If you’re like most people,you’re too busy eating pizzato stop and consider the logistics of how it arrived on yourkitchen counter. Ponder it long enough,though,and you mayfind it curious that pies usually come in square or other boxesthat are a geometric departure from the round crust. So why don’tpizzas arrive in round cardboard boxes?
It’s mostly because the pizza industry doesn’t really careto disrupt the cardboard industry. Cardboard boxes are usuallymanufactured with edges(i.e. square or rectangular)becausethey can be made in one piece as well as neatly stacked.
The advantage of making a round pizza box wouldmainly be aesthetic. It’s not going to save space over an edgedbox. In the case of frozen pizzas,stacking pies vertically runsthe risk of them rolling out of place. It’s just bad pizzamanagement.
Of course,there are exceptions. Many pizzerias offersheet or Sicilian- style pizzas, which are served in arectangular shape and better conform to a rectangular box.And some chains have toyed with the conventional pizza boxshape. Domino’s has a six- sided design with tapered frontedges intended to reduce the cardboard used and limit thecompany’s carbon footprint. (It also reportedly keeps thepizza from sliding around.)
Pizza wasn’t always relegated to square cardboard. In the1800s,street sellers carried pies in portable metal containersthat kept them warm. When pizza started rising in popularityin postwar America, pizzerias used a single piece ofcardboard as support and then slipped the pie into a paper bag.Eventually, corrugated cardboard struck a fine balancebetween retaining heat without trapping too much moisture.
Will we ever see a radical rethink of the pizza box?Some people have tried. In 2010,Apple filed for a patent for around pizza container with holes so moisture can escape. It’sused in the company’s food courts. Another company,WorldCentric,designed a compostable round box in 2018 that canbe used to reheat pizza. A similar product was test- marketedby Pizza Hut in 2019. All of the designs boasted of keepingpizzas warmer and crispier for longer,but none have becomeubiquitous.
For the most part,you’re still likely to encounter squareboxes. Pizza is,after all,about finding comfort in the familiar.
未来披萨盒是否会有大创新呢?有些人已经尝试过了。2010 年,苹果公司给一种有孔的圆形披萨盒申请了专利,通过小孔可以散发掉披萨的湿气。这种披萨盒被用于苹果公司的食堂中。还有一家名为World Centric 的公司在2018 年设计出一种可以用来重新加热披萨的可降解圆形披萨盒。必胜客在2019 年也试销过一款类似的产品。所有这些设计都声称可以让披萨保温更久,更长时间地保留酥脆口感,但是没有一款被成功推广。