Esophageal myoepithelial carcinoma:Four case reports

2022-06-22 08:37HaoLuHuiPingZhaoYiYangLiuJuanYuRuiWangJianBoGao
World Journal of Clinical Cases 2022年9期


Myoepithelial carcinoma(MC)is an aggressive tumor that occurs mainly in the salivary gland and was first reported by Stromeyer[1]in 1975.MC has a multinodular architecture,and is composed of epithelioid,clear,spindle,and/or plasmacytoid cells,frequently arranged in cords or trabeculae in a myxoid or hyalinized stroma[2].The sex distribution was approximately equal,with a mean age of 38 years,and the primary complaint of MC was a painless mass located in the parotid gland,oral cavity,or neck[3].MC can also originate in the chest,lungs,skin,and stomach[4-6].Due to the low incidence of MC,the clinical and biological behaviors have not yet been fully elucidated.The diagnosis depends on pathology and immunohistochemistry[2].To the best of our knowledge,esophageal MC has not been previously reported.In this study,we describe the clinical,pathological,immunohistochemical,and imaging findings of four patients with esophageal MC and report their outcomes.The relevant literature was also reviewed to deepen understanding of esophageal MC.Clinical and pathological factors are shown in Table 1.Immunohistochemistry results are shown in Table 2.Computed tomography(CT)features are shown in Table 3.


Chief complaints

A 57-year-man presented with dysphagia.

A 60-year-man was referred to our clinic for dysphagia.

The second day all the men returned to the classroom. This was particularly pleasing to me. Even the young blond man. This was the day for reading and taping. I wondered how the silent, shy student would handle this. I was actually surprised to see him there. He had combed his long, blond hair and his shirt was neatly12 pressed. He had obviously thought about the fact that he was going to be filmed and wanted to look his best. At last I was going to hear what he wrote.

A 78-year-old man presented with dysphagia.

I felt surprising. Did English man always change wife? One month ago I had met WILLIAM’s wife, their daughter and two grand sons by the fish pond, but the lady stood at front of me was a new face. Unbelievable! WILLIAM is a good man and he couldn’t to do like that one month change a wife. How I can believe. So I have to make sure.

An 80-year-old woman presented with retrosternal discomfort.

History of present illness

No abnormalities were discovered on physical examination.

The patient presented with dysphagia that had been present for two months,with belching,heartburn,and regurgitation.

The patient presented with dysphagia ten days prior.

The patient had experienced spontaneously resolving nocturnal episodes of retrosternal discomfort with chest tightness,heartburn,and regurgitation for one month.

History of past illness

The patient was diagnosed with chronic bronchitis 30 years prior and intermittently took oral aminophylline.

The patient had hypertension and liver cirrhosis.

Then one day there was a betrayal of my dreams. My father told me, It is not important for girls to go to university. I work hard. I am tired. Now you must work, help support the family.

The patient’s previous medical history was clear.

And iced tea with lemon, she finished the order for him. You re the only trucker around here who doesn t drink coffee. She smiled and didn t seem in a hurry to leave.

Personal and family history

Only case 1 and case 2 occasionally smoked.Family members of the patients had no history of confirmed malignant tumors.

Physical examination

31.Began to laugh quite loudly: Bettelheim believes that making the princess laugh is to free her emotionally (186 and that this is frequently achieved by the hero s making persons who normally command respect look ridiculous (186).Tater sees the refusal to laugh as comic relief (286).Return to place in story.

The incision healed favorably,but the patient died one month after discharge from an unknown cause.

Approximately six months ago,the patient presented with dysphagia without regurgitation or hiccups.

Up towards Skjagen they went, through the land of the Wendels,whence the men with long beards (the Longobardi or Lombards) hademigrated in the reign of King Snio, when all the children and oldpeople were to have been killed, till the noble Dame Gambaruk proposed that the young people should emigrate. Jurgen knew all this, he had some little knowledge; and although he did not know the land of the Lombards beyond the lofty Alps, he had an idea that it must bethere, for in his boyhood he had been in the south, in Spain. Hethought of the plenteousness of the southern fruit, of the redpomegranate flowers, of the humming, buzzing, and toiling in the great beehive of a city he had seen; but home is the best place after all, and Jurgen s home was Denmark.

