
2022-05-25 20:51:52杨广青宋亚伟房宽峻
丝绸 2022年5期

杨广青 宋亚伟 房宽峻

摘要: 文章針对活性染料/分散染料混合染液对蚕丝/涤纶交织物轧染过程中存在的染色深度的问题,采用堆置法调节染料在两种纤维间的分配率并改善其染色性能。研究了堆置时间对分散染料在蚕丝和涤纶纤维上分配率的影响,探讨了蚕丝/涤纶交织物的染色深度和堆置时间的关系,考察了染色前后织物的耐摩擦色牢度和耐皂洗色牢度。结果表明,通过密封堆置浸轧活性染料/分散染料混合染液的蚕丝/涤纶交织物,提高了分散染料在涤纶纤维上的分配率,促进了活性染料对蚕丝的吸附和渗透,显著提升了蚕丝/涤纶交织物的染色深度。同时,染色织物具有良好的色牢度。

关键词: 蚕丝;涤纶;交织物;轧染;堆置;活性染料;分散染料

中图分类号: TS193.5文献标志码: A文章编号: 10017003(2022)05000806

引用页码: 051102DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1001-7003.2022.05.002


蚕丝/涤纶交织物染色困难的主要原因在于两种纤维的结构和亲疏水性差异较大,所适用染料的种类和染色机理完全不同。为了解决蚕丝/涤纶交织物的染色问题,近年来一些研究者对亲水性纤维/疏水性纤维交织或混纺织物的染色工艺进行了优化。唐人成等[11]筛选了对蚕丝沾色低、碱可洗性好的分散染料,并与活性染料一起配制染液,采用浸染法首先在高温下使分散染料上染涤纶,再降温加碱使活性染料进一步在蚕丝纤维上发生固着。在相关领域,王建庆等[12]利用浸染法对涤/棉混纺织物进行一浴两步法染色,首先用分散染料在130 ℃条件下对涤纶纤维染色60 min,然后使染液的温度降至60 ℃,加入活性染料对棉纤维进行染色,保温30 min后加入碳酸钠使活性染料完成固色。以上方法虽然能够在一定程度上降低亲水性纤维和疏水性纤维染色的差异性,但是均为浸染法染色,对于效率更高、成本更低的轧染法的研究较少。在轧染工艺中,两种染料在蚕丝/涤纶交织物不同纤维间的分配难以调控,容易造成染深性差、同色性差等问题。




材料:蚕丝/涤纶平纹交织物(滨州愉悦家纺有限公司),经向为蚕丝(360根/10 cm),纬向为涤纶(150根/10 cm),混纺比为66/34,织物平方米质量为88 g/m2;商品活性蓝MB(河北邢台欧阳化工有限公司),商品分散蓝2B、商品分散红3B、商品分散红玉167、商品分散深蓝79(浙江龙盛染料化工有限公司),N,N-二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)、十二烷基苯磺酸钠(LAS)(国药集团化学试剂有限公司),十二烷基二甲基甜菜碱(BS12)、脂肪醇聚氧乙烯醚(AEO9)、十二烷基三甲基氯化铵(1231)(山东优索化工科技有限公司)。



称取适量活性染料和分散染料,在磁力搅拌下先后缓慢加入盛有一定量去离子水的烧杯中,搅拌30 min后将混合染液转移至100 mL容量瓶中定容,配置成活性染料/分散染料混合染液。

将蚕丝/涤纶交织物浸轧混合染液,二浸二轧,轧余率为50%。将浸轧好的织物用自封袋密封并在室温下堆置0~2 h,然后在100 ℃鼓风干燥箱中烘干。织物烘干后在160~200 ℃条件下进行焙烘,之后置于饱和蒸汽中进行汽蒸处理,最后洗涤、烘干,得到染色织物。



将蚕丝/涤纶交织物在分散染料染液中二浸二轧,烘干。将烘干布样的蚕丝纤维和涤纶纤维拆分并剪碎。定量称取蚕丝和涤纶,加入一定量的DMF中,于室温下静置30 min,得到提取液。测定提取液最大吸收波长对应的吸光度,根据下式计算出染料分配率。



