
2022-06-08 14:31:43肖艳艳戴思玥
文化交流 2022年5期

肖艳艳 戴思玥




哥斯达黎加留学生冯赛(JOSE LUIS)

冯赛(JOSE LUIS),今年21岁,是浙江大学汉语言专业大二留学生,来自哥斯达黎加。最近,他在Instagram上分享了自己在淳安千岛湖拍摄的视频,引来不少外国朋友点赞。视频中,爱好骑行的冯赛在千岛湖畔遇到了一群骑行达人,他们在绿水青山间享受运动之乐。

“在淳安绿水青山中骑行令人非常享受。我特别喜欢骑自行车,在中国我每天都要骑行。这里骑车很方便,公共自行车到处都有,哥斯达黎加就没那么方便了。” 冯赛说,中国的体育爱好者很多,马路上经常能看到骑行者。



“哥斯达黎加在中国留学的人并不多。我从小就对中国文化非常感兴趣,来中国是人生理想之一。” 冯赛说,拉丁美洲国家的人不太了解中国,所以他想通过视频,给家乡人看看中国人的生活是什么样子的。







乌兹别克斯坦李辰阳(Asilbek Khonkhujaev)

喜欢拍照,喜欢发朋友圈,来自乌兹别克斯坦的留学生李辰阳(Asilbek Khonkhujaev)站在杭州萧山体育中心场馆群前拿着手机拍了一张照片,发在微信朋友圈,立即引来很多的点赞。南侧是恢宏大气的万人体育场,北侧是简洁大方的室内体育馆,夜晚中的体育中心璀璨辉煌,美轮美奂。





杭州亚运会“绿色 、智能、节俭、文明”的办赛理念体现在改造完成的体育场场馆设计的方方面面。紫、深蓝、红、湖蓝四种颜色的独立座椅穿插分布在场馆的四个方位。两面巨大的LED彩屏以及220个音响,环形分布在整个场馆上空。“这样的分布方式,将大大提升比赛现场声音的穿透力和沉浸感。”场馆运营科科长林波介绍,看台上方贴心设计了一体化顶棚,镂空的建筑结构和完整遮蔽看台的顶棚,使得场馆内可以通过自然风的流动降低体感温度。


“在杭州,我发现喜欢健身的人还真不少,大家对亚运会的举办充满期待。” 李辰阳说,“我报名参加了亚运会志愿者的选拔。如果能有幸入选,我想到现场感受一下比赛氛围,给运动员们加油。”

亚运会结束后,杭州萧山体育中心场馆群也将继续发挥作用,将用来承办体育赛事及演出活动,同时,增设了商业配套及地下停车库 , 以后将形成功能完善的一站式体育中心。围绕场地一圈的健身跑道以及体育中心周边的健身空间,在赛事结束后将对市民开放,赋予其全民健身场地的功能。“真为杭州人感到高兴,有这么好的运动设施。” 李辰阳说。

作为一名前皮划艇运动员,李辰阳还想去富阳水上运动中心看看皮划艇项目的比赛场地。“听说那边有超大水幕和灯光特效,夜景肯定非常漂亮。” 他说,“虽然我已不再是运动员了,但我仍對热爱的事物保持初心,怀有拼搏到底的信念,享受体育精神带来的澎湃激情。虽然亚运会延期了,但我仍相信人类总会战胜疫情,期待杭州亚运会举办的那一天。”













“韩国举办亚运会的时候,我还比较小,没有机会参与。很庆幸来到杭州留学,这座美丽的城市将受到世界的关注,我非常荣幸能够感受这样的体育氛围,希望运动员们都能够享受这场运动会。” 朴卿秀说。

Expecting the Grand Opening of the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022

By Xiao Yanyan   Dai Siyue

The Asian Games are not simply about competition, but more importantly a great platform of mutual communication between cultures. The 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 have been catching attention from all over the world, especially from international students who are currently studying and living in Hangzhou. Looking forward to the Games, many of them have already paid visits to the venues to experience the atmosphere up close.

Chunan Jieshou Sports Center

Feng Sai (Jose Luis), an international student from Costa Rica

Feng Sai, 21, is a sophomore student majoring in Chinese language in Zhejiang University. He is a cycling enthusiast, and has recorded a video of his amazing experience in the Thousand Island Lake with a group of cycling fans.

“I enjoy cycling in mountains and lakes in Chunan. It is convenient for cyclists because shared bikes are almost everywhere,” Jose said. With charming sceneries, the place will host cycling events during the Asian Games, with 25 gold medals up for grabs.

