
2022-05-30 04:20蒋建平
疯狂英语·爱英语 2022年11期



Ⅰ. 核心单词

1. athletics n.田径运动

2. marathon n.马拉松赛跑

3. badminton n.羽毛球运动

4. tennis n.网球

5. wrestling n.摔跤

6. skiing n.滑雪

7. diving n.跳水

8. gymnastics n.体操

9. gym n.体育馆

10. stadium n.体育场;运动场

11. track n.跑道;轨道

12. sportswear n.运动装;休闲服

13. defeat v.击败;战胜

14. judge n.裁判员;法官

15. athlete n.运动员

16. audience n.观众;听众

17. league n.联赛;联盟

18. professional adj.职业的;专业的

19. amateur adj.业余的

20. cheer v.欢呼;喝彩

21. referee n. 裁判员

22. tournament n.锦标赛

23. compete vi. 参加比赛;竞争

competition n. 竞争;比賽

competitive adj. 竞争的;有竞争力的

competitor n. 竞争者

24. champion n.冠军

championship n.锦标赛

25. coach n.教练

26. applause n. 掌声;喝彩

applaud v.鼓掌;称赞

27. final n.决赛

28. tryout n.选拔赛

Ⅱ. 高频短语

1. sign up 报名

2. participate in 参加

3. go all out 全力以赴

4. break the record 打破纪录

5. try out for 参加……选拔

6. compete in 参加……比赛

7. take the lead 领先;一马当先

8. build up ones strength 增强某人的体质

9. set a new world record 创造新的世界纪录

10. end in a tie 不分胜负;打成平局

Ⅲ. 句式积累

1. It is a pity+that从句

It is a pity that our present PE class is quite dull and sometimes even replaced by other subjects. 遗憾的是,我们现在的体育课相当枯燥,有时甚至被其他科目所取代。

2. “介词+关系代词”引导非限制性定语从句

During the period of two weeks, we held a series of activities on study and sports, a few of which were in the charge of English students. 在这两周的时间里,我们举办了一系列关于学习和体育的活动,其中一些活动是由英国学生负责的。

3. which引导非限制性定语从句

Recently, our school held a basketball game between teachers and students to improve the relationship between us, which turned out to be an unforgettable experience. 最近,我们学校举办了一场师生篮球赛,目的是增进师生关系,这是一次难忘的经历。

4. It be+被强调部分+that从句

Its in the Summer Olympics that players take part in running races, together with swimming, sailing and all the team sports. 在夏季奥运会上,运动员参加跑步、游泳、帆船运动和所有团队项目。


1. That football player is really putting the team on his back this evening! Football commentators use this phrase all the time when an entire team appears to be depending on his running back. The image of a single man running hard with a whole football team on his back is an expression of hard work and dedication. 今晚那个足球队员真的背负着全队的重任!当整个球队似乎都依赖于他的跑动时,足球评论员总是说这句话。一个人背负着整个足球队的重任奋力奔跑的画面是努力工作和献身精神的表现。

2. Mary stepped forward and got close to the rope. She appeared calm but was extremely excited. She climbed the rope very fast and reached the ceiling within what seemed a few seconds, effortlessly. As she reached the top, she glanced down at her fellow students below. Now it was Alison who appeared like a small ant. She saw Alison looking up, eyes wide with admiration. Mary clung to the top of the rope for a moment longer and then headed down to join the class. Once she got on the ground, everybody cheered. Mary knew she would be different from that day on. 瑪丽走上前去,靠近绳子。她看起来很平静,但却极度兴奋。她很快地爬上绳子,似乎几秒钟内就毫不费力地到达了天花板。当她到达屋顶时,她低头瞥了一眼下面的同学。此刻,艾莉森看起来像一只小蚂蚁。她看到艾莉森抬起头来,眼睛睁得大大的,充满了钦佩。玛丽在绳子的顶端又坚持了一会儿,然后下去加入了班级。她一落地,大家都欢呼起来。玛丽知道从那天起她会变得不一样。

3. Sunny saw all John did, lost in thought. She could not help praising John for his courage and love for basketball. There were many ups and downs in life. No one knew what would happen. However, as long as there was love and hope in our hearts, nothing could stop us from achieving what we desired. As a matter of fact, what we should do was hold fast to the dreams and fight to the end. 桑妮看到约翰所做的一切,陷入了沉思。她忍不住称赞约翰的勇气和对篮球的热爱。生活中有很多起起落落。没有人知道会发生什么。然而,只要我们心中有爱和希望,没有什么可以阻止我们实现我们想要的。事实上,我们应该做的是紧紧抓住梦想,奋斗到底。

4. The triathlon would begin with a three?mile bike ride, followed by a one?mile run. Finally, the racers would swim around a floating dock in the lake and then head back to shore. 铁人三项比赛将以三英里的自行车骑行开始,然后是一英里的跑步。最后,参赛者会绕着湖中的一个浮船坞游泳,然后返回岸边。