染色交织物颜色参数:染色织物用Datacolor850计算机测色配色仪在D65光源/10°视角下测试360~700 nm波长内的颜色参数。

染色交织物纤维颜色参数:将染色织物的纱线拆开,并折叠至光线无法透过,用Datacolor850计算机测色配色仪在D65光源/10°视角下测试360~700 nm波长内的颜色参数。


耐摩擦色牢度和耐皂洗色牢度分别参考GB/T 3920—2008《纺织品色牢度试验耐摩擦色牢度》和GB/T 3921—2008《纺织品色牢度试验耐皂洗色牢度》进行测试。



将蚕丝/涤纶交织物浸轧分散蓝2B染液并立即在100 ℃鼓风干燥箱中放置1 min,使织物烘干,测试染料在涤纶和蚕丝纤维间的分配情况,结果如图1所示。由图1(a)可知,分散蓝2B在涤纶纤维上的分配率在20%左右,并且其不因染料质量浓度的增加而产生明显变化。如图1(b)所示,分散蓝2B在蚕丝组分上的分配率占织物上分散蓝2B总量的80%。这表明,蚕丝/涤纶交织物浸轧分散蓝2B染液后,分散染料主要存在于蚕丝纤维上,并且分配情况不受染料质量浓度的影响。蚕丝为亲水性纤维,而涤纶为疏水性纤维,织物浸轧染液后,商品分散染料会随着染液一起移动并大量吸附在蚕丝纤维上,导致分散蓝2B大量附着于蚕丝纤维。在蚕丝/涤纶交织物染色过程中,分散染料主要用于涤纶纤维的染色,但是由于分散染料主要存在于蚕丝纤维表面,不利于其上染涤纶纤维,导致涤纶的染色深度较浅。

为提高分散蓝2B在涤纶纤维上的分配量,将蚕丝/涤纶交织物浸轧分散蓝2B染液并密封堆置,测得的分散蓝2B在交织物上的分配情况如图2所示。由图2(a)可知,经过堆置后,交织物涤纶纤维上的分散蓝2B的分配率明显增大。在堆置时间达到1.5 h后,分散蓝2B在交织物涤纶组分上的分配率从22%提升到了30%。而分散蓝2B在蚕丝纤维上的分配率随堆置时间的延长从78%降低至70%,如图2(b)所示。因此,适当延长堆置时间可以提高分散蓝2B在涤纶纤维上的分配率。这是因为蚕丝纤维和涤纶纤维上的染料质量浓度不同,在堆置过程中,分散蓝2B由于质量浓度梯度的作用,部分移向质量浓度较低的涤纶表面。





为探究堆置时间对活性蓝MB染色效果的影响,本文将蚕丝/涤纶交织物浸轧活性蓝MB染液,堆置、固色、洗涤并烘干,最后拆下交织物中的蚕丝组分,测试其颜色参数,结果如表2所示。由表2可以看出,随着堆置时间延长至1.5 h,蚕丝的L*值由60.8降至56.6,而K/S值有所提升,表明染色后蚕丝颜色加深。另外,染色后蚕丝的a*值增大,b*值减小,分别表明其绿色光降低、蓝色光提升;染色后蚕丝的c*值随堆置时间的延长而增大,表明堆置处理使染色蚕丝的色彩饱和度提高,色光变得更加鲜艳。综上所述,适当延长堆置时间能有效提升活性蓝MB对蚕丝的染色深度,且堆置处理使活性染料分子对蚕丝的吸附渗透更加充分,导致蚕丝的染色深度提高。






1) 蚕丝/涤纶交织物浸轧染液并烘干以后,染料主要分布于蚕丝纤维上。对浸轧染液后的蚕丝/涤纶交织物作堆置处理能够提高分散染料在涤纶纤维上的分配率,且其效果不因染料类型不同和表面活性剂存在与否而改变。

2) 织物的轧余率对堆置处理的作用影响较大,当轧余率达到50%及以上时,适当延长堆置时间能够促进活性染料/分散染料混合染液对蚕丝/涤纶交织物的染色。

3) 堆置处理能够提高蚕丝/涤纶交织物的染色深度,且染色织物具有良好的耐摩擦色牢度和耐皂洗色牢度。



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The influence of batching treatment on dyeing performance of silk/polyester interwoven fabricsYANG Guangqing, SONG Yawei, FANG Kuanjun(a.College of Textiles & Clothing; b.State Key Laboratory for Biofibers and Eco-Textiles; c.Collaborative Innovation Center for

