陈 果,王海鸥,罗 坤,樊建人
陈 果,王海鸥,罗 坤,樊建人
(浙江大学能源清洁利用国家重点实验室,杭州 310027)
采用直接数值模拟方法,选取17组分、73步简化的甲烷化学反应机理,对三维湍流平面甲烷射流火焰倾斜冲击壁面进行了研究. 分析了相同湍流强度、不同Damköhler数的两个算例. 两个算例出现了不同程度的熄火,算例B的熄火现象比算例A更明显. 同时,观察到当量混合分数等值面的凸起结构与火焰熄火现象存在一定关联. 定量分析了火焰面平均曲率与熄火的相关性,发现在剪切流动中熄火区域的平均曲率大于燃烧区域的平均曲率;在壁面附近的熄火区域曲率的大小与壁面熄火模式相关.
图1 计算工况示意
表1 来流的组分浓度
Tab.1 Concentration of species in incoming flow
图2 算例A和算例B的当量混合分数等值面
图3 归一化的曲率在x-y平面上的云图
图4 算例A和算例B中燃烧/熄灭的火焰面上的归一化曲率沿流向的分布
图5 近壁面当量混合分数等值面与火焰面熄火示意
图6 不同流向位置、燃烧/熄火区域的曲率的PDF
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Study of Turbulent Non-Premixed Slot-Jet Flame Obliquely Impinging at Flat Wall Using Direct Numerical Simulation
Chen Guo,Wang Haiou,Luo Kun,Fan Jianren
(State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310027,China)
In this paper, the three-dimensional turbulent planar methane slot-jet flame obliquely impinging at a wall was simulated using direct numerical simulation (DNS), in which a 17-species 73-step reduced mechanism for methane chemical reaction was selected. Two cases (A and B) with the same turbulence intensity but different Damköhler numbers were analyzed. It was observed that the extinction of different degrees occurred in both cases, and the extinction event in Case B was more significant than that in Case A. Meanwhile, the flame extinction event was correlated to the bulge structure on the stoichiometric mixture fraction iso-surface. The correlation between the mean curvature of the flame surface and the extinction event was quantitatively analyzed, and it was found that in the shear layers, the value of mean curvature in the extinction regions was larger than that in the burning regions. In addition, this value in the near-wall extinction region was correlated to the extinction mode.
direct numerical simulation;extinction;curvature
陈 果(1996— ),男,博士研究生,guo_chen@zju.edu.cn.