24 Hours in Edinburgh

2022-07-30 09:06:26By
英语世界 2022年7期


Sitting at the top of Calton Hill and overlooking the city of Edinburgh,it is easy to fall in love one more time with a city so beautiful it breaks the heart again and again; thoughts rushing into the mind as you soak in the picturesque view from the top.


2 Edinburgh! A city that gives you that feeling of walking through a museum,or should I say a museum,in the form of a city.Edinburgh will give you butterflies.

2 爱丁堡!行走其中如流连于博物馆,或者说,这座城市本身就是一个博物馆。爱丁堡必将让你心动。

3 Waking up,the first thing that came to my sight is the bare bricks of the room I lodged.Thick,strong,and stony.The building was built in 1805.I imagined the number of people that have lived in this same room.As the wind blew the curtain side to side,I watched from my bed,the narrow road tucked in between old Victorian architectures forming an alley.The bedsheet and duvet smelt crisp and clean as I time travelled,imagining the lives of the people who once lived here and wondered what

3 早晨醒来,首先映入我眼帘的是房间里厚实而又坚硬的裸石砖。这座建筑建于1805年。我想象着曾有多少人住过这个房间。风吹帘动,我躺在床上就能欣赏到藏身于维多利亚古建筑间的小巷。床单和羽绒被散发出清新的味道,我穿越时间,想象着过去房客的生活,又好奇他们曾如何想象未来——也就是我现在的生活。they must have thought of the future which I am presently living.

4 Edinburgh is a city tucked into nature.Hills envelope the city and the water bodies close on both.The Scottish city of Edinburgh is like no other UK city.It carries the charm you won’t fnid in London.

4 爱丁堡是一个环山绕水、隐于自然的城市。这座苏格兰城市不同于其他英国城市,它有着伦敦所没有的魅力。

5 To get to Edinburgh,especially travelling for a brief stay,it is cheaper to get on a flight as the train tickets are usually more expensive.

5 去爱丁堡旅行,尤其是短期旅行,坐飞机更划算,因为火车票通常更贵。

6 It is said to be colder in Scotland than in England,which can be noticed once you arrive at the airport.This is not surprising,looking at the vegetation in the city.

6 据说苏格兰天气比英格兰要寒冷,这一点刚到机场就能感受到。看看爱丁堡的植被,你就不会惊讶于它的寒冷天气了。

7 At the airport,one thing you would notice immediately is the Scottish accent.Yes,Scottish people speak differently and might take a little time to get used to how they speak.But in general,you won’t find communication hard,because it is an English accent as well.

7 一到机场,你就会注意到苏格兰口音。是的,苏格兰人的口音与众不同,或许需要些时间来适应。但总体来说,沟通是没有问题的,因为苏格兰口音也是英式口音的一种。

8 From the airport,there is a tram that takes you directly to the city centre and other parts of Edinburgh.This is a cheap and very comfortable means of transportation for a return trip around the city.It goes every now and then so you don’t have to wait long before you get one.There are many hotels around Edinburgh and it is good to pick one right in the middle of town.This offers you the opportunity to walk around town and return easily to your hotel.

8 乘坐从机场出发的有轨电车可以直接到达爱丁堡市中心以及其他区域。这种环游城市的交通方式既经济实惠又舒适,而且电车班次很多,所以不用花太久等车。爱丁堡有很多酒店,而市中心的酒店自然是个好选择,这样一来,你就有机会在市中心悠闲地散散步,然后轻松地回到酒店。

9 Right at the centre is an old medieval-looking storey building,and it is the location for Radisson Blues,a popular hotel brand with many branches all over the world and in Nigeria.This is one of the oldest Radisson Blues you might ever find around anywhere in the world.