Eco-textiles of Shandong Province and the Ministry of Education, Qingdao University, Qingdao 266071, China)

Abstract: Silk, which is one of the earliest natural protein fibers used by human beings, has a long history of more than 6 000 years in China. Silk fabrics possess fine gloss, soft feel and excellent skin-friendly properties, which are incomparable to any other textile fiber products. Silk fabrics also have gorgeous appearance, are of high prices, and have become an important choice for high-grade textiles, so silk is known as the "queen" of fiber. Generally, for the purpose of improving the wrinkle resistance of silk fabrics, silk can be combined with polyester fibers, forming a kind of two-component interwoven fabrics. Silk/polyester interwoven fabrics not only show outstanding skin-friendly and hydrophilic properties, but also provide satisfactory wrinkle resistance, exhibiting excellent performance and unique style. In recent years, silk/polyester interwoven fabrics are widely used in the field of clothing and home textiles after dyeing. At present, silk/polyester interwoven fabrics are usually dyed by two-bath method, but the process of this method is complicated, long, inefficient, and high-energy consumed. Therefore, it is in great demand to develop a short-process cleaner dyeing method for the coloration of silk/polyester interwoven fabrics.

In order to develop a clean dyeing method for silk/polyester interwoven fabrics, a one-bath two-step pad dyeing process based on reactive dyes/disperse dyes mixed dyeing solution was studied. The amount of dyes on the surface of silk fibers and polyester fibers was measured after the extraction using N, N-dimethylformamide. The effects of batching treatment on dye distribution between silk and polyester, as well as the dyeing performance of silk/polyester interwoven fabrics were explored. The effects of batching time, dye structure, dye pick-up and surfactant on the distribution of disperse dyes on silk fibers and polyester fibers were studied. The effect of batching treatment on the migration of dyes between silk fibers and polyester fibers was analyzed. Due to the large difference in hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity between silk fibers and polyester fibers, reactive dyes and disperse dyes mainly adsorb to the surface of silk fibers with water molecules when the fabrics are in contact with the dyeing solution. Consequently, there is a large concentration gradient of disperse dyes between silk fibers and polyester fibers. The concentration of disperse dyes on silk fibers is much greater than that on polyester fibers. The disperse dyes migrate to polyester fibers under the action of the concentration gradient and are attatched to the polyester surface through hydrophobic force. The concentration gradient of disperse dyes on the surface of silk fibers and polyester fibers increases gradually when the pick-up is increased, which causes an increase in the distribution of disperse dyes on the surface of polyester. In addition, adding surfactant to the dyeing solution can improve the wetting ability of dyeing solution to fabrics, but the difference in the hydrophilicity and hydrophobicity of the silk fibers and polyester fibers has no change. So, the disperse dyes still mainly concentrate on the silk surface after padding, and then migrate to polyester fibers in the process of batching treatment. The relationship between batching time and color strength of silk/polyester interwoven fabrics was investigated, and the rubbing fastness and washing fastness of the silk/polyester interwoven fabrics dyed by traditional baking-steaming dyeing process and batching-baking-steaming dyeing method were finally studied. In pad-dyeing process of silk/polyester interwoven fabrics, the homogeneity of dyes distribution on the surface of silk fibers and polyester fibers can be effectively improved after batching treatment, which is beneficial to improve the color performance and utilization efficiency of dyes. The results show that the batching treatment for the silk/polyester interwoven fabrics after padding the reactive dye/disperse dye mixed dyeing solution improves the distribution rate of the disperse dyes on the surface of polyester fibers. Moreover, it promotes the adsorption and penetration of reactive dyes on silk fibers, which significantly improves the color strength of silk/polyester interwoven fabrics. The dyed fabrics exhibit excellent rubbing fastness and washing fastness.

Exploring the relationship between batching treatment and dyeing performance of silk/polyester interwoven fabrics is beneficial to improve the uneven distribution of dyes on the surfaces of the two kinds of fibers during the dyeing process, and can provide a unique solution and theoretical guidance for realizing continuous pad dyeing of silk/polyester interwoven fabrics. It is helpful to develop a short-process clean dyeing method for silk/polyester interwoven fabrics, which has promising application prospects.

Key words: silk; polyester; interwoven fabrics; pad dyeing; batching; reactive dyes; disperse dyes

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