文/ 贾从永
Suppose you are planning a campus food festival.Write an email to the international students in your university.
1) introduce the food festival;2) invite them to participate.
You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.
Do not sign your own name at the end of the email.Use “Zhang Wei”instead.
Do not write the address.(10 points)
2022 年考研英语(二)的小作文假设考生正在策划一次校园美食节,要求考生给他们大学的外国留学生写一封电子邮件,介绍一下这次美食节并邀请留学生参加。电子邮件的格式与书信相同,从称呼开始写起。称呼要顶格写,后面用逗号。由于邮件是写给外国留学生这个群体的,称呼不妨写Dear friends。
这封电子邮件的正文可以写成三段。由于这是一封公务信函,第一段可以先介绍自己的身份,接着表明写这封邮件的目的:邀请对方参加校园美食节。这样我们就完成了题目中所规定的第二项交际任务(邀请留学生参加)。第二段要完成题目中第一项交际任务:介绍这次校园美食文化节。我们这时可以自由发挥,如介绍一下这次美食节的时间、地点和具体安排等。顺便说一句,如果写作指令中规定了好几项交际任务,这几项任务在书信中都要有着落,但同时也要重点突出,主次分明。我们一般选择容易展开的那一项作为重点内容来写。第三段再次邀请外国留学生参加这次校园美食节。这封电子邮件的最后是署名,写在正文下方中间偏右的位置,一般分两行书写,上一行可写Yours sincerely,下一行写Zhang Wei,上下对齐。下面请看参考范文:
Dear friends,
I am the President of the Students’Union of Shanghai University.I am writing to invite you to participate in the campus food festival to be held next Saturday.
The event will take place in the No.4 Canteen from 18 p.m.to 20 p.m.on January 2,2022.A number of famous brands,such as Beijing Roast Duck,Goubuli Stuffed Bun and Yang’s Dumpling,will attend the festival.So it is a great opportunity for you to taste a variety of delicacies from many parts of China.
You are most welcome to the food festival.There will be 100 free vouchers available at the reception desk.First come,first served.
Yours sincerely,
Zhang Wei(117 words)
Write an essay based on the chart below.In your writing, you should
1) interpret the chart, and
2) give your comments.
You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET.(15 points)
2022 年考研英语(二)的大作文继续考图表作文,而且是继2010、2011、2013、2014、2019、2021 年之后第七次考柱状图。作为历年来被考得最多的一种图表,柱状图的特点是形象直观,一目了然。我们要写好这篇图表作文,首先要仔细观察图表,找出图表中的变化趋势。图表的标题为我们准确理解图表提供了重要线索,因此看图先看题。这幅图表的标题告诉我们,它反映的是2018 年至2020 年间我国快递业务量的变化情况。我们再结合三组柱状图可以看出:从2018到2020 年,我国的快递业务无论是总量还是在农村地区均呈迅速增加的趋势。
我们可以把这篇图表作文写成三个段落。第一段完成写作指令中的第一项任务:interpret the chart。既然是解释(interpret),就不能仅仅把图表描述(describe)一番。因此我们在开始描述图表之前,最好先用一句话概括出图表的内容,然后引用图表中的数据作为支撑。我们在描述图表时要尽量选用意思具体的下义词,还要注意措辞的变化。第二段完成写作指令中的第二项任务:give your comments,即对图表中所反映的趋势做出评论。我们一般从分析原因的角度展开评论。就本文而言,我们可以分析中国快递业务量迅速增加的原因。分析原因没有标准答案,因此考生可以根据自己的知识储备自由发挥,只要能自圆其说即可。比如,我们可以首先指出随着互联网的兴起,中国电子商务异军突起,导致了快递业务量迅速增加。其次,政府制定了各种优惠的政策。比如,为了发展经济和促进就业,各级政府出台了很多激励措施,如在农村地区消除最后一公里快递障碍等。这样我们就从两个方面解释了中国的快递业务量增加的原因。
The bar graph above demonstrates the rapid growth in the express deliveryvolume in China from 2018 to 2020.The country had 51 billion parcels delivered through express delivery in 2018.This figure jumped to 83 billion in 2020.In the same period,the volume of express delivery in rural areas surged from 12 billion pieces to 30 billion.
Two factors are behind the boom in China’s express delivery industry.The first is the fast-developing e-commerce in China.With the rise of the Internet,online shopping has been growing by leaps and bounds,leading to the rapid growth in express delivery volume.Another factor at work is the favourable policies.To develop the economy and promote employment,governments at all levels took effective measures,such as breaking the“last mile”delivery barrier in rural areas,significantly boosting the business of couriers.
Apart from creating jobs and making things convenient for the people,express delivery services play an important role in promoting China’s economy.It is advised that the government implement appropriate policies to ensure the healthy development of the industry.(180 words)
1.This figure jumped to 83 billion in 2020.这一数字在2020 年跃增到830亿。jump to 跃增到。
2.Two factors are behind the boom in China’s express delivery industry.两个因素造成中国快递业的繁荣。behind 是……产生(或发展)的原因。boom (贸易和经济活动的)繁荣。
3.With the rise of the Internet, online shopping has been growing by leaps and bounds, leading to the rapid growth in express delivery volume.随着因特网的兴起,网购迅速发展,导致快递量的迅速增长。by leaps and bounds 非常迅速地(改善或增长)。leading to … 是现在分词短语做状语,表示结果。
4.Another factor at work is the favourable policies.另一个起作用的因素是优惠的政策。at work 起作用。
5.It is advised that the government implement appropriate policies to ensure the healthy development of the industry.建议政府实行适当的政策,以确保这一产业的健康发展。It is advised that 是一个提建议的常用句型,后面的从句用虚拟语气,从句的谓语由should 加动词原形构成,should 也可以省略。□