The patient was diagnosed with esophageal MC with localized squamous cell carcinoma infiltrating the submucosa.There was neither obvious vascular invasion nor perineural invasion,and no lymph node metastasis was observed(0/21).

Laboratory examinations

The patient underwent the tumor abnormal protein(TAP)exam to find positive results,and all other laboratory findings were within normal limits.None of the other laboratory[red blood cell(RBC),erythrocyte sedimentation rate(ESR),white blood cell(WBC),hemoglobin]values were considered clinically significant.

The patient was hepatitis B virus-positive.He underwent the TAP exam to find positive.Hemoglobin,93 g/L.None of the other laboratory values were considered clinically significant.

The patient underwent a tumor marker exam[alpha-fetoprotein(AFP),carcinoembryonic antigen(CEA),carbohydrate antigen 125(CA125),carbohydrate antigen 19-9(CA19-9),carbohydrate antigen 72-4(CA72-4)]to find that the levels were all within normal limits.None of the other laboratory values were considered clinically significant.

43.Great princess:Not surprisingly, Cinderella is mistaken for a princess thanks to her clothes and carriage. Her grand appearance makes entry into the ball possible despite her anonymity91.Return to place in story.

The patient underwent a tumor marker exam(AFP,CEA,CA125,CA19-9,CA72-4)to find that the levels were all within normal limits.None of the other laboratory values were considered clinically significant.

Imaging examinations

Abdominal ultrasound showed no major abnormalities.Enhanced CT revealed a thickened wall and narrowed lumen of the lower esophagus,indicating a medullary-type tumor,with an evident fat layer between the lesion and surrounding tissues(Figure 1).The thickest part of the tumor was approximately 13 mm,and the length of the lesion was approximately 49 mm.The contrast scan showed uniform mild enhancement.Endoscopy showed irregular mucosal uplift in the esophagus 33-37 cm away from the incisors,accounting for half of the lumen.

He had a housekeeper1 called Nina, a clever capable woman, and as she did her work carefully and conscientiously2, her master had the greatest respect for her

Enhanced CT revealed a local thickened wall with a fungating-type mass with ulceration and cystic change or necrosis.The contrast scan showed obvious heterogeneous enhancement(Figure 2).The fatty spaces between the left main bronchus and the left ventricle disappeared,and the length of the lesion was approximately 96 mm.

Enhanced CT revealed a local thickened wall with a complete mucosal layer with cystic change or necrosis(Figure 3).The thickest part was approximately 18 mm,and the lesion length was approximately 55 mm.

Enhanced CT revealed a local thickened wall with a fungating-type mass with a complete mucosal layer,and no cystic change or necrosis was observed(Figure 4).Fat was evident between the lesion and the surrounding tissues,and the length of the lesion was approximately 45 mm.The enhanced scan showed homogeneous and mild enhancement.A soft-tissue nodule(28 mm × 15 mm)near the spinal column in the lower lobe of the right lung was also found,which was closely associated with the adjacent pleura and moderately enhanced.Bone scintigraphy revealed no abnormalities except for sparse distribution of the right acetabulum and proximal femur.


The immunohistochemistry results are presented in Table 2.

Based on the pathological results,the final diagnosis was esophageal MC with basal squamous cell carcinoma,poorly differentiated,infiltrating the muscle layer with neither obvious vascular invasion nor perineural invasion or lymph node metastasis observed(4/22).

No abnormalities were discovered on physical examination.

The patient was diagnosed with esophageal MC infiltrating all layers,and neither obvious vascular invasion nor perineural invasion was observed.No lymph node metastasis was observed(0/13).

The patient underwent a right hip replacement 16 years prior.

The main finding on clinical examination was barrel chest.

The patient was diagnosed with high-grade esophageal MC infiltrating all layers,and no lymph node metastasis was observed(0/13).Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma was observed in the lower lobe of the right lung.


Radical resection was performed for all patients.No adjuvant therapy was administered.


No abnormalities were discovered on physical examination.

The incision healed favorably.The patient recovered and was lost to follow-up after discharge.

The patient recovered favorably and was discharged.At the four-month review,enhanced CT revealed anastomosis recurrence and bilateral lung metastases.The patient abandoned treatment and was lost to follow-up after discharge.

The patient recovered favorably and was discharged.She attended review appointments regularly and remained in a good general condition.