The most eye-catching feature of the venue is its unique design. Overlooked in distance, the Chunan Jieshou Sports Center Velodrome is like a bright pearl while the fishing culture elements on its roof and walls look like layers of ripples made by leaping fish in the lakes. According to Gu Yuanhao, a civil engineer, the oval-shaped roof is a steel structure with a 132-meter-long axis, a 101-meter-short axis and 32 meters in height, which is very rare in China.890392D2-DCA9-4E5C-8B34-F04261CD89E6

Except for track cycling, all other five competitions will be held outdoors. For example, road cycling will be competed alongside the lakes. The entire length of the track will be 208 kilometers for mens events and 142 kilometres for womens events, covering 14 townships.

“To compete in an environment like this is more like a getaway trip,” said Jose. “Chunan is so beautiful that it is the perfect place for cycling.”

“To be honest, I have never seen such an awesome cycling venue before and I really look forward to the Games. Good luck to all the competitors,” he added.

Xiaoshan Sports Center Venue Cluster

Li Chenyang (Asilbek Khonkhujaev) from Uzbekistan

Li Chenyang took a picture of Xiaoshan Sports Center Venue Cluster and posted it on his WeChat Moments. There are two large venues. One is located on the south with a capacity of holding 10,000 spectators and the other on the north, an indoor one. Lit up in the night, Xiaoshan Sports Center presents a magnificent view to all visitors.

Li is a junior student majoring in international business in Alibaba Business School, Hangzhou Normal University. He is also an anchor for Alibaba international official website and participated in the 1000-day countdown events for Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 as well.

The Xiaoshan Sports Center has been a landmark of Xiaoshan district since their birth in 1989. Officially closed for renovation in March 2019 to better serve the Asian Games, it is now brand new and will be the competition venue for football and weightlifting. Wood-color wall and dark blue seats make the new gymnasium bright and spacious. Under each seat, there is an exclusive air outlet monitored by the propertys temperature system that can automatically adjust the temperature during games.

“The venue is huge,” Li said. “Most interestingly, it can host different events like basketball, volleyball, table tennis, badminton, handball, martial arts, boxing, fencing, wrestling, and gymnastics.”

Moreover, its new designs well represent Hangzhous organizing concept of a “Green, Smart, Economical, Ethical” Asian Games. Purple, dark blue, red and ocean blue seats are located in the four directions, with two large LED screens and 220 audio equipment circling overhead. “Such an arrangement could greatly enhance sound penetration,” explained Lin Bo, manager of venue operation. The one-piece roof is another highlight. It provides great shade for the whole stadium but still offers excellent air circulation thanks to the hollow structure.890392D2-DCA9-4E5C-8B34-F04261CD89E6

After the Games, the center will continue to stage various sports games and performances. Equipped with commercial facilities and underground parking, it will turn into a one-stop multi-functional sports center. “Although Asian Games have been postponed, I firmly believe that we will defeat COVID-19 and I really look forward to the opening of the Asian Games Hangzhou 2022,” Li said.

Gongshu Canal Sports Park

Qing Xiu (Park Kyung-su) from Korea

Qing Xiu, an international student from Zhejiang University, performed break dance at Gongshu Canal Sports Park. This scenic sports park is not only attractive to foreigners, but also accommodates lots of local residents. There are two venues. The gymnasium will host table tennis and breaking events while the stadium will hold hockey games.

Located at the south, the gymnasium is also known as the “National Ball Center”. Its shape is an irregular oval, and its curtain wall is a combination of fish-belly shaped metal and diamond-shaped glass, making it look like an enlarged jade cong, a disc-like object unearthed from the Archeological Ruins of Liangzhu City, a neolithic culture. Inside the gymnasium, there are red and white terraced seats with large high-definition LED screens on both sides. In the middle hangs a funnel-shaped screen for multiple tasks during the Games, such as highlight, play back, live broadcast, timing and scoring.

On the north is a most specially designed venue, which is known as the “Hangzhou Umbrella”, because it looks just like a huge slanted umbrella. The inspiration of its steel structure design comes from the oil-paper umbrella which was once popular in the south of China. The construction technique is complicated too. The greatest width of the Umbrella is 120 meters and the edge is an 80-meter-long steel pipe. It has even passed wind tunnel experiment and can endure wind as strong as a hurricane. The Umbrellas surface is made of flimsy PTFE only 0.8mm thick and a special nano material could decrease surface adhesion for self-cleaning.

Gongshu Canal Sports Park will be open to the public after the Asian Games. Local residents will enjoy a comprehensive sports park as well as other facilities like gyms, a media center, shopping streets, running tracks and parking spaces.

“When the Asian Games were held in Korea, I was too young to join. Today, Im lucky enough to be in Hangzhou, a gorgeous city that will definitely attract extensive attention worldwide,” Park said. “Im honored to participate this time and I hope every athlete will enjoy this tremendous event as I do.”890392D2-DCA9-4E5C-8B34-F04261CD89E6

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