The menu at The Canteen in southwest England doesnt just let diners know how much a dish costs. They can also check its carbon footprint. The menu notes that a real beef burgers emissions (排放物) are 10 times the amount of its vegan (严格素食主义者) choice.
The Canteen became, in July, the first restaurant to agree to put the dishes carbon footprints on the menu. The restaurants manager, Liam Stock, called the move “a way to see what we are doing, to understand and improve ourselves”.
The average British person has more than 10 tons carbon footprints annually, according to UK government figures. The UK has set the ambitious goal of reducing harmful emissions by 78 percent by 2035, compared with 1990 figures, in order to meet its international climate change commitments.
Switching to a plant?based diet is one of the most effective ways for individuals to reduce their carbon footprints, experts said.Whether diners will let carbon footprints influence their order choices remains to be seen, but Stock said the menu innovation (创新) has gained interest and support. “In England, if youre a big chain restaurant, its the law that you have to have calories on (the menu),” he said.
To calculate the dishes carbon foot?
prints, The Canteen sent its recipes and the source of the ingredients to a specialized company called MyEmissions. It is able to calculate the carbon influences from “cradle to store”, taking into account farming, processing, transport and packaging.
“If I was choosing between two dishes, maybe depending on how hungry I was, I might choose the one with a lower carbon footprint,” said Nathan Johnson, a 43?year?old diner at the restaurant.
How did The Canteen calculate the dishes carbon footprints?