熙宁六年(1073),苏东坡游有美堂,暴雨突至,便有了即景而作的《有美堂暴雨》。到了第二年,知州陈襄(字述古)调离杭州前,在有美堂设宴告别亲朋好友,可见有美堂已成官宦文人应酬场所。应陈襄之请,苏东坡即席写下了《虞美人 · 有美堂赠述古》,其大意为:大自然的湖光山色,要数钱塘最美。登有美堂远眺,能看到千里之外。此去,您何时才能再回杭州?您醉倒在这里吧,就当作徘徊。河边华灯初上,是谁在弹唱水调?在夜深人静回家的时候,在一轮明月的映照下,钱塘江澄澈得像一块碧绿的琉璃。
Poetry, Prose and the Youmei Pavilion
By Sima Yimin
Of the numerous verses that Su Dongpo (aka Su Shi, 1037-1101) had written about Hangzhou, many are on the sceneries of scenic spots in the rain. Which shows that Hangzhou has been a city with lots of rains since over a thousand years ago. Indeed, the city of Hangzhou shrouded in the rain lends itself a special flavor.
“Downpour at the Youmei Pavilion” is just one of them.
A clap of thunder explodes from under the visitors’ feet,
Stubborn clouds won’t be peeled open above one’s seat.
Dark winds from afar blow ocean waves onto the lake,
Bringing rain from rivers in east Zhejiang in their wake.
The lake fills to the brim like gold wine cups,
Rain drops like a thousand sticks pounding on wether drums.
I’m reminded of Li Bai the banished immortal, water poured on his face while he was drunk,
Like mermaids raining down pearls and stones in large chunk.
Composed in the early autumn of 1073, the poem describes a sudden rainstorm and has a strong visual appeal, with sounds, sceneries, shapes, colors and rich imagination. Reading this poem, one seems to be standing right in the rumbling thunder and the torrential rain. At the time, Su was serving as the controller-general (assistant prefect) of Hangzhou.
But where was exactly the Youmei Pavilion?
It once sat at the Wushan Hill and had quite a history. In 1057, when Mei Zhi (994-1059), a Song dynasty (960-1279) official, began his journey to take up the post of the prefect of Hangzhou, Emperor Renzong (1010-1063) arrived and paid tribute to Mei with a poem. The first two lines read: “Blessed with the beauty of lakes and mountains, Hangzhou is the top prefecture in the southeast.”
It was in fact quite extraordinary for an emperor to specially see an official off to his appointment in person, let alone write a poem. To show his gratitude to the emperor, who thought highly of Hangzhou, Mei Zhi built a pavilion atop the Wushan Hill, and named it “Youmei Pavilion” in reference to the first two lines of the poem. “Youmei” literally means “with beauty” or “have beauty”.
After the pavilion was set up, Mei Zhi then asked Ouyang Xiu (1007-1072) to write an article for it, to which Ouyang Xiu happily obliged. Titling his essay “On Youmei Pavilion”, Ouyang Xiu, one of the most celebrated literary figures and statesmen of the Song dynasty, heaped praises on the pavilion and the city. In the essay, he wrote that the people in Hangzhou were well-off and lived a stable and happy life, with tens of thousands of magnificent houses built by legions of skilled craftsmen in the place. With the West Lake and its surrounding mountains and hills, the whole city was a beautiful scenery in itself. In other parts, there were many beautiful views, but none panoramic. Only in the Youmei Pavilion could the beauty of Hangzhou and its prosperity be fully seen. It was said that Hangzhou boasted the most stunning sceneries in the world, while in the Youmei Pavilion, one could enjoy all of them.
Mei Zhi then invited famed calligrapher Cai Xiang (1012-1067) to inscribe Ouyang Xiu’s prose onto a stone tablet and planted it in front of the pavilion. In this way, a “scenic spot” was born. The Youmei Pavilion soon became a gathering place for literati to showcase their literary prowess. Su Dongpo was no exception.
In 1074, a year after he penned “Downpour at the Youmei Pavilion”, Su visited the place again. This time Su was hosting a banquet to bid farewell to Chen Xiang (1017-1080), Hangzhou’s then prefect and one of his best friends. Unsurprising, he left behind another poem on the occasion.
Unfortunately, the Youmei Pavilion can no longer be found today. In the Southern Song dynasty (1127-1279), it had already lain in ruins. While it was rebuilt time and gain, it was also destroyed repeatedly, until there has been no trace left.
Today, a camphor tree, said to be 730 years old, stands in front of where the Youmei Pavilion once stood. But whether the tree has anything to do with the pavilion needs to be further verified. Still, on the Wushan Hill, and even in Hangzhou, the existence of such an ancient tree is extremely rare.