5. Bryan had practiced the route a few times. He was a strong swimmer, but he found himself getting tired in the water, out of breath from sprinting at the end of the run. 在这条路线上,布莱恩已经练习了几次。他是个游泳健将,但他发现自己在水里累了,在最后冲刺时,他上气不接下气。

6. The starter blew her whistle and Bryan was in a line of cyclists along the roadway, heading for the park exit. Theyd ride up Main Street to the high school, make a few circles, and then return to the park. 发令员吹响哨子,布莱恩加入沿公路排列的自行车手行列,向公园出口驶去。他们会沿着主街骑到那个高中学校,绕几圈,然后回到公园。

7.As soon as the ball was hit, Cook dropped his head, bent at the waist, balled his fists and screamed at the ground in frustration. 球一被击中,库克就垂下头,弯着腰,攥紧拳头,沮丧地对着地面尖叫。

8.The exciting race finally began. Upon hearing the “bang” sound, the already well?prepared athletes ran like lightning, and everyone chased each other. In order to compete for the first place, everyone put all their strength into it, wishing to run to the finish line immediately to get the first place. 激动人心的比赛终于开始了,只听“砰”的一声,早已做好准备的运动员们像闪电一样飞奔,大家你追我赶。为了争夺第一名,大家使出浑身解数,希望立刻跑到终点线以获得第一名。


Ⅰ. 完形填空

体裁:叙议文 篇幅:301词

建议用时:7分钟 来源:改编



We all know what it is like to want to win and most of us know what it is like to lose. More often than not,1has the victor walking on air, lost in the glory of the moment while the loser is left with a feeling of failure. Almost nobody likes to come second. Modern society2winners and successful sportsmen quickly become cele?brities, admired by all.3 , there are ways to win and to lose. Whether you come first or last at any sporting event, you4 two opponents: your fellow competitors and yourself. At the finish, your5will walk away but you will have to live with your6 . A true sportsman will make the right decision for the right reason and not7failure. There is an old and very wise saying, “Win with modesty, lose with grace, and do both with dignity.”

In8of such acts of sportsmanship, the International Fair Play Committee decided to award the Pierre de Coubertin World Fair Play Trophy, in 1964. The first9to receive the award was an Italian bobsleigh (雪橇) competitor named Eugenio Monti. During the two?man bobsleigh final at the 1964 Winter Olympic Games, he10an excellent time for his downhill run. However, one of the British competitors, Tony Nash, had11a part of his bobsleigh and was unable to compete. Just then, Monti, without12 , removed the same part of his own bobsleigh and13it to Nash. Nash and his partner went on to14a record time and won the gold medal. Montis remarkable, unselfish decision to help a15competitor, in the final stage of an Olympic event, is an example to us all. He did not come first but he walked away as a true hero.

1. A. fighting B. challenging

C. training D. winning

2. A. interests B. creates

C. honors D. tests

3. A. Therefore B. Otherwise

C. Moreover D. However

4. A. control B. face

C. protect D. remind

5. A. admirers B. celebrities

C. competitors D. colleagues

6. A. goal B. secret

C. opportunity D. decision

7. A. learn from B. go after

C. worry about D. refer to

8. A. search B. praise

C. case D. place

9. A. audience B. coach

C. athlete D. reporter

10. A. discovered B. produced

C. chose D. expected

11. A. borrowed B. bought

C. repaired D. broken

12. A. hesitation B. permission

C. choice D. comparison

13. A. sold B. returned

C. lent D. rented

14. A. spend B. consider

C. count D. achieve

15. A. lucky B. fellow

C. confident D. familiar

Ⅱ. 语法填空

体裁:说明文 篇幅:235词

建议用时:7分钟 来源:改编



Winter sports were already popular in China a thousand years ago in the form of bingxi (冰嬉), or playing on ice. Bingxi, 1. ___________form of performance for the court, began in the Song Dynasty and reached its peak during the Qing Dynasty. A bingxi painting in the collection of the Palace Museum describes the 2.___________ (scene) of bingxi during the Qing Dynasty. A much 3. ___________ (close) look at the painting will show that there are many similarities between how ancient Chinese people enjoyed games on ice and modern 4.___________(compete) events at the Winter Olympic Games.

In the painting, the emperor, 5.___________(seat) inside his ice bed, is watching the skaters compete 6.___________ (fierce). Three types of ice skating are performed, the first one of which is speed race, similar to modern speed skating. Participants race to the emperors ice bed from 2 to 3 kilometers away. 7. ___________reach the emperor first win first prize. The second is figure skating. Jumps, spins and pair work moves common in modern figure skating can all be found in the painting. The third is soccer on ice. Participants in two teams skate, kick and try 8.___________(score) goals. If the “tool” for scoring goals 9. ___________ (change) from legs to sticks, it is highly comparable to hockey.

Today, the interest in winter sports among Chinese people has never decreased. Each winter, in Beihai and Shichahai of Beijing, people are still enjoying 10. ___________ (they) forms of bingxi.

Ⅲ. 書面表达








1. 组建俱乐部的目的;

2. 俱乐部的主要活动;

3. 报名的时间和地点。





Dear Peter,

With swimming sweeping nationwide, a swimming club has been formed recently in our school. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua
