
2022-06-14 10:41:24飞扬李沐
走向世界 2022年5期

文/飞扬 图/李沐

欧洲不同时代和不同地域的文化在马斯特里赫特碰撞交汇,造就了它与其他荷兰城市截然不同的人文风采。With the collision and integration of the cultures of different times and regions of Europe, it has developed a humanistic style that is markedly different from that of other Dutch cities.




跨越马斯河的圣瑟法斯大桥修建于一世纪,见证了这座城市的发展变迁。Built in the first century A.D., the St. Servatius Bridge across the Maas River witnessed the development and changes of this city.

融合多种建筑风格的圣扬教堂(左)和圣瑟法斯教堂(右)并立于弗莱特霍夫广场一侧。Integrating multiple architectural styles, Sint-Janskerk (left) and the Church of St. Servatius (right) stand side by side on Vrijthof Square.

马斯特里赫特有着众多的室外咖啡馆,经常是顾客云集,座无虚席。Maastricht has numerous outdoor cafes, which are often full of customers, with no empty seats.

天堂书店被誉为“全球最美十大书店”之一,其前身是一座教堂。Boekhandel Selexyz Dominicanen is known as one of the "Top 10 Most Beautiful Bookstores in the World", and its predecessor was a church.


圣皮特要塞是马斯特里赫特在中世纪时为防止外敌围攻而修建的堡垒。Fort St. Pieter is a fort built for preventing siege by foreign enemies in the Middle Ages in Maastricht.

Maastricht, the capital of Limburg in the Netherlands, borders Belgium and Germany. Due to its special geographical location, Maastricht has been not only a strategic military area of great significance, but also a hotly-contested spot for countries since ancient times. In history, Maastricht had been invaded by Spain, France and Germany more than 20 times. With the collision and integration of the cultures of different times and regions of Europe, it has developed a humanistic style that is markedly different from that of other Dutch cities. Even its local language is a dialect mixing French, German and Dutch. In 1992, European countries signed thehere, which determined the great unity trend of Europe, and launched new cooperative relations on economy, diplomacy and national defense among European countries. Then, the euro emerged. Thus, Maastricht is the birthplace of the euro.

The inclusiveness of Maastricht makes it one of the most distinctive European cities. The cream of Europe is here. Among the people who have been to this city, some of them certainly came to visit Boekhandel Selexyz Dominicanen. The dreamlike name is derived from its unique location—Dominican Church. This gothic church built in the 13th century appears old externally, but houses amazing treasures including old frescoes, beautiful stained glass windows, modern books, and aromatic coffee. It is said that, the Dominican Church had been banned since 1794; in 2002, the chain bookstore Selexyz rebuilt it; after five years of decoration, it turned into a bookstore open to the public in 2007. It has not only won a world-class architecture award, but also ranked first on the list of “Top 10 Most Beautiful Bookstores in the World” published by the UK’s.

布尔诺Beatified Restituta教堂
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