Turkish vendor spreads sweet taste of ice cream in China土耳其小哥在中国的“甜蜜”事业

2022-04-29 20:11:02付冉
疯狂英语·新阅版 2022年5期



Ali Buyuksakalli is a 36yearold ice cream vendor from Turkeys Istanbul City. He has been serving this Turkish ice cream to customers in Chongqing municipality for about a decade.

Turkish ice cream, which has a history of more than 300 years, is a famous Turkish delicacy and one of the most preferred summertime desserts.

Buyuksakalli brought this oneofakind ice cream to China for the first time in 2010 as an exhibitor at the Shanghai World Expo. During that period, he met a beautiful girl from Suzhou. After they got married, they opened their first Turkish ice cream shop in Shanghai. After visiting Chongqing, they fell in love with the citys peaceful pace of life and decided to settle down there in 2011.

As an important partner under the Belt and Road Initiative, Turkey has witnessed increasing trade, cultural and personnel exchanges with China over the years. Chinas continued openingup has made life easier for foreigners living in the country.“Authentic Turkish food and goods from all over the world can be bought here, and I even buy some items online in China and then send them back to Turkey,” Buyuksakalli said.

“China is the first choice for many in Turkey to travel abroad, and I have recruited many people from my hometown to work in China,” Buyuksakalli added.

Buyuksakalli believes that the delicacy has a prosperous future. “I hope my children can continue the sweet business in China in the future,” he said.

Given a chance to interview Alis Buyuksakalli, what questions would you ask him?

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