从白居易的祭神文中,我们大抵可推测出当年运河湖墅段的影像。按照可以查阅到的资料,杭州早在南朝之时就已是天下粮仓之一,“大贮备之处”的“钱塘仓”业已成形,而杭州的航运异常发达,《隋书 · 地理志》说到的杭州是:“川泽沃衍,有海陆之饶,珍异所聚,故商贾并凑。”
白居易到杭州的时间节点并不好,公元822年,正逢江南大旱。大旱之年,水资源的分配就成为摆在地方官眼前的难题 :江南运河漕运和沿岸农田灌溉,都面临无水为继,两者之间有矛盾之时,又当如何取舍?
两岸烟柳如画,远处山色青青。在白居易离开杭州后所写的《东楼南望八韵》中,这一景色也许一直留存在他的内心,而在文字中倾泻出来。“鱼盐聚为市,烟火起成村。”便是当时运河和钱塘江之间乡村的描述。另外一首在杭州时写的《五月十五日夜月》也可看到运河的轮廓 :“……春风来海上,明月在江头。灯火家家市,笙歌处处楼……”
Poetic Hangzhou Section of the Grand Canal
By Li Yucong
People’s view of the Grand Canal in the Tang dynasty (618-907) was probably contradictory: they seemed to see more clearly the rise and fall of previous dynasties than the governance strategy or the so-called big picture of their time. Admittedly the opening of the Grand Canal by Emperor Yang (569-618) of the Sui dynasty (581-618), judged by later generations, was well thought out, but an indisputable fact is, this move led to the collapse of his own dynasty.
In Tang poetry, the epitome of canal-themed works could be found in Bai Juyi’s (772-846) “Sui Di Liu” (or Willows at the Embankment of the Sui Dynasty), where he adopted a negative and blaming tone. From Bai’s articles on prayer written when he was an official in Hangzhou, we can roughly visualize the canal’s Hangzhou section back then. Besides, according to available historical records, Hangzhou was one of the national granaries as early as in the Southern Dynasties (420-589).
The timing of Bai Juyi’s arrival in Hangzhou was not good. It was in the year 822, when a severe drought hit the Jiangnan (south of the Yangtze River) area. In the wake of the drought, the distribution of water resources became a problem for local officials: with only a limited amount of water resources, which should be the priority, the canal transport or the farmland irrigation along the bank?
In the Tang dynasty, there was a rule — which may seem odd to later generations but was a serious matter at that time — that officials were appraised on how they prayed for rain, and they were likely to be dismissed if they failed to do it properly.
Prompted by all these factors, Bai Juyi decided to go first to the Gaoting Mountain in the north of Hangzhou to pray for rain, which was documented in detail. Bai informed the magistrate of Yuhang prefecture to prepare for the ceremony and choose an auspicious day — the 16th day of the seventh month of that year, and then he himself began to write an article on praying to the God of Gaotong, which became a well recited work that has passed on for generations.
When the big day came, government officials of all ranks, except those on duty, gathered early in a large procession, which was joined by some enthusiastic villagers. They were all hoping for a timely rain to relieve them of the great drought. They got into a boat and headed north for the mountain, accompanied by picturesque willows on both banks and verdant mountains in the distance. It seems that this view was cherished in Bai’s heart and weaved into his poetic fabrics.
On the Gaoting Mountain, the Yuhang magistrate and some faithful followers had already prepared the offerings needed for the ceremony, which was the largest one performed in Hangzhou at that time with the most elaborate rituals. In the middle of the ceremony, Bai recited his article loudly and high-spiritedly. This is a very interesting work, where Bai saw the god as a part of everyday life instead of some superior being. He even dared the god to relive his people of the miserable drought, otherwise it would be a shame for him as a god. However, it still didn’t work.
Half a month later, Bai prayed to the God of Black Dragon. In this prayer, he pleaded hard for his voice to be heard. However, the gods were not there for the people. Maybe in the gods’ eyes, this disaster on earth is unworthy of attention.
With the thirsty land eagerly waiting for the rain to fall, something bad happened again in Yuhang. A tiger that had hidden in the mountains suddenly came down and hurt people several times, and the whole town was in fear. After discussing with the magistrate, Bai Juyi on the one hand sent the garrison to hunt the tiger, on the other hand wrote another article on prayer.
In Bai Juyi’s many such articles, this one to drive away the tiger seemed to be successful. Perhaps it was really the hunting that made the tiger sensed the danger, and the tiger finally disappeared in Yuhang anyway.
But the gods still failed to hear Bai’s urgent request for rain. In his Qiantanghu Shiji (Stone Records about Qiantang Lake) written after he successfully carried out the dredging project at the West Lake, he actually wrote about the conflict between water transport and people’s livelihood at that time: “This year, the lake embankment was fixed by increasing its height for a few feet, and the water level rose therewith.” Strictly speaking, in that article, the role of the Great Canal was somehow only implied, just like the waters of the canal and of the West Lake are actually connected to tenderly support the city of Hangzhou.
Throughout the Tang dynasty, a vast amount of poetry and literature had been composed, but only a few of them are explicitly about the Hangzhou section of the Grand Canal, probably because Hangzhou was only a transit point to Yuezhou (present-day Shaoxing), Huzhou and other places.
It is also reasonable to imagine the bulk of the most popular poems were written by the poets on the river between Hangzhou and other places, or conceived when they were enjoying the scenery on both sides of the river.
The beautiful sight of the Jiangnan area, its crisscrossed waterways and intertwined paths were thus left in the memories of the literati. One day, many years after Bai Juyi left Hangzhou, he received his guests in Luoyang at his Jiangnan-style courtyard. Watching the cranes he brought back from Hangzhou swimming freely in the pond while listening to the guests talking about the old days in Hangzhou, he felt a fit of nostalgia and wrote a poem about it.
What Bai Juyi did not know was that it was perhaps because of his generous praise of Hangzhou, the glittering era of poetic literature about the Hangzhou section of the Grand Canal would come very soon.