I often wondered what I would say in her place. My kids joked that I was like an FBI agent, with my constant questions about where they d been and who they d been with. Where, I thought, are my words of encouragement and love?


To the best of our knowledge,MC was first reported by Stromeyer[1]in 1975.It is a rare malignant neoplasm that mainly occurs in the salivary gland[7].Locations outside the salivary gland have rarely been reported,such as the bladder,skin,and gastrointestinal tract[5,6,8].MC can be confused with many other tumors when arising outside the salivary glands because it presents with a broad spectrum of cytomorphological and immunohistochemical features[4].The combination of histopathology and immunohistochemistry has diagnostic significance for myoepithelial carcinoma[9].Specifically,myoepithelial differentiation and tumor infiltration into adjacent tissues are the currently accepted diagnostic criteria[10].Here,we report the first pathologically confirmed cases of esophageal MC in four patients.

The incidence of MC increases with age,but no sex-specific differences exist[11].In the present study,the average age of the patients was approximately 69 years,older than previous studies on MC[3,10].A male-dominated was also observed.The primary complaint of most MC patients was a painless mass originating from the parotid gland and palate[10].In this study,all patients presented an obvious sign of progressive dysphagia.The lesions all originated from the middle esophagus,which was similar to esophageal cell squamous carcinoma(ESCC).A mean tumor size of 3.5 cm was observed in our study,which was larger than the only previous report on gastric MC[6],but equal to the previous study on MC[11].

CEA examination of MC is usually negative,which can differentiate MC from adenoid cystic carcinoma[10].In the present study,CEA exams were performed on two patients who turned out to be normal.TAP is increased in many carcinomas,such as colon,gastric,breast,ovarian,endometrial,and lung cancers,and plays a critical role in the development and progression of cancer,as well as the regulation of cell proliferation,apoptosis,differentiation,and development[12].According to our study,TAP levels also increased in patients who underwent TAP exams.MC often demonstrates a low rate of neural invasion(8%)and angiolymphatic invasion(4%)[10],which was also observed in our study.

Studies have revealed that S-100,vimentin,and CK are more definitive markers of myoepithelial cells and help differentiate MC from other malignant tumors[9,10].In this study,CK expression was observed in all tumors.SOX-10 can provide a basis for diagnosing salivary gland tumors based on tissue origin because it can specifically identify acinar and myoepithelial cells in salivary gland tissue[13].Most tumors(3/4)in our study were observed to be positive for SOX-10.Ki-67 > 10% has diagnostic value in differentiating benign myoepithelioma from MC.Moreover,Ki-67 > 50% suggested that MC was more likely to recur or metastasize,indicating a poor prognosis[7,14,15].In this study,all patients had a high Ki-67 level.One of two patients who had received regular examinations developed anastomosis recurrence and lung metastasis four months after the surgery.

Most literature on MC is focused on pathology and lacks detailed imaging data descriptions.Salivary gland MC showed an irregular lobulated or multinodular lesion with vague margins and inhomogeneous attenuation on unenhanced CT imaging.After contrast injection,it revealed moderate and intense inhomogeneous enhancement,including cystic and slit-like regions with no enhancement,small tortuous vessels in the arterial phase,and intense nodular enhancement[16].Hassan[17]reported a liver MC showing a cystic tumor with a thick wall on ultrasonic echography.Tseng[6]reported a low-grade gastric myoepithelial carcinoma,but the report lacks detailed imaging data description.CT is a useful tool for evaluating original tumors of the esophagus,and knowledge of the imaging features of protruding esophageal lesions helps narrow down the differential diagnosis[18].In this study,most of the lesions showed thickening of the esophageal wall or a soft-tissue mass with a complete mucosal layer.Cystic changes or necrosis are more likely to be observed in larger lesions.Most of them were not accompanied by enlarged lymph nodes.Unlike the findings of a big data study in which only 9.4% of esophageal cancer was the fungating type[19],this type was the most common in our study.This finding suggests that the fungating type may be more common in esophageal MC.