9 市中心有一幢古老的中世纪风格的多层建筑,这就是丽笙酒店。丽笙酒店是一个广受欢迎的酒店品牌,在世界各地,包括尼日利亚都开有很多连锁店。而这一家可能是世界上最古老的丽笙酒店之一。

10 So welcome to Edinburgh.Now it is time to explore Edinburgh.Edinburgh in one sentence will be bricks,cashmere,and whiskey.

10 欢迎来到爱丁堡。是时候探索这座城市了。爱丁堡有三样东西必须了解:建筑、开司米山羊绒、威士忌。

11 To explore Edinburgh with the sentence above in mind,you need detailed itineraries.

11 要想探索爱丁堡的这三样东西,你需要详细的旅行计划。

12 Exploring Edinburgh starts right from your hotel room.The room is most likely to have been built a long time ago as the one I stayed in.

12 爱丁堡之旅的第一站正是你的酒店房间,它很可能建于很久以前,正如我住过的那个房间一样。

13 UNESCO listed most of these buildings on its heritage sites as buildings of special architectural or historic interest.

Edinburgh is UNESCO’s first literary city.

13 这些古建筑大多数都具有建筑学或历史的特殊意义,因而被联合国教科文组织列为世界遗产。


14 The simple itinerary to explore Edinburgh on a walking tour continues as you leave your hotel room walking towards Victoria Street,a street built in 1823 and one of the most photographed places in Edinburgh.Victoria Street begins with a gentle Z-curve,and along with it,you find shops selling Scottish cashmere,souvenir shops,restaurants and shops for Scottish wines and whiskey.Popular Scottish brand—Johnie Walker crafted 200 years ago,has a shop for its brand on Princes Street.

14 接下来,爱丁堡徒步旅行的第二站,就是离开酒店房间,走向维多利亚街,一条建于1823年、爱丁堡游客拍照留念最多的大街之一。维多利亚街的起点是个平缓的Z 字形弯道,街道两旁店铺林立,有苏格兰开司米羊绒衫店、纪念品店,以及可以买到苏格兰葡萄酒和威士忌的餐馆和商店。有200年精酿史的苏格兰著名威士忌品牌尊尼获加在王子街开了家直营店。

15 A few minutes away is Calton Hill,which is easy to get to.It is a location to have a scenic view of everything in Edinburgh and not just that but an opportunity to take Instagramable photos with the gigantic Greek temple styled edifice that is seated on the hill.At the top of the hill,you can have a bird’s-eye view of major landmarks: Arthur’s Seat,Leith,Princes Street and Edinburgh Castle.

15 再走几分钟的路程,便可轻松到达卡尔顿山。游客在卡尔顿山上不仅可以把爱丁堡的美景尽收眼底,还有机会和山顶上希腊神庙般的宏伟建筑拍出获赞无数的合照。从山顶可以俯瞰各大地标,如亚瑟王座、利斯港、王子街以及爱丁堡城堡。

16 The Royal Mile which has the Edinburgh Castle at its head and the Palace of Holyroodhouseat its foot is a processional route for kings and queens for the last 500 years and would lead you to the Edinburgh Castle,which is about eight minutes from the Calton Hill.

16 皇家英里大道始于爱丁堡城堡,终于荷里路德宫。500年来,皇家英里大道一直是皇室游行路线。从卡尔顿山沿此路行约8 分钟就能到达爱丁堡城堡。

17 The castle in Edinburgh used to be the home of royalties in the 12th century.It is a huge edifcie perched on a once active volcanic hill.You can explore the castle for a fee but will need an entrance ticket if you want to explore the interiors of the historic castle.

17 爱丁堡城堡在12 世纪曾是皇家城堡。这座巨大建筑坐落在一座死火山上。城堡可以付费参观,但想要进入这座历史建筑内部探索还另需一张门票。

18 Descend back from the castle down to the street and get a taste of the street food down below the castle.Your journey is complete for the day.■

18 参观完城堡,你可以返回皇家英里大道,尝尝城堡下的街头小吃。至此,一天的旅行圆满结束。 □

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