said.“At least they are properly bound then.Now a book like that would have value.” ■

“这办法倒是聪明。”她说,“起码那些书能装订得像个样子。那样的话,就能值点儿钱了。” □

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