Most of the patients in this study were in the advanced stage at the time of admission,similar to ESCC[20].Early detection and treatment of ESCC can improve prognosis[21].As constantly improved and developed technology,endoscopic imaging techniques have been used to achieve early diagnosis and treatment of early esophageal cancer[21].Endoscopic imaging techniques may also be used in the detection and treatment of early esophageal myoepithelial carcinoma in the future.CT is a noninvasive tool to evaluate recurrence[18],which is important due to the high recurrence rate of MC[22].Anastomotic recurrence occurs infrequently in esophageal cancer(3%-9%),shown as soft-tissue masses or intramural nodular wall thickening of the stomach or esophagus at the anastomosis site on CT[22].In the present study,we found that esophageal MC may have a higher anastomosis recurrence rate.Anastomosis recurrence exhibited a cystic-solid mass which is different from that of ESCC.

3. King: The king is not present in all versions of the tale. Often the tale is about a young woman s parent trying to achieve a comfortable marriage, sometimes to a king and sometimes to a wealthy merchant, by falsely bragging about her skill at spinning. Return to place in story.

As the most common esophageal neoplasm,radical resection is the main surgical method of ESCC.The role of radiotherapy and chemotherapy in the postoperative treatment of ESCC has been widely recognized[23].However,due to the lack of understanding of myoepithelial carcinoma,the main treatment is still surgical resection with no adjuvant[24].Patients in this study all underwent surgical resection without chemotherapy or radiation.Although some studies have shown that conventional chemotherapy has some effects on MC[8,25],this still needs to be confirmed in a study with a large sample size.MC has a high recurrence and metastasis rate[24,26].Regional and distant metastases mainly occur in end-stage disease,with distant metastases in the cervical lymph nodes and some organs,such as the lung,kidney,brain,and bone[27].A retrospective study suggests that adjuvant radiation may reduce the rate of local recurrence[11].Even though R0 resection was achieved in all patients in the present study,one patient still developed lung metastases and anastomosis recurrence.

The present study was a retrospective study with a small number of subjects.We first detailed reported the clinical,pathological,immunohistochemical,and imaging findings of four patients with esophageal MC,along with their outcomes.We also reviewed the relevant literature to deepen the understanding of esophageal MC.


Here,we presented the first report of the imaging and clinicopathological features of esophageal MC in four patients and reviewed the relevant literature.Esophageal MC is more likely to originate from the middle esophagus in elderly populations with male dominance.Esophageal MC should be included in the differential diagnosis of esophageal cancer.A fungating type observed on CT scanning may help narrow down the differential diagnosis.Cystic change or necrosis may occur in larger lesions.A characteristic anastomotic recurrence was observed on CT as a cystic-solid mass.The final diagnosis depends on pathological examination.The treatment for MC is surgical resection,and the efficacy of chemotherapy needs to be determined with future studies.


Lu H participated in manuscript preparation,literature research,and data analysis;Zhao HP participated in literature research and data analysis;Liu YY participated in literature research and data analysis;Yu J participated in imaging data collection;Wang R participated in guidance of imaging knowledge;Gao JB participated in manuscript review and guarantor of integrity of the entire study;all authors have read and approved the final manuscript.

The child that lay beneath the ocean, and whose spirit could have no rest until it was carried to thechurchyard, and until a grave had been dug for it in consecratedground

Informed written consent was obtained from the patient for publication of this report and any accompanying images.

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

Cherry-scented smoke from Grampy s pipe kept the hungry mosquitoes at bay while gray, wispy2(,) swirls3 danced around our heads. Now and again, he blew a smoke ring and laughed as I tried to target the hole with my finger. I, clad() in a cool summer nightie, and Grampy, his sleeveless() T-shirt, sat watching the traffic. We counted cars and tried to guess the color of the next one to turn the corner.

The authors have read the CARE Checklist(2016),and the manuscript was prepared and revised according to the CARE Checklist(2016).

But the young girl sang:Woods, your bright green garments don! Willows35, your woolly gloves put on! Lark36 and cuckoo, daily sing-- February has brought the spring! My heart joins in your song so sweet; Come out, dear sun, the world to greet!And no one thought of the Snow-man

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Hao Lu 0000-0003-0500-701X;Hui-Ping Zhao 0000-0002-1328-3527;Yi-Yang Liu 0000-0002-0149-6082;Juan Yu 0000-0001-7696-914X;Rui Wang 0000-0001-5330-599X;Jian-Bo Gao 0000-0003-1252-7144.

Liu JH


Liu JH