Gu Ailing Eileen:Olympic Ski Superstar

2022-04-07 13:48供稿王静云
疯狂英语·初中天地 2022年4期


谷爱凌,2022 年冬奥会闪耀的巨星、斯坦福大学的学霸、时尚新宠、滑雪天才。有人说,她是传奇的创造者;有人说,她就是传奇。18 岁的她,拥有各种不同的娴熟技能,创造着一个又一个不可思议。阅读下文,了解更多关于谷爱凌的故事吧。

Gu Ailing Eileen is one of those who seems to do well in everything.From winning three Freestyle Skiing medals at the Lausanne 2020 Winter Youth Olympic Games,two gold medals and one silver medal in Beijing 2022 Olympic Winer Games,two Guinness records to1)gracingthe cover ofVoguemagazine,this part-time model is also a student.Her achievements amazed the world and more and more people become her fans.

1) ɡrace [ɡreɪs] v.使增光

Gu Ailing Eileen was born on September 3rd,2003 in San Francisco,California,the USA.Gu has broken down boundaries on and off the snow.She began to learn skiing at 3 and won the USA Freestyle Junior Group Championship at the age of 9.When she was 14,she won 50 gold medals.Born in California and raised between California and Beijing,Gu chose to represent China to attend the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games,where her mother was born,saying she wanted to inspire a generation of Chinese girls and give them a role model.

At this year’s Winter Olympics,she once again had a wonderful performance.Gu the first ever to win three medals in three different Freestyle Skiing disciplines at Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games,after claiming halfpipe and big air gold,and silver in2)slopestyle.In the competition of Women’s Freestyle Skiing Platform,Gu made an off-axis3)rotationof 1440 degrees.She chose the off-axis rotation of 1080 degrees in her second jump.After two jumps,she scored 182.25 points,ranking third.She challenged herself in the last jump.She slid forward and turned 1620 degrees.Given the highest score of 94.5 points,she won the gold medal.

2) slopestyle [sləʊpstaɪl] n.坡面障碍技巧(一项冬季滑雪运动)

3) rotation [rəʊˈteɪʃn] n.旋转

Gu’s success depends on her hard work.She can only train skiing twice a week at weekends and it takes her four hours going to the ski field.No matter how tired she is after sports,she always hurries to finish her school work.And it took her only two years to finish high school and became the first person in her school history to graduate early.In the Scholastic Assessment Test(SAT),she got 1580 points,only twenty points short of the full score.She was admitted to Stanford University.

“I always believe that sport,especially extreme sport,has no boundaries.It is one of the best vehicles to unite people,4)forgefriendships and push human limits.”she said,“I want to help introduce Free style Skiing to kids in China,where the sport is only just taking off.I get many messages from Chinese kids,saying I’m the reason for them to take up skiing.I know how much it can change a life as it has changed mine.”She encouraged more kids to try this sport.

Balancing her elite career with Ivy League education,the modelling,5)fameand6)sponsorship,she has already proved that she can handle the pressure.She shared the secret of balancing her hobbies and career,that is sleep enough,eat well,love and concentrate.Maybe you can only do one thing a day,but you must do it well.

“It’s about having fun,breaking boundaries,creating miracles.”

“If I can help inspire a young girl to break a boundary,my wishes will have come true.”

“Through skiing,I hope to unite people,promote common understanding,create communication,and forge friendships between nations.”

——Gu Ailing Eileen

4) forɡe [fɔːdʒ] v.缔造

5) fame [feɪm] n.名气

6) sponsorship [ˈspɒnsəʃɪp] n.赞助

谷爱凌似乎是凡事都做得很好的那种人之一。她在2020 年洛桑冬青奥会上获得三枚自由式滑雪奖牌,在2022 年北京冬奥会上获得两枚金牌和一枚银牌,拥有两项吉尼斯纪录并登上Vogue杂志封面,是兼职模特也是一名学生。她的成就令世界惊叹,越来越多的人成为她的粉丝。

谷爱凌,2003 年9 月3 日出生于美国加利福尼亚州旧金山。谷爱凌已多次打破了雪上和雪下的界限。她3 岁开始学习滑雪,9 岁获得全美自由式滑雪少年组冠军。她14 岁时已经拥有50 枚金牌。在加州出生并在加州、北京两地长大的谷爱凌选择代表中国队参加2022 年北京冬奥会。中国,是她的母亲出生的地方,她说她想激励中国女孩,给她们树立榜样。

在今年的冬奥会上,她再次表现出色。谷爱凌是第一个在北京冬奥会自由式滑雪女子三个不同项目中夺得三枚奖牌的运动员,她分别夺得自由式滑雪女子大跳台金牌、自由式滑雪女子U 型场地技巧金牌、自由式滑雪女子坡面障碍技巧银牌。在自由式滑雪女子大跳台的比赛中,谷爱凌取得了成功。第一跳时,她空中旋转1440 度。第二跳时,她选择了旋转1080 度。两跳后,她得了182.25 分,排名第三。她在最后一跳挑战自己,她向前滑行,空中旋转1620 度,喜获最高分94.50 分,获得了金牌。

谷爱凌的成功依靠的是她的努力。她只能每周周末训练两次滑雪,去滑雪场要花四个小时。不管她运动后多累,她总是赶着完成学业。她只用了两年的时间就完成了高中学业,成为他们学校历史上第一个提前毕业的人。在美国高中毕业生学术能力水平考试中,谷爱凌考了1580 分,离满分仅差20 分。她被斯坦福大学录取了。






