Kung Fu Panda功夫熊猫

2022-06-01 19:11:29
阅读(快乐英语高年级) 2022年4期

又肥又迟钝的阿宝(Po)在父亲经营的面馆里工作,父亲希望阿宝能继承面馆,然而阿宝却一心想学武功,成为和平谷中最厉害的功夫大师。在和平谷召开的武林大会上,作为看客的阿宝竟然莫名其妙地被乌龟大师(Grand Master Oogway)看中,成为“神龙大侠”(Dragon Warrior),将与大龙(Tai Lung)一决生死,这个结果让大师傅(Master Shifu)相当震惊。与此同时,“盖世五侠”(the Furious Five),也就是阿宝的师兄、师姐们,因为阿宝不懂功夫而鄙视、嘲笑他。阿宝很不开心,乌龟大师就来开解他……

Oogway: So why are you upset?

Po: I probably sucked more today than anyone in the history of kung fu, in the history of China, in the history of sucking!

Oogway: Probably.

Po: And the Five! Man, you shouldve seen them! They totally hate me.

Oogway: Totally.

Po: How is Shifu ever going to turn me into the Dragon Warrior? I mean, Im not like the Five. Ive got no claws(爪), no wings(翅膀), no venom(毒液). Even Mantis has those... thingies. Maybe I should just quit and go back to making noodles.

Oogway: Quit, dont quit. Noodles, dont noodles. You are too concerned with what was and what will be. Theres a saying: Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery(神秘,谜), but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present(礼物;现在).


阿宝(Po)成了名震四方的“神龙大侠”后,跟随功夫大师与“盖世五侠”一起守护着和平谷,过着宁静的生活。然而,好景不长,邪恶反派沈王爷(Lord Shen)打算用无人能挡的秘密武器征服中国并毁灭功夫世界,阿宝面临着一次崭新的、也更加艰巨的挑战。在羊仙姑的指引下,他必须解开自己的身世之谜,才能找到打败敌人的关键致胜力量。于是,他回家问他老爸平先生(Mr Ping),自己是从哪里来的……

Mr.Ping: Oh, its so good to see you, Po. Have you lost weight? I can almost put my wings around you.

Po: Ah, well, maybe a little.

Mr. Ping: Oh, Po, you, you must feel weak. Let me get you some soup.

Po: Thats OK, Dad. Im not hungry.

Mr. Ping: Not hungry? Po, you alright?

Po: Yeah, yeah, no, Im fine.

Po: Where did I come from?

Mr. Ping: Well, you see, son. Baby geese(鹅,单数:goose)come from a little egg. Dont ask me where the egg comes from.

Po: Dad, thats not what I meant(表示……意思,动词原形:mean).

Mr. Ping: I know its not. I think its time I told you something I should have told you a long time ago.

Po: OK.

Mr. Ping: You might have been kind of ... adopted(被收養的).


Kung Fu Panda《功夫熊猫》

turn into 变成;使变成。turn sb. into ...的意思是“ 把某人变成…… ”,例如对白里的“turn me into the Dragon Warrior”意思就是:把我变成“神龙大侠”。

be concerned with关心。对白里“are too concerned with”是“太关心,太在意”的意思。

Kung Fu Panda 2《功夫熊猫2》

lose weight 减肥;体重减轻。对白中,lost是lose的过去式。

Po,you alright?是非常口语化的表达,完整的句子应该是:Po,are you alright?

come from 来自;出生于。例如:I come from China.我来自中国。

在《功夫熊猫3》中,阿宝(Po)未来的伙伴美美(Mei Mei)穿着中国古代的华服跳起了彩带舞,看起来格外妖娆。阿宝也回到了自己的故乡——熊猫村(Panda Village),在那里,他见到了自己的同类,他们在竹海里过着无忧无虑的生活。而阿宝爸爸的一个坏徒弟,在大反派孔雀的教唆下,企图追杀阿宝。阿宝在经历了一系列危机之后,最终得以和亲生父母团圆。

(文 静/供稿)0836A388-65F6-40A4-85E4-D4A2D9BDD3E8

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